struct | AccelerationCubitBcData |
| Definition of the acceleration bc data structure. More...
struct | AddEssentialToLhsPipelineImpl |
| Function (factory) for setting operators for lhs pipeline. More...
struct | AddEssentialToLhsPipelineImpl< OpEssentialLhsImpl< DisplacementCubitBcData, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddEssentialToLhsPipelineImpl< OpEssentialLhsImpl< HeatFluxCubitBcData, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddEssentialToLhsPipelineImpl< OpEssentialLhsImpl< MPCsType, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddEssentialToRhsPipelineImpl |
| Function (factory) for setting operators for rhs pipeline. More...
struct | AddEssentialToRhsPipelineImpl< OpEssentialRhsImpl< DisplacementCubitBcData, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddEssentialToRhsPipelineImpl< OpEssentialRhsImpl< HeatFluxCubitBcData, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddEssentialToRhsPipelineImpl< OpEssentialRhsImpl< MPCsType, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddFluxToLhsPipelineImpl |
struct | AddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl |
struct | AddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< MoFEM::OpFluxRhsImpl< ThermoElasticOps::SetTargetTemperature, 1, 1, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalForceMeshsets, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalForceMeshsetsScalarAndVectorScaling, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< BCTYPE >, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetTypeVectorScaling< BCTYPE >, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddFluxToRhsPipelineImpl< OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalTemperatureMeshsets, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase >, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | AddHOOps |
| Add operators pushing bases from local to physical configuration. More...
struct | AddHOOps< 1, 2, 2 > |
struct | AddHOOps< 1, 3, 3 > |
struct | AddHOOps< 2, 2, 2 > |
struct | AddHOOps< 2, 2, 3 > |
struct | AddHOOps< 2, 3, 3 > |
struct | AddHOOps< 3, 3, 3 > |
struct | AinsworthOrderHooks |
| Broken base Ainsworth subentries order change hooks. More...
struct | AssemblyTypeSelector |
struct | BaseFunction |
| Base class if inherited used to calculate base functions. More...
struct | BaseFunctionCtx |
| Base class used to exchange data between element data structures and class calculating base functions. More...
struct | BaseFunctionUnknownInterface |
struct | BasicEntityData |
| PipelineManager data. like access to moab interface and basic tag handlers. More...
struct | BasicMethod |
| Data structure to exchange data between mofem and User Loop Methods. More...
struct | BasicMethodPtr |
struct | BcDisplacementMeshsetType |
struct | BcFluxMeshsetType |
struct | BcForceMeshsetType |
struct | BcManager |
| Simple interface for fast problem set-up. More...
struct | BcMeshsetType |
struct | BcScalarMeshsetType |
struct | BernsteinBezier |
| Evaluating BB polynomial. More...
struct | BitFEId_mi_tag |
struct | BitFieldId_mi_tag |
struct | BitFieldId_space_mi_tag |
struct | BitProblemId_mi_tag |
struct | BitRefManager |
| Managing BitRefLevels. More...
struct | Block_BodyForces |
| Body force data structure. More...
struct | BlockData |
struct | BlockSetAttributes |
| Arbitrary block attributes data structure. More...
struct | BlockStructure |
struct | BrokenBaseSideData |
struct | CfgCubitBcData |
| Definition of the cfd_bc data structure. More...
struct | CommInterface |
| Managing BitRefLevels. More...
struct | ComposedProblemsData |
struct | Composite_Cubit_msId_And_MeshsetType_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Ent_And_EntDofIdx_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Ent_and_ShortId_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Ent_Order_And_CoeffIdx_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_EntType_and_ParentEntType_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_EntType_and_Space_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Name_And_Ent_And_EntDofIdx_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Name_And_Ent_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Name_And_Part_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Name_Ent_And_Part_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Name_Ent_Order_And_CoeffIdx_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_ParentEnt_And_BitsOfRefinedEdges_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_ParentEnt_And_EntType_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Part_And_Order_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_SeriesID_And_Step_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_SeriesName_And_Step_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_SeriesName_And_Time_mi_tag |
struct | Composite_Unique_mi_tag |
struct | ConstrainMatrixCtx |
| structure for projection matrices More...
struct | ContactPrismElementForcesAndSourcesCore |
| ContactPrism finite element. More...
struct | CoreInterface |
| Interface. More...
struct | CoreTmp |
struct | CoreTmp< 0 > |
| Core (interface) class. More...
struct | CoreTmp<-1 > |
struct | CoreValue |
struct | CreateRowCompressedADJMatrix |
| Create compressed matrix. More...
struct | CubitMeshsetMaskedType_mi_tag |
struct | CubitMeshSets |
| this struct keeps basic methods for moab meshset about material and boundary conditions More...
struct | CubitMeshSets_change_add_bit_to_cubit_bc_type |
| change meshset type More...
struct | CubitMeshSets_change_attributes |
struct | CubitMeshSets_change_attributes_data_structure |
struct | CubitMeshSets_change_bc_data_structure |
struct | CubitMeshSets_change_name |
| change meshset name More...
struct | CubitMeshsets_name |
struct | CubitMeshsetType_mi_tag |
| MultiIndex Tag for field id. More...
struct | CutMeshInterface |
| Interface to cut meshes. More...
struct | DataOperator |
| base operator to do operations at Gauss Pt. level More...
struct | DefaultElementAdjacency |
| default adjacency map More...
struct | DeprecatedCoreInterface |
| Deprecated interface functions. More...
struct | DerivedEntitiesFieldData |
| this class derive data form other data structure More...
struct | DeterminantTensorImpl |
struct | DeterminantTensorImpl< T, 2 > |
struct | DeterminantTensorImpl< T, 3 > |
struct | DiagBlockIndex |
struct | DisplacementCubitBcData |
| Definition of the displacement bc data structure. More...
struct | DisplacementCubitBcDataWithRotation |
| A specialized version of DisplacementCubitBcData that includes an additional rotation offset. More...
struct | DMCtx |
| PETSc Discrete Manager data structure. More...
struct | DMCtxImpl |
struct | DMMGViaApproxOrdersCtx |
| Structure for DM for multi-grid via approximation orders. More...
struct | DOF_Unique_mi_tag |
struct | DofEntity |
| keeps information about DOF on the entity More...
struct | DofEntity_active_change |
struct | DofMethod |
| Data structure to exchange data between mofem and User Loop Methods on entities. More...
struct | EdgeElementForcesAndSourcesCore |
| Edge finite element. More...
struct | EdgeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnChildParent |
| Base face element used to integrate on skeleton. More...
struct | EdgePolynomialBase |
| Calculate base functions on tetrahedral. More...
struct | Ent_Ent_mi_tag |
struct | Ent_FiniteElement_mi_tag |
struct | Ent_mi_tag |
struct | Ent_Owner_mi_tag |
struct | Ent_ParallelStatus |
struct | EntDofIdx_mi_tag |
struct | EntFiniteElement |
| Finite element data for entity. More...
struct | EntitiesFieldData |
| data structure for finite element entity More...
struct | EntityCacheDofs |
struct | EntityCacheNumeredDofs |
struct | EntityMethod |
| Data structure to exchange data between mofem and User Loop Methods on entities. More...
struct | EntityStorage |
struct | EntPolynomialBaseCtx |
| Class used to pass element data to calculate base functions on tet,triangle,edge. More...
struct | EntType_mi_tag |
struct | EqBit |
struct | EssentialBC |
| Essential boundary conditions. More...
struct | EssentialBcStorage |
| [Storage and set boundary conditions] More...
struct | EssentialPostProcLhs |
| Class (Function) to enforce essential constrains on the left hand side diagonal. More...
struct | EssentialPostProcLhs< DisplacementCubitBcData > |
| Specialization for DisplacementCubitBcData. More...
struct | EssentialPostProcLhs< MPCsType > |
| Specialization for MPCsType. More...
struct | EssentialPostProcRhs |
| Class (Function) to enforce essential constrains on the right hand side diagonal. More...
struct | EssentialPostProcRhs< DisplacementCubitBcData > |
| Specialization for DisplacementCubitBcData. More...
struct | EssentialPostProcRhs< MPCsType > |
| Specialization for DisplacementCubitBcData. More...
struct | EssentialPreProc |
| Class (Function) to enforce essential constrains. More...
struct | EssentialPreProc< DisplacementCubitBcData > |
| Specialization for DisplacementCubitBcData. More...
struct | EssentialPreProc< MPCsType > |
| Type generating multipoint constraints. More...
struct | EssentialPreProc< TemperatureCubitBcData > |
| Specialization for TemperatureCubitBcData. More...
struct | EssentialPreProcReaction |
| Class (Function) to calculate residual side diagonal. More...
struct | EssentialPreProcReaction< DisplacementCubitBcData > |
| Specialization for DisplacementCubitBcData. More...
struct | FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCore |
| Face finite element. More...
struct | FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnChildParent |
| Base face element used to integrate on skeleton. More...
struct | FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnChildParentSwitch |
struct | FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnSide |
| Base face element used to integrate on skeleton. More...
struct | FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnSideSwitch |
struct | FatPrismElementForcesAndSourcesCore |
| FatPrism finite element. More...
struct | FatPrismPolynomialBase |
| Calculate base functions on tetrahedral. More...
struct | FatPrismPolynomialBaseCtx |
| Class used to pass element data to calculate base functions on fat prism. More...
