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PlasticOpsGeneric.hpp File Reference

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struct  PlasticOps::OpCalculatePlasticSurfaceImpl< DIM, GAUSS, DomainEleOp >
 [Auxiliary functions functions More...
struct  PlasticOps::OpCalculatePlasticityImpl< DIM, GAUSS, DomainEleOp >
struct  PlasticOps::OpPlasticStressImpl< DIM, GAUSS, DomainEleOp >
struct  PlasticOps::OpCalculatePlasticFlowRhsImpl< DIM, GAUSS, AssemblyDomainEleOp >
 [Calculate stress] More...
struct  PlasticOps::OpCalculateConstraintsRhsImpl< GAUSS, AssemblyDomainEleOp >
struct  PlasticOps::OpCalculatePlasticFlowLhs_dEPImpl< DIM, GAUSS, AssemblyDomainEleOp >
struct  PlasticOps::OpCalculateConstraintsLhs_dUImpl< DIM, GAUSS, AssemblyDomainEleOp >
struct  PlasticOps::OpCalculatePlasticFlowLhs_dTAUImpl< DIM, GAUSS, AssemblyDomainEleOp >
struct  PlasticOps::OpCalculateConstraintsLhs_dEPImpl< DIM, GAUSS, AssemblyDomainEleOp >
struct  PlasticOps::OpCalculateConstraintsLhs_dTAUImpl< GAUSS, AssemblyDomainEleOp >




template<int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::diff_tensor (FTensor::Number< DIM >)
 [Lambda functions] More...
template<int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::symm_L_tensor (FTensor::Number< DIM >)
template<int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::diff_symmetrize (FTensor::Number< DIM >)
template<typename T >
double PlasticOps::trace (FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T, 2 > &t_stress)
template<typename T >
double PlasticOps::trace (FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T, 3 > &t_stress)
template<typename T , int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::deviator (FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T, DIM > &t_stress, double trace, FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< double, DIM > &t_alpha, FTensor::Number< DIM >)
template<typename T >
auto PlasticOps::deviator (FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T, 2 > &t_stress, double trace, FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< double, 2 > &&t_alpha)
template<typename T >
auto PlasticOps::deviator (FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T, 3 > &t_stress, double trace, FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< double, 3 > &&t_alpha)
template<int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::diff_deviator (FTensor::Ddg< double, DIM, DIM > &&t_diff_stress, FTensor::Number< DIM >)
auto PlasticOps::diff_deviator (FTensor::Ddg< double, 2, 2 > &&t_diff_stress)
auto PlasticOps::diff_deviator (FTensor::Ddg< double, 3, 3 > &&t_diff_stress)
double PlasticOps::platsic_surface (FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< double, 3 > &&t_stress_deviator)
template<int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::plastic_flow (long double f, FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< double, 3 > &&t_dev_stress, FTensor::Ddg< double, 3, DIM > &&t_diff_deviator)
template<typename T , int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::diff_plastic_flow_dstress (long double f, FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T, DIM > &t_flow, FTensor::Ddg< double, 3, DIM > &&t_diff_deviator)
template<typename T , int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::diff_plastic_flow_dstrain (FTensor::Ddg< T, DIM, DIM > &t_D, FTensor::Ddg< double, DIM, DIM > &&t_diff_plastic_flow_dstress)
double PlasticOps::constrian_sign (double x, double dt)
double PlasticOps::constrain_abs (double x, double dt)
double PlasticOps::w (double eqiv, double dot_tau, double f, double sigma_y, double sigma_Y)
double PlasticOps::constraint (double eqiv, double dot_tau, double f, double sigma_y, double abs_w, double vis_H, double sigma_Y)
double PlasticOps::diff_constrain_ddot_tau (double sign, double eqiv, double dot_tau, double vis_H, double sigma_Y)
double PlasticOps::diff_constrain_deqiv (double sign, double eqiv, double dot_tau, double sigma_Y)
auto PlasticOps::diff_constrain_df (double sign)
auto PlasticOps::diff_constrain_dsigma_y (double sign)
template<typename T , int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::diff_constrain_dstress (double diff_constrain_df, FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T, DIM > &t_plastic_flow)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::diff_constrain_dstrain (T1 &t_D, T2 &&t_diff_constrain_dstress)
template<typename T , int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::equivalent_strain_dot (FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T, DIM > &t_plastic_strain_dot)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , int DIM>
auto PlasticOps::diff_equivalent_strain_dot (const T1 eqiv, T2 &t_plastic_strain_dot, T3 &t_diff_plastic_strain, FTensor::Number< DIM >)
static auto PlasticOps::get_mat_tensor_sym_dvector (size_t rr, MatrixDouble &mat, FTensor::Number< 2 >)
 [Lambda functions] More...
static auto PlasticOps::get_mat_tensor_sym_dvector (size_t rr, MatrixDouble &mat, FTensor::Number< 3 >)
static auto PlasticOps::get_mat_tensor_sym_dtensor_sym (size_t rr, MatrixDouble &mat, FTensor::Number< 2 >)
static auto PlasticOps::get_mat_tensor_sym_dtensor_sym (size_t rr, MatrixDouble &mat, FTensor::Number< 3 >)
static auto PlasticOps::get_mat_tensor_sym_dscalar (size_t rr, MatrixDouble &mat, FTensor::Number< 2 >)
static auto PlasticOps::get_mat_tensor_sym_dscalar (size_t rr, MatrixDouble &mat, FTensor::Number< 3 >)
auto PlasticOps::get_mat_scalar_dtensor_sym (MatrixDouble &mat, FTensor::Number< 2 >)
auto PlasticOps::get_mat_scalar_dtensor_sym (MatrixDouble &mat, FTensor::Number< 3 >)