3 brick x 0.27 y 0.1 z 0.1
4 webcut volume 1 with plane xplane offset 0.1225 noimprint merge
5 webcut volume 2 with plane xplane offset -0.1225 noimprint merge
6 webcut volume 2 with plane xplane offset 0 noimprint merge
7 webcut volume 2 with plane xplane offset 0.0025 noimprint merge
8 webcut volume 4 with plane xplane offset -0.0025 noimprint merge
10 sweep surface 51 perpendicular distance 0.0025
14 create Cylinder height 0.3 radius 0.0305
15 rotate Volume 7 angle 45 about X include_merged
16 move Volume 7 midpoint location curve 91 include_merged
17 chop volume 6 with volume 7
18 webcut volume 8 with plane xplane offset 0 noimprint nomerge
26 block 1 name "MAT_ELASTIC_Graphite"
27 block 1 attribute count 10
28 #Elastic modulus E = 10.9GPa
29 #Poisson's ratio v = 0.2
30 #block 1 attribute index 1 1.09e+10
31 block 1 attribute index 1 109
32 block 1 attribute index 2 0.2
34 #Apply displacement bcs
35 create Displacement on curve 31 dof 1 dof 2 dof 3 fix 0.0
36 create displacement on curve 14 dof 2 dof 3 fix 0.0
39 #Apply pressure with magnitude = F/(pad_w x pad_l)
40 #F = 18kN, pad_w = 0.005m, pad_l = 0.100m
42 create pressure on surface 51 magnitude 0.36000000
44 #Create Block Set with Vertices to ploat load-disp. path
45 block 2 vertex 52 51 49 50
46 block 2 name 'LoadPath'
48 #Create nodesets and sidesets for fracture constraints
51 sideset 100 curve 115 113 121 119 112 111 110 remove
54 nodeset 101 vertex all
55 nodeset 101 vertex 60 56 55 59 remove
58 sideset 102 surface all
59 sideset 102 surface 76 70 72 7 17 remove
62 sideset 200 surface 70
68 volume all scheme tetmesh
69 volume all size auto factor 7
70 #volume 8 10 size auto factor 8
71 #!Mesh Crack Surface (those elemenst are streched)
72 surface 70 size auto factor 7
78 save as "/Users/likask/MyBuild/mofem-bitbucket/mofem/meshes/T3_horiz_assym.cub" overwrite