struct | FE_Unique_mi_tag |
struct | FEDofEntity |
| keeps information about indexed dofs for the finite element More...
struct | FEEnt_mi_tag |
struct | FEMethod |
| structure for User Loop Methods on finite elements More...
struct | FENumeredDofEntity |
| keeps information about indexed dofs for the finite element More...
struct | Field |
| Provide data structure for (tensor) field approximation. More...
struct | FieldBlas |
| Basic algebra on fields. More...
struct | FieldEntity |
| Struct keeps handle to entity in the field. More...
struct | FieldEntity_change_order |
| structure to change FieldEntity order More...
struct | FieldEntityEntFiniteElementAdjacencyMap |
| FieldEntityEntFiniteElementAdjacencyMap of mofem finite element and entities. More...
struct | FieldEntityEntFiniteElementAdjacencyMap_change_ByWhat |
struct | FieldEvaluatorInterface |
| Field evaluator interface. More...
struct | FieldName_mi_tag |
| MultiIndex Tag for field name. More...
struct | FieldSeries |
| Structure for recording (time) series. More...
struct | FieldSeriesStep |
| Structure for keeping time and step. More...
struct | FiniteElement |
| Finite element definition. More...
struct | FiniteElement_change_bit_add |
| Add field to data. More...
struct | FiniteElement_change_bit_off |
| Unset field from data. More...
struct | FiniteElement_change_bit_reset |
| Reset field from data. More...
struct | FiniteElement_col_change_bit_add |
| Add field to column. More...
struct | FiniteElement_col_change_bit_off |
| Unset field from column. More...
struct | FiniteElement_col_change_bit_reset |
| Reset field from column. More...
struct | FiniteElement_Meshset_mi_tag |
struct | FiniteElement_name_mi_tag |
struct | FiniteElement_row_change_bit_add |
| Add field to row. More...
struct | FiniteElement_row_change_bit_off |
| Unset field from row. More...
struct | FiniteElement_row_change_bit_reset |
| Reset field from row. More...
struct | FlatPrismElementForcesAndSourcesCore |
| FlatPrism finite element. More...
struct | FlatPrismPolynomialBase |
| Calculate base functions on tetrahedral. More...
struct | FlatPrismPolynomialBaseCtx |
| Class used to pass element data to calculate base functions on flat prism. More...
struct | FluxOpType |
| Wrapper to generate natural b.c. specialisation based on operator type. More...
struct | ForceCubitBcData |
| Definition of the force bc data structure. More...
struct | ForcesAndSourcesCore |
| structure to get information form mofem into EntitiesFieldData More...
struct | FormsIntegrators |
| Integrator forms. More...
struct | GenericAttributeData |
| Generic attribute data structure. More...
struct | GenericCubitBcData |
| Generic bc data structure. More...
struct | GetFTensor0FromVecImpl |
struct | GetFTensor1FromArray |
struct | GetFTensor1FromArray< 1, S > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromArray< 2, S > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromArray< 3, S > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromArray< 4, S > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromArray< 6, S > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromArray< 9, S > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromMatImpl |
struct | GetFTensor1FromMatImpl< 1, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromMatImpl< 2, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromMatImpl< 3, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromMatImpl< 4, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromMatImpl< 6, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromMatImpl< 9, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromPtrImpl |
struct | GetFTensor1FromPtrImpl< 1, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromPtrImpl< 2, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromPtrImpl< 3, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromPtrImpl< 4, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor1FromPtrImpl< 6, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromArrayImpl |
| Get FTensor2 from array. More...
struct | GetFTensor2FromArrayImpl< 2, 2, S, T, L, A > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromArrayImpl< 3, 3, S, T, L, A > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromArrayRawPtrImpl |
struct | GetFTensor2FromArrayRawPtrImpl< 2, 2, T, L, A > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromArrayRawPtrImpl< 3, 3, T, L, A > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromMatImpl |
struct | GetFTensor2FromPtr |
struct | GetFTensor2FromPtr< 1, 1, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromPtr< 1, 2, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromPtr< 1, 3, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromPtr< 2, 2, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromPtr< 3, 2, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromPtr< 3, 3, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor2FromPtr< 6, 6, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor2SymmetricFromMatImpl |
struct | GetFTensor2SymmetricFromMatImpl< 2, S, T, L, A > |
struct | GetFTensor2SymmetricFromMatImpl< 3, S, T, L, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3DgFromMatImpl |
struct | GetFTensor3DgFromMatImpl< 1, 1, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3DgFromMatImpl< 2, 2, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3DgFromMatImpl< 3, 3, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3FromMatImpl |
struct | GetFTensor3FromMatImpl< 1, 1, 1, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3FromMatImpl< 2, 2, 2, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3FromMatImpl< 2, 2, 3, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3FromMatImpl< 3, 2, 2, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3FromMatImpl< 3, 3, 3, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3FromMatImpl< 3, 3, 6, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor3FromMatImpl< 6, 3, 3, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor4DdgFromMatImpl |
struct | GetFTensor4DdgFromMatImpl< 1, 1, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor4DdgFromMatImpl< 2, 2, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor4DdgFromMatImpl< 3, 3, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor4DdgFromPtrImpl |
struct | GetFTensor4DdgFromPtrImpl< 3, 3, S, T > |
struct | GetFTensor4FromMatImpl |
struct | GetFTensor4FromMatImpl< 1, 1, 1, 1, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor4FromMatImpl< 2, 2, 2, 2, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | GetFTensor4FromMatImpl< 3, 3, 3, 3, S, T, ublas::row_major, A > |
struct | HashBit |
struct | HeatFluxCubitBcData |
| Definition of the heat flux bc data structure. More...
struct | HexPolynomialBase |
| Calculate base functions on tetrahedral. More...
struct | Idx_mi_tag |
struct | IdxDataType |
struct | IdxDataTypePtr |
struct | IntegratedJacobiPolynomial |
struct | IntegratedJacobiPolynomialCtx |
struct | interface_DofEntity |
| Interface to DofEntity. More...
struct | interface_EntFiniteElement |
| interface to EntFiniteElement More...
struct | interface_Field |
struct | interface_Field< T, T > |
struct | interface_FieldEntity |
| Interface to FieldEntity. More...
struct | interface_FieldImpl |
| Pointer interface for MoFEM::Field. More...
struct | interface_FieldSeries |
struct | interface_FiniteElement |
struct | interface_FiniteElement< T, T > |
struct | interface_FiniteElementImpl |
| Inetface for FE. More...
struct | interface_RefElement |
| intrface to RefElement More...
struct | interface_RefEntity |
| interface to RefEntity More...
struct | InvertTensorImpl |
struct | InvertTensorImpl< T1, T2, T3, 2 > |
struct | InvertTensorImpl< T1, T2, T3, 3 > |
struct | ISManager |
| Section manager is used to create indexes and sections. More...
struct | JacobiPolynomial |
| Calculating Legendre base functions. More...
struct | JacobiPolynomialCtx |
| Class used to give arguments to Legendre base functions. More...
struct | KernelLobattoPolynomial |
| Calculating Lobatto base functions. More...
struct | KernelLobattoPolynomialCtx |
| Class used to give arguments to Kernel Lobatto base functions. More...
struct | KeyFromKey |
struct | KspCtx |
| Interface for linear (KSP) solver. More...
struct | KspMethod |
| data structure for ksp (linear solver) context More...
struct | LegendrePolynomial |
| Calculating Legendre base functions. More...
struct | LegendrePolynomialCtx |
| Class used to give arguments to Legendre base functions. More...
struct | LobattoPolynomial |
| Calculating Lobatto base functions. More...
struct | LobattoPolynomialCtx |
| Class used to give arguments to Lobatto base functions. More...
struct | LogManager |
| Log manager is used to build and partition problems. More...
struct | LtBit |
struct | Mat_Elastic |
| Elastic material data structure. More...
struct | Mat_Elastic_EberleinHolzapfel1 |
| Mat_Elastic with Fibres. More...
struct | Mat_Elastic_TransIso |
| Transverse Isotropic material data structure. More...
struct | Mat_Interf |
| Linear interface data structure. More...
struct | Mat_Moisture |
| moisture transport material data structure More...
struct | Mat_Thermal |
| Thermal material data structure. More...
struct | MatrixManager |
| Matrix manager is used to build and partition problems. More...
struct | MedInterface |
| Interface for load MED files. More...
struct | MeshRefinement |
| Mesh refinement interface. More...
struct | Meshset_mi_tag |
struct | MeshsetsManager |
| Interface for managing meshsets containing materials and boundary conditions. More...
struct | Modify_change_nothing |
| Do nothing, used to rebuild database. More...
struct | MPCsType |
struct | NaturalBC |
| Natural boundary conditions. More...
struct | NaturalForceMeshsets |
| Type generating specialisation for force meshsets. More...
struct | NaturalForceMeshsetsScalarAndVectorScaling |
| Type generating specialisation for force meshsets. More...
struct | NaturalMeshsetType |
| Type generating natural b.c. specialisations for meshsets. More...
struct | NaturalMeshsetTypeVectorScaling |
struct | NaturalTemperatureMeshsets |
| Type generating specialisation for temperature meshsets. More...
struct | NodeMergerInterface |
| Merge node by collapsing edge between them. More...
struct | NumeredDofEntity |
| keeps information about indexed dofs for the problem More...
