Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NFTensorJSON compatible output
 NMinimalSurfaceEquationMinimal surface equation
 NMoFEMImplementation of Data Operators for Forces and Sources
 C UserDataOperator
 CAddFluxToLhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxLhsImpl< BoundaryBCs, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToLhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxLhsImpl< ContactOps::BoundaryBCs, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToLhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxLhsImpl< ElasticExample::SpringBcType< BCTYPE >, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToLhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxLhsImpl< PlasticOps::BoundaryBCs, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToLhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxLhsImpl< ThermoElasticOps::SetTargetTemperature, 1, 1, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< BoundaryBCs, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< ContactOps::BoundaryBCs, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< ContactOps::DomainBCs, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< DomainBCs, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< ElasticExample::FluidLevelType< BCTYPE >, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< ElasticExample::SpringBcType< BCTYPE >, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< PlasticOps::BoundaryBCs, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< PlasticOps::DomainBCs, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase >
 CAnalyticalDirichletBCAnalytical Dirichlet boundary conditions
 CApproxFieldFunction< 1 >Third order polynomial used for testing
 CApproxFieldFunctionDerivative< 1 >Third order polynomial used for testing
 CApproxFunctionsImpl< 2 >
 CApproxFunctionsImpl< 3 >
 CArcLengthCtxStore variables for ArcLength analysis
 CArcLengthMatShellShell matrix for arc-length method
 CBasicBoundaryConditionsInterfaceSet of functions declaring elements and setting operators for basic boundary conditions interface
 CBodyForceConstantFieldBody forces elements
 CBoundaryEleOpStabElement used to specialise assembly
 CConstrainMatrixCtxStructure for projection matrices
 CConvectiveMassElementStructure grouping operators and data used for calculation of mass (convective) element
 CDataFromBcData from Cubit blocksets
 CDirichletDisplacementBcSet Dirichlet boundary conditions on displacements
 CDirichletDisplacementRemoveDofsBcSet Dirichlet boundary conditions on displacements by removing dofs
 CDirichletFixFieldAtEntitiesBcFix dofs on entities
 CDirichletSetFieldFromBlockWithFlagsAdd boundary conditions form block set having 6 attributes
 CDirichletSpatialPositionsBcSet Dirichlet boundary conditions on spatial displacements
 CDirichletSpatialRemoveDofsBcSet Dirichlet boundary conditions on spatial positions by removing dofs
 CDMMGViaApproxOrdersCtxStructure for DM for multi-grid via approximation orders
 CDomainEleOpStabElement used to specialise assembly
 CEdgeForceForce on edges and lines
 CElasticMaterialsManage setting parameters and constitutive equations for nonlinear/linear elastic materials
 CElementsAndOps< 2 >
 CElementsAndOps< 3 >
 CExactFunctionGradExact gradient
 CExactLaplacianFunctionLaplacian of function
 CFaceRuleSet integration rule to boundary elements
 CFieldApproximationH1Finite element for approximating analytical filed on the mesh
 CFluidPressureFluid pressure forces
 CGenericElementInterfaceSet of functions declaring elements and setting operators for generic element interface
 CGenericSlidingImplementation of surface sliding constrains
 CHookeHook equation
 CKelvinVoigtDamperImplementation of Kelvin Voigt Damper
 CMagneticElementImplementation of magneto-static problem (basic Implementation)
 CMetaNeumannForcesSet of high-level function declaring elements and setting operators to apply forces/fluxes
 CMetaSimpleRodElementSet of functions declaring elements and setting operators for simple rod element
 CMetaSpringBCSet of functions declaring elements and setting operators to apply spring boundary condition
