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1 reset
3 #Geometry
4 brick x 5 y 10 z 1
5 create cylinder height 1 radius 1
6 webcut volume 2 with plane yplane imprint merge
7 chop volume 1 with volume 2
8 chop volume 5 with volume 3
9 imprint all
10 merge all
11 color Volume all win2kgray
13 #Material properties
14 block 1 volume all
15 block 1 name "MAT_ELASTIC1"
16 block 1 attribute count 10
17 block 1 attribute index 1 1000
18 block 1 attribute index 2 0.3
20 #Create nodesets and sidesets for fracture constraints
21 sideset 100 curve 2 11 8 12 1 5 7 3 4 6 9 10
22 nodeset 101 vertex 8 5 2 3 4 7 6 1
23 sideset 102 surface all
24 sideset 102 surface 16 18 12 remove
26 sideset 200 surface 18
27 sideset 201 curve 27 29
29 #Boundary conditions and loads
30 create pressure on surface 5 magnitude -1 bottom
31 create pressure on surface 3 magnitude -1 bottom
32 create displacement on vertex 4 dof 1 dof 2 dof 3 fix
33 create displacement on vertex 1 dof 2 dof 3 fix
34 create displacement on vertex 3 dof 3 fix
36 #Meshing
37 volume all scheme tetmesh
38 volume all size auto factor 6
39 mesh volume 4
40 mesh volume 6
41 mesh volume 7