struct | NumeredDofEntity_local_idx_change |
struct | NumeredDofEntity_mofem_index_change |
struct | NumeredDofEntity_part_and_all_indices_change |
struct | NumeredDofEntity_part_and_glob_idx_change |
struct | NumeredDofEntity_part_and_indices_change |
struct | NumeredDofEntity_part_and_mofem_glob_idx_change |
struct | NumeredEntFiniteElement |
| Partitioned (Indexed) Finite Element in Problem. More...
struct | NumeredEntFiniteElement_change_part |
| Change finite element part. More...
struct | OpAddParentEntData |
| Operator to project base functions from parent entity to child. More...
struct | OpBaseDerivativesBase |
struct | OpBaseDerivativesMass |
struct | OpBaseDerivativesMass< 1 > |
struct | OpBaseDerivativesMass< 3 > |
struct | OpBaseDerivativesNext |
struct | OpBaseDerivativesNext< 1 > |
| Specialisation for calculate derivatives for scalar base functions. More...
struct | OpBaseDerivativesNext< 3 > |
| Specialisation for calculate derivatives for scalar base functions. More...
struct | OpBaseDerivativesSetHOInvJacobian |
struct | OpBaseDerivativesSetHOInvJacobian< 2 > |
struct | OpBaseImpl |
struct | OpBaseTimesScalarImpl |
struct | OpBaseTimesScalarImpl< 1, S, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpBaseTimesVectorImpl |
struct | OpBaseTimesVectorImpl< 1, FIELD_DIM, S, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpBaseTimesVectorImpl< 3, FIELD_DIM, S, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpBrokenBaseImpl |
struct | OpBrokenLoopSide |
struct | OpBrokenSpaceConstrainDFluxImpl |
struct | OpBrokenSpaceConstrainDFluxImpl< FIELD_DIM, GAUSS, OpBrokenBase > |
struct | OpBrokenSpaceConstrainDHybridImpl |
struct | OpBrokenSpaceConstrainDHybridImpl< FIELD_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpBrokenSpaceConstrainImpl |
struct | OpBrokenSpaceConstrainImpl< FIELD_DIM, GAUSS, OpBrokenBase > |
struct | OpCalcNormL2Tensor0 |
| Get norm of input VectorDouble for Tensor0. More...
struct | OpCalcNormL2Tensor1 |
| Get norm of input MatrixDouble for Tensor1. More...
struct | OpCalcNormL2Tensor2 |
| Get norm of input MatrixDouble for Tensor2. More...
struct | OpCalculateDivergenceVectorFieldValues |
| Calculate field values (template specialization) for tensor field rank 1, i.e. vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateHcurlVectorCurl |
| Calculate curl of vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateHcurlVectorCurl< 1, 2 > |
| Calculate curl of vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateHcurlVectorCurl< 1, 3 > |
| Calculate curl of vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateHcurlVectorCurl< 3, 3 > |
| Calculate curl of vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateHdivVectorDivergence |
| Calculate divergence of vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateHdivVectorDivergenceDot |
| Calculate divergence of vector field dot. More...
struct | OpCalculateHOCoords |
| Calculate HO coordinates at gauss points. More...
struct | OpCalculateHOJac |
struct | OpCalculateHOJac< 2 > |
struct | OpCalculateHOJac< 3 > |
struct | OpCalculateHOJacForFaceImpl |
| Calculate jacobian for face element. More...
struct | OpCalculateHOJacForFaceImpl< 2 > |
struct | OpCalculateHOJacForFaceImpl< 3 > |
struct | OpCalculateHOJacForVolume |
| Calculate jacobian on Hex or other volume which is not simplex. More...
struct | OpCalculateHTensorTensorField |
| Calculate tenor field using tensor base, i.e. Hdiv/Hcurl. More...
struct | OpCalculateHVecTensorDivergence |
| Calculate divergence of tonsorial field using vectorial base. More...
struct | OpCalculateHVecTensorField |
| Calculate tenor field using vectorial base, i.e. Hdiv/Hcurl. More...
struct | OpCalculateHVecTensorTrace |
| Calculate trace of vector (Hdiv/Hcurl) space. More...
struct | OpCalculateHVecVectorField |
| Get vector field for H-div approximation. More...
struct | OpCalculateHVecVectorField_General |
| Get vector field for H-div approximation. More...
struct | OpCalculateHVecVectorField_General< 3, Field_Dim, double, ublas::row_major, DoubleAllocator > |
| Get vector field for H-div approximation. More...
struct | OpCalculateHVecVectorFieldDot |
| Get vector field for H-div approximation. More...
struct | OpCalculateHVecVectorFieldDot< 3, Field_Dim > |
struct | OpCalculateHVecVectorGradient |
| Calculate gradient of vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateHVecVectorHessian |
| Calculate gradient of vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateInvJacForFatPrism |
| Calculate inverse of jacobian for face element. More...
struct | OpCalculateInvJacForFlatPrism |
| Calculate inverse of jacobian for face element. More...
struct | OpCalculateScalarFieldGradient |
| Get field gradients at integration pts for scalar filed rank 0, i.e. vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateScalarFieldGradient_General |
| Evaluate field gradient values for scalar field, i.e. gradient is tensor rank 1 (vector) More...
struct | OpCalculateScalarFieldGradient_General< Tensor_Dim, double, ublas::row_major, DoubleAllocator > |
| Evaluate field gradient values for scalar field, i.e. gradient is tensor rank 1 (vector), specialization. More...
struct | OpCalculateScalarFieldHessian |
| Evaluate field gradient values for scalar field, i.e. gradient is tensor rank 1 (vector), specialization. More...
struct | OpCalculateScalarFieldValues |
| Get value at integration points for scalar field. More...
struct | OpCalculateScalarFieldValues_General |
| Scalar field values at integration points. More...
struct | OpCalculateScalarFieldValuesFromPetscVecImpl |
| Get rate of scalar field at integration points. More...
struct | OpCalculateTensor2FieldValues |
| Get values at integration pts for tensor filed rank 2, i.e. matrix field. More...
struct | OpCalculateTensor2FieldValues_General |
| Calculate field values for tenor field rank 2. More...
struct | OpCalculateTensor2FieldValues_General< Tensor_Dim0, Tensor_Dim1, double, ublas::row_major, DoubleAllocator > |
struct | OpCalculateTensor2FieldValuesDot |
| Get time direvarive values at integration pts for tensor filed rank 2, i.e. matrix field. More...
struct | OpCalculateTensor2SymmetricFieldGradient |
| Get field gradients at integration pts for symmetric tensorial field rank 2. More...
struct | OpCalculateTensor2SymmetricFieldGradient_General |
| Evaluate field gradient values for symmetric 2nd order tensor field, i.e. gradient is tensor rank 3. More...
struct | OpCalculateTensor2SymmetricFieldGradient_General< Tensor_Dim0, Tensor_Dim1, double, ublas::row_major, DoubleAllocator > |
struct | OpCalculateTensor2SymmetricFieldValues |
| Calculate symmetric tensor field values at integration pts. More...
struct | OpCalculateTensor2SymmetricFieldValuesDot |
| Calculate symmetric tensor field rates ant integratio pts. More...
struct | OpCalculateTraceFromMat |
| Calculates the trace of an input matrix. More...
struct | OpCalculateTraceFromSymmMat |
| Calculates the trace of an input matrix. More...
struct | OpCalculateVectorFieldGradient |
| Get field gradients at integration pts for scalar filed rank 0, i.e. vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateVectorFieldGradient_General |
| Evaluate field gradient values for vector field, i.e. gradient is tensor rank 2. More...
struct | OpCalculateVectorFieldGradient_General< Tensor_Dim0, Tensor_Dim1, double, ublas::row_major, DoubleAllocator > |
struct | OpCalculateVectorFieldGradientDot |
| Get field gradients time derivative at integration pts for scalar filed rank 0, i.e. vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateVectorFieldHessian |
struct | OpCalculateVectorFieldValues |
| Get values at integration pts for tensor filed rank 1, i.e. vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateVectorFieldValues_General |
| Calculate field values for tenor field rank 1, i.e. vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateVectorFieldValues_General< Tensor_Dim, double, ublas::row_major, DoubleAllocator > |
| Calculate field values (template specialization) for tensor field rank 1, i.e. vector field. More...
struct | OpCalculateVectorFieldValuesFromPetscVecImpl |
| Approximate field values for given petsc vector. More...
struct | OpConvectiveTermLhsDuImpl |
struct | OpConvectiveTermLhsDuImpl< 1, 1, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpConvectiveTermLhsDuImpl< 1, FIELD_DIM, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpConvectiveTermLhsDyImpl |
struct | OpConvectiveTermLhsDyImpl< 1, 1, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpConvectiveTermLhsDyImpl< 1, FIELD_DIM, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpConvectiveTermRhsImpl |
struct | OpConvectiveTermRhsImpl< 1, 1, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpConvectiveTermRhsImpl< 1, FIELD_DIM, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpCopyGeomDataToE |
| Copy geometry-related data from one element to other. More...
struct | OpCopyGeomDataToE< 2 > |
| Copy geometry-related data from one element to other. More...
struct | OpDGProjectionCoefficients |
struct | OpDGProjectionEvaluation |
struct | OpDGProjectionMassMatrix |
struct | OperatorsTester |
| Calculate directional derivative of the right hand side and compare it with tangent matrix derivative. More...
struct | OpEssentialLhsImpl |
| Enforce essential constrains on lhs. More...
struct | OpEssentialLhsImpl< DisplacementCubitBcData, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpEssentialLhsImpl< HeatFluxCubitBcData, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpEssentialLhsImpl< MPCsType, BASE_DIM, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpEssentialLhsImpl< TemperatureCubitBcData, 1, 1, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpEssentialRhsImpl |
| Enforce essential constrains on rhs. More...
struct | OpEssentialRhsImpl< DisplacementCubitBcData, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpEssentialRhsImpl< HeatFluxCubitBcData, 3, 2, A, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpEssentialRhsImpl< HeatFluxCubitBcData, 3, 3, A, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpEssentialRhsImpl< MPCsType, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpEssentialRhsImpl< TemperatureCubitBcData, 1, 1, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxLhsImpl |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< BLOCKSET >, 1, 1, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< BLOCKSET >, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< BLOCKSET >, 3, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< FORCESET >, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< HEATFLUXSET >, 1, 1, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< PRESSURESET >, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< TEMPERATURESET >, 3, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< UNKNOWNSET >, 1, 1, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< UNKNOWNSET >, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
| Base class for OpFluxRhsImpl<NaturalMeshsetType<T>, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase> More...