 CMethodForForceScalingClass used to scale loads, f.e. in arc-length control
 CMonitor[Push operators to pipeline]
 CMyFunApproxExample approx. function
 CMyOpOperator used to check consistency between local coordinates and global cooridnates for integrated points and evaluated points
 CMyTransportApplication of mix transport data structure
 CNavierStokesElementElement for simulating viscous fluid flow
 CNavierStokesExample[Example Navier Stokes]
 CNeoHookeanNeoHookan equation
 CNeumannForcesSurfaceFinite element and operators to apply force/pressures applied to surfaces
 CNeumannForcesSurfaceComplexForLazyNonLinear surface pressure element (obsolete implementation)
 CNitscheMethodBasic implementation of Nitsche's method
 CNodalForceForce applied to nodes
 CNonlinearElasticElementStructure grouping operators and data used for calculation of nonlinear elastic element
 CNonlinearElasticElementInterfaceSet of functions declaring elements and setting operators for generic element interface
 COpAssembleGAssemble G *
 COpAssembleKAssemble K *
 COpAssemblePAssemble P *
 COpCalculateMassMatrixAssemble mass matrix for elastic element TODO: CHANGE FORMULA *
 COpCalculateSideDataOperator tp collect data from elements on the side of Edge/Face
 COpDomainResidualVectorIntegrate the domain residual vector (RHS)
 COpDomainTangentMatrixIntegrate the domain tangent matrix (LHS)
 COpFluxLhsImpl< ElasticExample::SpringBcType< BLOCKSET >, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, GAUSS, EleOp >
 COpFluxRhsImpl< ElasticExample::FluidLevelType< BLOCKSET >, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, GAUSS, EleOp >
 COpFluxRhsImpl< ElasticExample::SpringBcType< BLOCKSET >, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, GAUSS, EleOp >
 COpH1LhsSkeletonOperator the left hand side matrix
 COpPostProcMapPost post-proc data at points from hash maps
 COpSimpleRodKAssemble contribution of SimpleRod element to LHS *
 COpSimpleRodPreStressAdd ROD pre-stress to the RHS *
 COpVolumeSetOperator set cache stored data, in this example, global indices, but it can be any structure
 COpVolumeTestTest if cached data can be accessed, and check consistency of data
 CPCArcLengthCtxStructure for Arc Length pre-conditioner
 CPCMGSetUpViaApproxOrdersCtxSet data structures of MG pre-conditioner via approximation orders
 CPeriodicNitscheConstrainsPeriodic Nitsche method
 CPostProcCommonOnRefMeshSet of operators and data structures used for post-processing
 CPostProcEdgeOnRefinedMeshPostprocess on edge
 CPostProcEleByDim< 2 >
 CPostProcEleByDim< 3 >
 CPostProcFaceOnRefinedMeshPostprocess on face
 CPostProcFaceOnRefinedMeshFor2DPostprocess 2d face elements
 CPostProcFatPrismOnRefinedMeshPostprocess on prism
 CPostProcHookStressOperator post-procesing stresses for Hook isotropic material
 CPostProcTemplateOnRefineMeshGeneric post-processing class
 CPostProcVolumeOnRefinedMeshPost processing
 CReactionsCalculate reactions from vector of internal forces on meshsets
 CSetUpSchur[Push operators to pipeline]
 CSimpleContactProblemSet of functions declaring elements and setting operators to apply contact conditions between surfaces with matching meshes
 CSmallStrainJ2PlasticityJ2 plasticity (Kinematic Isotropic (Linear) Hardening)
 CSmallStrainParaboloidalPlasticitySmall strain plasticity with paraboloidal yield criterion (Isotropic Hardening)
 CSmallStrainPlasticitySmall strain finite element implementation
 CSmallStrainTranverslyIsotropicHook equation
 CSomeUserPolynomialBaseClass used to calculate base functions at integration points
 CSphericalArcLengthControlImplementation of spherical arc-length method
 CSurfaceSlidingConstrainsShape preserving constrains, i.e. nodes sliding on body surface
 CThermalElementStructure grouping operators and data used for thermal problems
 CThermalStressElementImplentation of thermal stress element
 CTimeForceScaleForce scale operator for reading two columns
 CTSPrePostProcSet of functions called by PETSc solver used to refine and update mesh
 CVolRuleSet integration rule
 CVolumeCalculationCalculate volume
 CVolumeLengthQualityVolume Length Quality
 CZeroFLmabdaZero F_lambda