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TsCtx.cpp File Reference

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 implementation of Data Operators for Forces and Sources


PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TsSetIFunction (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec u_t, Vec F, void *ctx)
 Set IFunction for TS solver. More...
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TsSetIJacobian (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec u_t, PetscReal a, Mat A, Mat B, void *ctx)
 Set function evaluating jacobian in TS solver. More...
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TsMonitorSet (TS ts, PetscInt step, PetscReal t, Vec u, void *ctx)
 Set monitor for TS solver. More...
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TsSetRHSFunction (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec F, void *ctx)
 TS solver function. More...
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TsSetRHSJacobian (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Mat A, Mat B, void *ctx)
 TS solver function. More...
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TsSetI2Jacobian (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec u_t, Vec u_tt, PetscReal a, PetscReal aa, Mat A, Mat B, void *ctx)
 Calculation Jacobian for second order PDE in time. More...
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TsSetI2Function (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec u_t, Vec u_tt, Vec F, void *ctx)
 Calculation the right hand side for second order PDE in time. More...
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TSAdaptChooseMoFEM (TSAdapt adapt, TS ts, PetscReal h, PetscInt *next_sc, PetscReal *next_h, PetscBool *accept, PetscReal *wlte, PetscReal *wltea, PetscReal *wlter)
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TSAdaptResetMoFEM (TSAdapt adapt)
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TSAdaptDestroyMoFEM (TSAdapt adapt)
PetscErrorCode MoFEM::TSAdaptCreateMoFEM (TSAdapt adapt)
 Craete MOFEM adapt. More...