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetType< UNKNOWNSET >, 3, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetTypeVectorScaling< BLOCKSET >, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpFluxRhsImpl< NaturalMeshsetTypeVectorScaling< UNKNOWNSET >, 1, FIELD_DIM, A, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpGetBrokenBaseSideData |
struct | OpGetCoordsAndNormalsOnPrism |
| calculate normals at Gauss points of triangle element More...
struct | OpGetDataAndGradient |
| Get field values and gradients at Gauss points. More...
struct | OpGetHONormalsOnFace |
| Calculate normals at Gauss points of triangle element. More...
struct | OpGetHOTangentOnEdge |
| Calculate tangent vector on edge form HO geometry approximation. More...
struct | OpGetHOTangentsOnEdge |
| Calculate tangent vector on edge form HO geometry approximation. More...
struct | OpGetTensor0fromFunc |
| Get values from scalar function at integration points and save them to VectorDouble for Tensor0. More...
struct | OpGetTensor1fromFunc |
struct | OpGradGradImpl |
struct | OpGradGradImpl< 1, 1, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpGradGradImpl< 1, FIELD_DIM, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpGradGradSymTensorGradGradImpl |
struct | OpGradGradSymTensorGradGradImpl< 1, 1, SPACE_DIM, S, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpGradSymTensorGradImpl |
struct | OpGradSymTensorGradImpl< 1, SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM, S, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpGradTensorGradImpl |
struct | OpGradTensorGradImpl< 1, SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM, S, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpGradTimesSymTensorImpl |
struct | OpGradTimesSymTensorImpl< 1, SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM, S, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpGradTimesTensorImpl |
struct | OpGradTimesTensorImpl< 1, 1, SPACE_DIM, S, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpGradTimesTensorImpl< 1, SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM, S, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpHOSetContravariantPiolaTransformOnEdge3D |
| transform Hcurl base fluxes from reference element to physical edge More...
struct | OpHOSetContravariantPiolaTransformOnFace3D |
| transform Hdiv base fluxes from reference element to physical triangle More...
struct | OpHOSetCovariantPiolaTransformOnFace3D |
| transform Hcurl base fluxes from reference element to physical triangle More...
struct | OpInvertMatrix |
struct | OpLoopSide |
| Element used to execute operators on side of the element. More...
struct | OpLoopThis |
| Execute "this" element in the operator. More...
struct | OpMakeHdivFromHcurl |
| Make Hdiv space from Hcurl space in 2d. More...
struct | OpMassCacheImpl |
struct | OpMassCacheImpl< 1, FIELD_DIM, I, OpBase > |
struct | OpMassImpl |
struct | OpMassImpl< 1, 1, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMassImpl< 1, FIELD_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMassImpl< 3, 4, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMassImpl< 3, 9, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMassImpl< 3, FIELD_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMixDivTimesScalarImpl |
struct | OpMixDivTimesScalarImpl< SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMixDivTimesUImpl |
struct | OpMixDivTimesUImpl< 1, FIELD_DIM, FIELD_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase, CoordSys > |
struct | OpMixDivTimesUImpl< 3, 1, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase, CoordSys > |
struct | OpMixDivTimesUImpl< 3, FIELD_DIM, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase, CoordSys > |
struct | OpMixDivTimesVecImpl |
struct | OpMixDivTimesVecImpl< SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase, CoordSys > |
struct | OpMixScalarTimesDivImpl |
struct | OpMixScalarTimesDivImpl< SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase, COORDINATE_SYSTEM > |
struct | OpMixTensorTimesGradImpl |
struct | OpMixTensorTimesGradImpl< SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMixTensorTimesGradUImpl |
| Tensor field time gradient of vector field. More...
struct | OpMixTensorTimesGradUImpl< SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMixVecTimesDivLambdaImpl |
| Vector filed time divergence of tensor. More...
struct | OpMixVecTimesDivLambdaImpl< SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMixVectorTimesGradImpl |
struct | OpMixVectorTimesGradImpl< 1, SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMixVectorTimesGradImpl< 3, SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpMultiplyDeterminantOfJacobianAndWeightsForFatPrisms |
| Operator for fat prism element updating integration weights in the volume. More...
struct | OpNormalMixVecTimesScalarImpl |
| Multiply vector times normal on the face times scalar function. More...
struct | OpNormalMixVecTimesScalarImpl< 2, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpNormalMixVecTimesScalarImpl< 3, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpNormalMixVecTimesVectorFieldImpl |
| Multiply vector times normal on the face times vector field. More...
struct | OpNormalMixVecTimesVectorFieldImpl< SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, OpBase > |
struct | OpPostProcMapInMoab |
| Post post-proc data at points from hash maps. More...
struct | OpRunParent |
| Operator to execute finite element instance on parent element. This operator is typically used to project field from parent to child, or vice versa. It enables to evaluate filed data of parent entity on chile entity integration points. More...
struct | OpScaleBaseBySpaceInverseOfMeasure |
| Scale base functions by inverses of measure of element. More...
struct | OpScaleMatrix |
struct | OpSchurAssembleBase |
struct | OpSchurAssembleBaseImpl |
struct | OpSchurAssembleBegin |
| Clear Schur complement internal data. More...
struct | OpSchurAssembleEnd |
| Assemble Schur complement. More...
struct | OpSchurAssembleEnd< SchurDGESV > |
struct | OpSchurAssembleEnd< SchurDSYSV > |
struct | OpSchurAssembleEndImpl |
| Assemble Schur complement (Implementation) More...
struct | OpSetBc |
| Set indices on entities on finite element. More...
struct | OpSetContravariantPiolaTransform |
| apply contravariant (Piola) transfer to Hdiv space More...
struct | OpSetContravariantPiolaTransformOnEdge2D |
struct | OpSetContravariantPiolaTransformOnFace |
| transform Hdiv base fluxes from reference element to physical triangle More...
struct | OpSetContravariantPiolaTransformOnFace2DImpl |
| Apply contravariant (Piola) transfer to Hdiv space on face. More...
struct | OpSetContravariantPiolaTransformOnFace2DImpl< 2 > |
struct | OpSetContravariantPiolaTransformOnFace2DImpl< 3 > |
struct | OpSetCovariantPiolaTransform |
| apply covariant transfer to Hcurl space More...
struct | OpSetCovariantPiolaTransformOnEdge |
| transform Hcurl base fluxes from reference element to physical edge More...
struct | OpSetCovariantPiolaTransformOnFace |
| transform Hcurl base fluxes from reference element to physical triangle More...
struct | OpSetCovariantPiolaTransformOnFace2DImpl |
| Transform Hcurl base fluxes from reference element to physical triangle. More...
struct | OpSetCovariantPiolaTransformOnFace2DImpl< 2 > |
| Apply contravariant (Piola) transfer to Hdiv space on face. More...
struct | OpSetFlux |
struct | OpSetHOContravariantPiolaTransform |
| Apply contravariant (Piola) transfer to Hdiv space for HO geometry. More...
struct | OpSetHOCovariantPiolaTransform |
| Apply covariant (Piola) transfer to Hcurl space for HO geometry. More...
struct | OpSetHOInvJacToScalarBases |
| Set inverse jacobian to base functions. More...
struct | OpSetHOInvJacToScalarBases< 2 > |
struct | OpSetHOInvJacToScalarBasesImpl |
struct | OpSetHOInvJacVectorBase |
| transform local reference derivatives of shape function to global derivatives if higher order geometry is given More...
struct | OpSetHOWeights |
| Set inverse jacobian to base functions. More...
struct | OpSetHOWeightsOnEdge |
| Modify integration weights on face to take in account higher-order geometry. More...
struct | OpSetHOWeightsOnFace |
| Modify integration weights on face to take in account higher-order geometry. More...
struct | OpSetHOWeightsOnSubDim |
struct | OpSetHOWeightsOnSubDim< 2 > |
struct | OpSetHOWeightsOnSubDim< 3 > |
struct | OpSetInvJacH1 |
| Transform local reference derivatives of shape function to global derivatives. More...
struct | OpSetInvJacH1ForFace |
struct | OpSetInvJacH1ForFaceEmbeddedIn3DSpace |
struct | OpSetInvJacH1ForFatPrism |
| Transform local reference derivatives of shape functions to global derivatives. More...
struct | OpSetInvJacH1ForFlatPrism |
| Transform local reference derivatives of shape functions to global derivatives. More...
struct | OpSetInvJacHcurlFaceImpl |
| Transform local reference derivatives of shape function to global derivatives for face. More...
struct | OpSetInvJacHcurlFaceImpl< 2 > |
struct | OpSetInvJacHcurlFaceImpl< 3 > |
struct | OpSetInvJacHdivAndHcurl |
| brief Transform local reference derivatives of shape function to global derivatives More...
struct | OpSetInvJacL2ForFace |
struct | OpSetInvJacL2ForFaceEmbeddedIn3DSpace |
struct | OpSetInvJacSpaceForFaceImpl |
| Transform local reference derivatives of shape functions to global derivatives. More...
struct | OpSetInvJacSpaceForFaceImpl< 2, 1 > |
struct | OpSetInvJacSpaceForFaceImpl< 2, 2 > |
struct | OpSetInvJacSpaceForFaceImpl< 3, 1 > |
struct | OpSetInvJacToScalarBasesBasic |
struct | OpSourceImpl |
struct | OpSourceImpl< 1, 1, GAUSS, SourceFunctionSpecialization::S< OpBase > > |
| Integrate source. More...
struct | OpSourceImpl< 1, FIELD_DIM, GAUSS, SourceFunctionSpecialization::S< OpBase > > |
struct | OpSourceImpl< 3, FIELD_DIM, GAUSS, SourceFunctionSpecialization::S< OpBase > > |
struct | OpSourceImpl< 3, FIELD_DIM, I, SourceBoundaryNormalSpecialization::S< OpBase > > |
| This is specialisation for sources on boundary which depends on normal. More...
struct | OpSymmetrizeTensor |
struct | OpTensorTimesSymmetricTensor |
| Calculate \( \pmb\sigma_{ij} = \mathbf{D}_{ijkl} \pmb\varepsilon_{kl} \). More...
struct | OpUnSetBc |
struct | Order_mi_tag |
| MultiIndex Tag for field order. More...
struct | PairNameFEMethodPtr |
struct | ParentFiniteElementAdjacencyFunction |
| Create adjacency to parent elements. More...
struct | ParentFiniteElementAdjacencyFunctionSkeleton |
| Create adjacency to parent skeleton elements. More...
struct | Part_mi_tag |
struct | PCMGSetUpViaApproxOrdersCtx |
struct | PCMGSubMatrixCtx |
struct | PetscData |
struct | PetscGlobalIdx_mi_tag |
struct | PetscLocalIdx_mi_tag |
struct | PipelineManager |
| PipelineManager interface. More...
struct | PostProcBrokenMeshInMoab |
struct | PostProcBrokenMeshInMoab< EdgeElementForcesAndSourcesCore > |
struct | PostProcBrokenMeshInMoab< FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCore > |
struct | PostProcBrokenMeshInMoab< VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCore > |
struct | PostProcBrokenMeshInMoabBase |
struct | PostProcBrokenMeshInMoabBaseBeginImpl |
struct | PostProcBrokenMeshInMoabBaseContImpl |
struct | PostProcBrokenMeshInMoabBaseEndImpl |
struct | PostProcGenerateRefMesh |
| Element for postprocessing. Uses MoAB to generate post-processing mesh. More...
struct | PostProcGenerateRefMesh< MBEDGE > |
struct | PostProcGenerateRefMesh< MBHEX > |
struct | PostProcGenerateRefMesh< MBQUAD > |
struct | PostProcGenerateRefMesh< MBTET > |
struct | PostProcGenerateRefMesh< MBTRI > |
struct | PostProcGenerateRefMeshBase |
struct | PressureCubitBcData |
| Definition of the pressure bc data structure. More...
struct | PrismInterface |
| Create interface from given surface and insert flat prisms in-between. More...
struct | PrismsFromSurfaceInterface |
| merge node from two bit levels More...
struct | Problem |
| keeps basic data about problem More...
struct | Problem_mi_tag |
struct | ProblemChangeRefLevelBitAdd |
| add ref level to problem More...
struct | ProblemChangeRefLevelBitDofMaskAdd |
| set prof dof bit ref mask More...
struct | ProblemChangeRefLevelBitDofMaskSet |
| set prof dof bit ref mask More...
struct | ProblemChangeRefLevelBitSet |
| set ref level to problem More...
struct | ProblemClearComposedProblemData |
| Clear composed problem data structure. More...
struct | ProblemClearNumeredFiniteElementsChange |
| clear problem finite elements More...
struct | ProblemClearSubProblemData |
| Clear sub-problem data structure. More...
struct | ProblemFiniteElementChangeBitAdd |
| add finite element to problem More...
struct | ProblemFiniteElementChangeBitUnSet |
| remove finite element from problem More...
struct | ProblemsManager |
| Problem manager is used to build and partition problems. More...
struct | ProblemZeroNbColsChange |
| zero nb. of DOFs in col More...
struct | ProblemZeroNbRowsChange |
| zero nb. of DOFs in row More...
struct | Proc_mi_tag |
struct | Projection10NodeCoordsOnField |
| Projection of edge entities with one mid-node on hierarchical basis. More...
struct | ProjectionFieldOn10NodeTet |
struct | QuadPolynomialBase |
| Calculate base functions on triangle. More...
struct | RefElement |
| keeps data about abstract refined finite element More...
struct | RefElement_EDGE |
| keeps data about abstract EDGE finite element More...
struct | RefElement_MESHSET |
| keeps data about abstract MESHSET finite element More...
struct | RefElement_PRISM |
| keeps data about abstract PRISM finite element More...
struct | RefElement_VERTEX |
| keeps data about abstract VERTEX finite element More...
struct | RefElementFace |
| keeps data about abstract TRI finite element More...
struct | RefElementVolume |
| keeps data about abstract TET finite element More...
struct | RefEntExtractor |
| Extract entity handle form multi-index container. More...
struct | RefEntity_change_left_shift |
| ref mofem entity, left shift More...
struct | RefEntity_change_parent |
| change parent More...
struct | RefEntity_change_right_shift |
| ref mofem entity, right shift More...
struct | RefEntityTmp |
struct | RefEntityTmp< 0 > |
| Struct keeps handle to refined handle. More...
struct | RefEntityTmp<-1 > |
struct | ScalingMethod |
struct | SchurBackendMatSetValuesPtr |
struct | SchurDGESV |
struct | SchurDSYSV |
struct | SchurElemMats |
| Schur complement data storage. More...
struct | SchurElemMatsBlock |
struct | SchurElemMatsPreconditionedBlock |
struct | SchurEvents |
| Structure to register events for Schur block assembly and solver. More...
struct | SeriesID_mi_tag |
struct | SeriesName_mi_tag |
struct | SeriesRecorder |
struct | SetBitRefLevelTool |
| tool class with methods used more than twp times More...
struct | SetOtherGlobalGhostVector |
struct | SetOtherLocalGhostVector |
struct | SideNumber |
| keeps information about side number for the finite element More...
struct | SideNumber_mi_tag |
struct | Simple |
| Simple interface for fast problem set-up. More...
struct | SmartPetscObj |
| intrusive_ptr for managing petsc objects More...
struct | SnesCtx |
| Interface for nonlinear (SNES) solver. More...
struct | SnesMethod |
| data structure for snes (nonlinear solver) context More...
struct | SourceBoundaryNormalSpecialization |
struct | SourceFunctionSpecialization |
struct | Space_mi_tag |
struct | TemperatureCubitBcData |
| Definition of the temperature bc data structure. More...
struct | TempMeshset |
struct | TetGenInterface |
| TetGen interface. More...
struct | TetPolynomialBase |
| Calculate base functions on tetrahedral. More...
struct | TimeScale |
| Force scale operator for reading two columns. More...
struct | TimeScaleVector |
| Force scale operator for reading four columns (time and vector) More...
struct | Tools |
| Auxiliary tools. More...
struct | TriPolynomialBase |
| Calculate base functions on triangle. More...
struct | TSAdaptMoFEM |
| Custom TSAdaptivity in MoFEM. More...
struct | TsCtx |
| Interface for Time Stepping (TS) solver. More...
struct | TSMethod |
| data structure for TS (time stepping) context More...
struct | TypeSide_mi_tag |
struct | Unique_Ent_mi_tag |
struct | Unique_FiniteElement_mi_tag |
struct | Unique_mi_tag |
struct | UnknownInterface |
| base class for all interface classes More...
struct | VecManager |
| Vector manager is used to create vectors \mofem_vectors. More...
struct | VelocityCubitBcData |
| Definition of the velocity bc data structure. More...
struct | Version |
struct | VertexElementForcesAndSourcesCore |
| Vertex finite element. More...
struct | VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCore |
| Volume finite element base. More...
struct | VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnContactPrismSide |
| Base volume element used to integrate on contact surface (could be extended to other volume elements) More...
struct | VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnContactPrismSideSwitch |
struct | VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnSide |
| Base volume element used to integrate on skeleton. More...
struct | VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnSideSwitch |
struct | VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreSwitch |
struct | WrapMPIComm |
| Wrap MPI communicator such that is destroyed when is out of scope. More...
PetscErrorCode | PetscOptionsGetInt (PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscInt *ivalue, PetscBool *set) |
PetscErrorCode | PetscOptionsGetReal (PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscReal *dval, PetscBool *set) |
PetscErrorCode | PetscOptionsGetScalar (PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscScalar *dval, PetscBool *set) |
PetscErrorCode | PetscOptionsGetString (PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], char str[], size_t size, PetscBool *set) |
PetscErrorCode | PetscOptionsGetBool (PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscBool *bval, PetscBool *set) |
PetscErrorCode | PetscOptionsGetRealArray (PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscReal dval[], PetscInt *nmax, PetscBool *set) |
PetscErrorCode | PetscOptionsGetEList (PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], const char *const *list, PetscInt next, PetscInt *value, PetscBool *set) |
PetscErrorCode | PetscOptionsGetIntArray (PetscOptions options, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscInt dvalue[], PetscInt *nmax, PetscBool *set) |
PetscErrorCode | PetscOptionsGetScalarArray (PetscOptions options, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscScalar dvalue[], PetscInt *nmax, PetscBool *set) |
template<typename T > |
PetscObject | getPetscObject (T obj) |
auto | createDM (MPI_Comm comm, const std::string dm_type_name) |
| Creates smart DM object. More...
DEPRECATED auto | createSmartDM (MPI_Comm comm, const std::string dm_type_name) |
MPI_Comm | getCommFromPetscObject (PetscObject obj) |
| Get the Comm From Petsc Object object. More...
auto | createGhostVector (MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt n, PetscInt N, PetscInt nghost, const PetscInt ghosts[]) |
| Create smart ghost vector. More...
DEPRECATED auto | createSmartGhostVector (MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt n, PetscInt N, PetscInt nghost, const PetscInt ghosts[]) |
auto | createVectorMPI (MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt n, PetscInt N) |
| Create MPI Vector. More...
DEPRECATED auto | createSmartVectorMPI (MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt n, PetscInt N) |
SmartPetscObj< Vec > | vectorDuplicate (Vec vec) |
| Create duplicate vector of smart vector. More...
DEPRECATED SmartPetscObj< Vec > | smartVectorDuplicate (Vec vec) |
SmartPetscObj< Mat > | matDuplicate (Mat mat, MatDuplicateOption op) |
DEPRECATED SmartPetscObj< Mat > | smartMatDuplicate (Mat mat, MatDuplicateOption op) |
auto | createTS (MPI_Comm comm) |
auto | createSNES (MPI_Comm comm) |
auto | createKSP (MPI_Comm comm) |
auto | createPC (MPI_Comm comm) |
auto | createISGeneral (MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt n, const PetscInt idx[], PetscCopyMode mode) |
| Creates a data structure for an index set containing a list of integers. More...
auto | isAllGather (IS is) |
| IS All gather. More...
auto | createAOMappingIS (IS isapp, IS ispetsc) |
| Creates an application mapping using two index sets. More...
auto | createAOMapping (MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt napp, const PetscInt myapp[], const PetscInt mypetsc[]) |
| Creates an application mapping using two integer arrays. More...
auto | createVecScatter (Vec x, IS ix, Vec y, IS iy) |
| Create a Vec Scatter object. More...
auto | isDifference (IS is1, IS is2) |
| Get ISDifference. More...
auto | createISLocalToGlobalMapping (IS is) |
auto | matCreateVecs (Mat mat) |
auto | isDuplicate (IS is) |
template<typename T1 > |
auto | getVectorAdaptor (T1 ptr, const size_t n) |
| Get Vector adaptor. More...
template<typename T1 > |
auto | getMatrixAdaptor (T1 ptr, const size_t n, const size_t m) |
| Get Matrix adaptor. More...
template<class X > |
std::string | toString (X x) |
template<int S = 1, class T , class A > |
static auto | getFTensor0FromVec (ublas::vector< T, A > &data) |
| Get tensor rank 0 (scalar) form data vector. More...
template<int Tensor_Dim, int S = 1, class T , class L , class A > |
FTensor::Tensor1< FTensor::PackPtr< T *, S >, Tensor_Dim > | getFTensor1FromMat (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &data) |
| Get tensor rank 1 (vector) form data matrix. More...
template<int Tensor_Dim, int S = 1> |
auto | getFTensor1FromMat (MatrixDouble &data) |
| Get tensor rank 1 (vector) form data matrix (specialization) More...
template<int Tensor_Dim1, int Tensor_Dim2> |
FTensor::Tensor2< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 1 >, Tensor_Dim1, Tensor_Dim2 > | getFTensor2FromMat (MatrixDouble &data) |
| Get tensor rank 2 (matrix) form data matrix. More...
template<int Tensor_Dim1, int Tensor_Dim2> |
FTensor::Tensor2< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 1 >, Tensor_Dim1, Tensor_Dim2 > | getFTensor2FromVec (VectorDouble &data) |
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor2< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 1 >, 1, 1 > | getFTensor2FromVec (VectorDouble &data) |
template<int Tensor_Dim, int S, class T , class L , class A > |
static auto | getFTensor2SymmetricFromMat (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &data) |
| Get symmetric tensor rank 2 (matrix) form data matrix. More...
template<int Tensor_Dim, int S = 1> |
static auto | getFTensor2SymmetricFromMat (MatrixDouble &data) |
template<int Tensor_Dim01, int Tensor_Dim23, int S = 1, class T , class L , class A > |
static FTensor::Ddg< FTensor::PackPtr< T *, 1 >, Tensor_Dim01, Tensor_Dim23 > | getFTensor4DdgFromMat (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &data) |
| Get symmetric tensor rank 4 on first two and last indices from form data matrix. More...
template<int Tensor_Dim01, int Tensor_Dim23, int S = 1> |
static auto | getFTensor4DdgFromMat (MatrixDouble &data) |
template<int Tensor_Dim01, int Tensor_Dim23, int S = 1, class T = double> |
static auto | getFTensor4DdgFromPtr (T *ptr) |
template<int Tensor_Dim01, int Tensor_Dim2, int S = 1, class T , class L , class A > |
static FTensor::Dg< FTensor::PackPtr< T *, 1 >, Tensor_Dim01, Tensor_Dim2 > | getFTensor3DgFromMat (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &data) |
| Get symmetric tensor rank 3 on the first two indices from form data matrix. More...
template<int Tensor_Dim01, int Tensor_Dim2, int S = 1> |
static auto | getFTensor3DgFromMat (MatrixDouble &data) |
template<int Tensor_Dim0, int Tensor_Dim1, int Tensor_Dim2, int Tensor_Dim3, int S = 1, class T , class L , class A > |
static FTensor::Tensor4< FTensor::PackPtr< T *, 1 >, Tensor_Dim0, Tensor_Dim1, Tensor_Dim2, Tensor_Dim3 > | getFTensor4FromMat (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &data) |
| Get tensor rank 4 (non symmetric) form data matrix. More...
template<int Tensor_Dim0, int Tensor_Dim1, int Tensor_Dim2, int Tensor_Dim3, int S = 1> |
static auto | getFTensor4FromMat (MatrixDouble &data) |
template<int Tensor_Dim0, int Tensor_Dim1, int Tensor_Dim2, int S = 1, class T , class L , class A > |
static FTensor::Tensor3< FTensor::PackPtr< T *, 1 >, Tensor_Dim0, Tensor_Dim1, Tensor_Dim2 > | getFTensor3FromMat (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &data) |
| Get tensor rank 3 (non symmetries) form data matrix. More...
template<int Tensor_Dim0, int Tensor_Dim1, int Tensor_Dim2, int S = 1> |
static auto | getFTensor3FromMat (MatrixDouble &data) |
template<int DIM, int S = DIM> |
FTensor::Tensor1< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, S >, DIM > | getFTensor1FromPtr (double *ptr) |
| Make Tensor1 from pointer. More...
template<int DIM, int S = DIM> |
FTensor::Tensor1< FTensor::PackPtr< adouble *, S >, DIM > | getFTensor1FromPtr (adouble *ptr) |
template<int DIM, int S = DIM> |
FTensor::Tensor1< FTensor::PackPtr< std::complex< double > *, S >, DIM > | getFTensor1FromPtr (std::complex< double > *ptr) |
template<int DIM1, int DIM2, int S = DIM1 * DIM2> |
auto | getFTensor2FromPtr (double *ptr) |
| Make Tensor2 from pointer. More...
template<int DIM1, int DIM2, int S = DIM1 * DIM2> |
auto | getFTensor2FromPtr (std::complex< double > *ptr) |
| Make Tensor2 from pointer. More...
template<int DIM1, int DIM2> |
FTensor::Tensor2< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, DIM1 *DIM2 >, DIM1, DIM2 > | getFTensor2HVecFromPtr (double *ptr) |
| Make Tensor2 for HVec base from pointer. More...
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor2< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 6 >, 3, 2 > | getFTensor2HVecFromPtr< 3, 2 > (double *ptr) |
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor2< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 9 >, 3, 3 > | getFTensor2HVecFromPtr< 3, 3 > (double *ptr) |
template<int DIM1, int DIM2, int DIM3> |
FTensor::Tensor3< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, DIM1 *DIM2 *DIM3 >, DIM1, DIM2, DIM3 > | getFTensor3FromPtr (double *ptr) |
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor3< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 12 >, 3, 2, 2 > | getFTensor3FromPtr< 3, 2, 2 > (double *ptr) |
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor3< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 27 >, 3, 3, 3 > | getFTensor3FromPtr< 3, 3, 3 > (double *ptr) |
template<int DIM> |
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< FTensor::PackPtr< double *,(DIM *(DIM+1))/2 >, DIM > | getFTensor2SymmetricFromPtr (double *ptr) |
| Make symmetric Tensor2 from pointer. More...
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 6 >, 3 > | getFTensor2SymmetricFromPtr< 3 > (double *ptr) |
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 3 >, 2 > | getFTensor2SymmetricFromPtr< 2 > (double *ptr) |
template<int DIM> |
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< FTensor::PackPtr< adouble *,(DIM *(DIM+1))/2 >, DIM > | getFTensor2SymmetricFromPtr (adouble *ptr) |
| Make symmetric Tensor2 from pointer. More...
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< FTensor::PackPtr< adouble *, 6 >, 3 > | getFTensor2SymmetricFromPtr< 3 > (adouble *ptr) |
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< FTensor::PackPtr< adouble *, 3 >, 2 > | getFTensor2SymmetricFromPtr< 2 > (adouble *ptr) |
template<int DIM> |
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, DIM *DIM >, DIM > | getFTensor2SymmetricLowerFromPtr (double *ptr) |
| Make symmetric Tensor2 from pointer, taking lower triangle of matrix. More...
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 9 >, 3 > | getFTensor2SymmetricLowerFromPtr< 3 > (double *ptr) |
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 4 >, 2 > | getFTensor2SymmetricLowerFromPtr< 2 > (double *ptr) |
template<int DIM, int S> |
auto | getFTensor1FromArray (VectorDouble &data) |
| Get FTensor1 from array. More...
template<int DIM, int S = 0> |
auto | getFTensor1FromArray (VectorDouble3 &data) |
| Get FTensor1 from array. More...
template<> |
auto | getFTensor1FromArray< 3, 0 > (VectorDouble3 &data) |
template<int DIM, int S> |
FTensor::Tensor1< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, S >, DIM > | getFTensor1FromMat (MatrixDouble &data, const size_t rr) |
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor1< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 1 >, 2 > | getFTensor1FromMat (MatrixDouble &data, const size_t rr) |
template<int DIM, int S> |
FTensor::Tensor1< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, S >, DIM > | getFTensor1FromArrayDiag (MatrixDouble &data, const size_t rr) |
| Get FTensor1 from array. More...
template<> |
FTensor::Tensor1< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 2 >, 2 > | getFTensor1FromArrayDiag (MatrixDouble &data, const size_t rr) |
template<int DIM1, int DIM2, int S> |
FTensor::Tensor2< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, S >, DIM1, DIM2 > | getFTensor2FromArray (MatrixDouble &data, const size_t rr, const size_t cc=0) |
template<int DIM1, int DIM2> |
FTensor::Tensor2< double *, DIM1, DIM2 > | getFTensor2FromArray (MatrixDouble &data, const size_t rr, const size_t cc, const int ss) |
template<int S, typename T , typename L , typename A > |
auto | getFTensor2FromArray2by2 (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &data, const FTensor::Number< S > &, const size_t rr, const size_t cc=0) |
template<int S, typename T , typename L , typename A > |
auto | getFTensor2FromArray3by3 (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &data, const FTensor::Number< S > &, const size_t rr, const size_t cc=0) |
template<int DIM1, int DIM2, int S> |
auto | getFTensor2FromArray (MatrixADouble &data, const size_t rr) |
MoFEMErrorCode | computeMatrixInverse (MatrixDouble &mat) |
| compute matrix inverse with lapack dgetri More...
MoFEMErrorCode | solveLinearSystem (MatrixDouble &mat, VectorDouble &f) |
| solve linear system with lapack dgesv More...
MoFEMErrorCode | solveLinearSystem (const MatrixDouble &mat, VectorDouble &f) |
| Solve linear system of equations using Lapack. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | computeEigenValuesSymmetric (const MatrixDouble &mat, VectorDouble &eig, MatrixDouble &eigen_vec) |
| compute eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix using lapack dsyev More...
template<int DIM, typename T1 , typename T2 > |
MoFEMErrorCode | computeEigenValuesSymmetric (FTensor::Tensor2< T1, DIM, DIM > &eigen_vec, FTensor::Tensor1< T2, DIM > &eig) |
| compute eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix using lapack dsyev More...
template<int DIM, typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 > |
MoFEMErrorCode | computeEigenValuesSymmetric (const FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T1, DIM > &mat, FTensor::Tensor1< T2, DIM > &eig, FTensor::Tensor2< T3, DIM, DIM > &eigen_vec) |
| compute eigenvalues of a symmetric tensor using lapack dsyev More...
template<typename T > |
static auto | determinantTensor3by3 (T &t) |
| Calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix or a tensor of rank 2. More...
template<typename T > |
static auto | determinantTensor2by2 (T &t) |
| Calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix or a tensor of rank 2. More...
template<typename T , int DIM> |
static auto | determinantTensor (FTensor::Tensor2< T, DIM, DIM > &t) |
| Calculate the determinant of a tensor of rank DIM. More...
template<typename T , int DIM> |
static auto | determinantTensor (FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T, DIM > &t) |
| Calculate the determinant of a tensor of rank DIM. More...
template<int Tensor_Dim, class T , class L , class A > |
MoFEMErrorCode | invertTensor3by3 (ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &jac_data, ublas::vector< T, A > &det_data, ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &inv_jac_data) |
| Calculate inverse of tensor rank 2 at integration points. More...
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | invertTensor3by3< 3, double, ublas::row_major, DoubleAllocator > (MatrixDouble &jac_data, VectorDouble &det_data, MatrixDouble &inv_jac_data) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > |
MoFEMErrorCode | determinantTensor3by3 (T1 &t, T2 &det) |
| Calculate determinant 3 by 3. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 > |
MoFEMErrorCode | determinantTensor2by2 (T1 &t, T2 &det) |
| Calculate determinant 2 by 2. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 > |
MoFEMErrorCode | invertTensor3by3 (T1 &t, T2 &det, T3 &inv_t) |
| Calculate matrix inverse 3 by 3. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 , class T3 > |
MoFEMErrorCode | invertTensor2by2 (T1 &t, T2 &det, T3 &inv_t) |
| Calculate matrix inverse 2 by 2. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , int DIM> |
static MoFEMErrorCode | invertTensor (FTensor::Tensor2< T1, DIM, DIM > &t, T2 &det, FTensor::Tensor2< T3, DIM, DIM > &inv_t) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , int DIM> |
static MoFEMErrorCode | invertTensor (FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T1, DIM > &t, T2 &det, FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< T3, DIM > &inv_t) |
template<typename Extractor , typename Iterator > |
moab::Range::iterator | insertOrdered (Range &r, Extractor, Iterator begin_iter, Iterator end_iter) |
| Insert ordered mofem multi-index into range. More...
template<typename MI , typename MO = Modify_change_nothing> |
MoFEMErrorCode | reconstructMultiIndex (const MI &mi, MO &&mo=Modify_change_nothing()) |
| Template used to reconstruct multi-index. More...
auto | get_temp_meshset_ptr (moab::Interface &moab) |
| Create smart pointer to temporary meshset. More...
auto | id_from_handle (const EntityHandle h) |
auto | type_from_handle (const EntityHandle h) |
| get type from entity handle More...
auto | ent_form_type_and_id (const EntityType type, const EntityID id) |
| get entity handle from type and id More...
auto | dimension_from_handle (const EntityHandle h) |
| get entity dimension form handle More...
auto | type_name_from_handle (const EntityHandle h) |
| get entity type name from handle More...
auto | field_bit_from_bit_number (const int bit_number) |
| get field bit id from bit number More...
template<typename I > |
auto | rangeInserter (const I f, const I s, boost::function< bool(I it)> tester, boost::function< MoFEMErrorCode(I f, I s)> inserter) |
| Insert ranges. More...
template<typename Dest = void, typename... Arg> |
constexpr auto | make_array (Arg &&...arg) |
| Create Array. More...
void | tet_type_6 (moab::Interface &moab, const EntityHandle *conn, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_tets_conn) |
int | tet_type_5 (moab::Interface &moab, const EntityHandle *conn, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_tets_conn) |
int | tet_type_4 (const EntityHandle *conn, const int *split_edges, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_tets_conn) |
int | tet_type_3 (const EntityHandle *conn, const int *split_edges, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_tets_conn) |
int | tet_type_2 (const EntityHandle *conn, const int *split_edges, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_tets_conn) |
void | tet_type_1 (const EntityHandle *conn, const int split_edge, const EntityHandle edge_new_node, EntityHandle *new_tets_conn) |
MoFEMErrorCode | tri_type_1 (const EntityHandle *conn, const int split_edge, const EntityHandle edge_new_node, EntityHandle *new_tris_conn) |
MoFEMErrorCode | tri_type_2 (const EntityHandle *conn, const int *split_edges, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_tris_conn) |
MoFEMErrorCode | tri_type_3 (const EntityHandle *conn, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_tris_conn) |
MoFEMErrorCode | prism_type_1 (const EntityHandle *conn, const BitRefEdges split_edges, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_prism_conn) |
MoFEMErrorCode | prism_type_2 (const EntityHandle *conn, const BitRefEdges split_edges, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_prism_conn) |
MoFEMErrorCode | prism_type_3 (const EntityHandle *conn, const BitRefEdges split_edges, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_prism_conn) |
MoFEMErrorCode | quad_split_all_edges (const EntityHandle *conn, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_quad_conn) |
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_EdgeBaseFunctions_MBTET (int *sense, int *p, double *N, double *diffN, double *edgeN[], double *diff_edgeN[], int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Edge based H-curl base functions on tetrahedral. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_EdgeBaseFunctions_MBTET_ON_EDGE (int sense, int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *edgeN, double *diff_edgeN, int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Edge based H-curl base functions on edge. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_EdgeBaseFunctions_MBTET_ON_FACE (int *sense, int *p, double *N, double *diffN, double *edgeN[], double *diff_edgeN[], int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Edge based H-curl base functions on face. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_EdgeBasedFaceFunctions_MBTET (int *faces_nodes, int *p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f_e[4][3], double *diff_phi_f_e[4][3], int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Face edge base functions of Hcurl space on tetrahedral. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_EdgeBasedFaceFunctions_MBTET_ON_FACE (int *faces_nodes, int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f_e[3], double *diff_phi_f_e[3], int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Face edge base functions of Hcurl space. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_BubbleFaceFunctions_MBTET (int *faces_nodes, int *p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f[4], double *diff_phi_f[4], int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Face edge base functions of Hcurl space on face on tetrahedral. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_BubbleFaceFunctions_MBTET_ON_FACE (int *faces_nodes, int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f, double *diff_phi_f, int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Face edge base functions of Hcurl space on face. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_FaceInteriorFunctions_MBTET (int *faces_nodes, int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_v, double *diff_phi_v, int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Face base interior function. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_VolumeInteriorFunctions_MBTET (int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_v, double *diff_phi_v, int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Volume interior function. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_FaceFunctions_MBTET (int *face_nodes, int *p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f[4], double *diff_phi_f[4], int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Face H-curl functions. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_FaceFunctions_MBTET_ON_FACE (int *faces_nodes, int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f, double *diff_phi_f, int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Face H-curl functions. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Ainsworth_VolumeFunctions_MBTET (int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_v, double *diff_phi_v, int nb_integration_pts, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| H-curl volume base functions. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Demkowicz_EdgeBaseFunctions_MBTET (int *sense, int *p, double *n, double *diff_n, double *phi[], double *diff_phi[], int nb_integration_pts) |
| Edge based H-curl base functions on tetrahedral. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Demkowicz_EdgeBaseFunctions_MBTRI (int *sense, int *p, double *n, double *diff_n, double *phi[], double *diff_phi[], int nb_integration_pts) |
| Edge based H-curl base functions on teriangle. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Demkowicz_EdgeBaseFunctions_MBEDGE (int sense, int p, double *n, double *diff_n, double *phi, double *diff_phi, int nb_integration_pts) |
| Edge based H-curl base functions on edge. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Demkowicz_FaceBaseFunctions_MBTET (int *faces_nodes, int *p, double *n, double *diff_n, double *phi[], double *diff_phi[], int nb_integration_pts) |
| Face base interior function. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Demkowicz_FaceBaseFunctions_MBTRI (int *faces_nodes, int p, double *n, double *diff_n, double *phi, double *diff_phi, int nb_integration_pts) |
| Face base interior function. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hcurl_Demkowicz_VolumeBaseFunctions_MBTET (int p, double *n, double *diff_n, double *phi, double *diff_phi, int nb_integration_pts) |
| Volume base interior function. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hdiv_Ainsworth_EdgeFaceShapeFunctions_MBTET (int *faces_nodes, int *p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f_e[4][3], double *diff_phi_f_e[4][3], int gdim, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Hdiv base functions, Edge-based face functions by Ainsworth [1]. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hdiv_Ainsworth_EdgeFaceShapeFunctions_MBTET_ON_FACE (int *faces_nodes, int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f_e[3], double *diff_phi_f_e[3], int gdim, int nb, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Hdiv base functions, Edge-based face functions by Ainsworth [1]. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hdiv_Ainsworth_FaceBubbleShapeFunctions (int *faces_nodes, int *p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f[], double *diff_phi_f[], int gdim, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Face bubble functions by Ainsworth [1]. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hdiv_Ainsworth_FaceBubbleShapeFunctions_ON_FACE (int *faces_nodes, int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f, double *diff_phi_f, int gdim, int nb, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Face bubble functions by Ainsworth [1]. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hdiv_Ainsworth_EdgeBasedVolumeShapeFunctions_MBTET (int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_v_e[6], double *diff_phi_v_e[6], int gdim, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Hdiv base function, Edge-based interior (volume) functions by Ainsworth [1]. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hdiv_Ainsworth_FaceBasedVolumeShapeFunctions_MBTET (int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_v_f[], double *diff_phi_v_f[], int gdim, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
MoFEMErrorCode | Hdiv_Ainsworth_VolumeBubbleShapeFunctions_MBTET (int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_v, double *diff_phi_v, int gdim, PetscErrorCode(*base_polynomials)(int p, double s, double *diff_s, double *L, double *diffL, const int dim)) |
| Interior bubble functions by Ainsworth [1]. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | Hdiv_Demkowicz_Face_MBTET_ON_FACE (int *faces_nodes, int p, double *N, double *diffN, double *phi_f, double *diff_phi_f, int gdim, int nb) |
MoFEMErrorCode | Hdiv_Demkowicz_Interior_MBTET (int p, double *N, double *diffN, int p_face[], double *phi_f[4], double *diff_phi_f[4], double *phi_v, double *diff_phi_v, int gdim) |
MoFEMErrorCode | quad_split_all_edges (const EntityHandle *conn, const BitRefEdges split_edges, const EntityHandle *edge_new_nodes, EntityHandle *new_quad_conn) |
template<class TYPE > |
static MoFEMErrorCode | get_value (MatrixDouble &pts_x, MatrixDouble &pts_t, TYPE *ctx) |
MoFEMErrorCode | setMPCParentAdjacency () |
MoFEMErrorCode | ProjectionMatrixMultOpQ (Mat Q, Vec x, Vec f) |
| Multiplication operator for Q = I-CTC(CCT)^-1C. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | ConstrainMatrixMultOpP (Mat P, Vec x, Vec f) |
| Multiplication operator for P = CT(CCT)^-1C. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | ConstrainMatrixMultOpR (Mat R, Vec x, Vec f) |
| Multiplication operator for R = CT(CCT)^-1. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | ConstrainMatrixMultOpRT (Mat RT, Vec x, Vec f) |
| Multiplication operator for RT = (CCT)^-TC. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | ConstrainMatrixMultOpCTC_QTKQ (Mat CTC_QTKQ, Vec x, Vec f) |
| Multiplication operator for RT = (CCT)^-TC. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | ConstrainMatrixDestroyOpPorQ (Mat Q) |
| Destroy shell matrix Q. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | ConstrainMatrixDestroyOpQTKQ (Mat QTKQ) |
| Destroy shell matrix. More...
template<typename T = EntityStorage> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora) |
| Assemble PETSc vector. More...
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues< EntityStorage > (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora) |
template<typename T = EntityStorage> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const VectorDouble &vec, InsertMode iora) |
| Assemble PETSc vector. More...
template<typename T = EntityStorage> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora) |
| Assemble PETSc matrix. More...
template<typename T = EntityStorage> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
| Assemble PETSc matrix. More...
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< EntityStorage > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues< EssentialBcStorage > (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora) |
| Set values to vector in operator. More...
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< EssentialBcStorage > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora) |
| Set values to matrix in operator. More...
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< PETSC > > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< PETSC > > (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora) |
double | scalar_fun_one (const double, const double, const double) |
template<typename E > |
MoFEMErrorCode | addHOOpsVol (const std::string field, E &e, bool h1, bool hcurl, bool hdiv, bool l2) |
template<typename E > |
MoFEMErrorCode | addHOOpsFace3D (const std::string field, E &e, bool hcurl, bool hdiv) |
static void | constructor_data (EntitiesFieldData *data, const EntityType type) |
static void | constructor_derived_data (DerivedEntitiesFieldData *derived_data, const boost::shared_ptr< EntitiesFieldData > &data_ptr) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EntitiesFieldData &e) |
static auto | cmp_uid_lo (const boost::weak_ptr< FieldEntity > &a, const UId &b) |
static auto | cmp_uid_hi (const UId &b, const boost::weak_ptr< FieldEntity > &a) |
template<typename ENTMULTIINDEX > |
static int | getMaxOrder (const ENTMULTIINDEX &multi_index) |
boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure > | createBlockMatStructure (DM dm, SchurFEOpsFEandFields schur_fe_op_vec) |
| Create a Mat Diag Blocks object. More...
static MoFEMErrorCode | mult_schur_block_shell (Mat mat, Vec x, Vec y, InsertMode iora, boost::function< int(DiagBlockIndex::BlockIndex::nth_index< 0 >::type::iterator)> shift_extractor, boost::shared_ptr< std::vector< double >> data_blocks_ptr, bool multiply_by_preconditioner) |
static MoFEMErrorCode | solve_schur_block_shell (Mat mat, Vec y, Vec x, InsertMode iora) |
static PetscErrorCode | mult (Mat mat, Vec x, Vec y) |
static PetscErrorCode | mult_add (Mat mat, Vec x, Vec y) |
static PetscErrorCode | solve (Mat mat, Vec x, Vec y) |
static PetscErrorCode | solve_add (Mat mat, Vec x, Vec y) |
static PetscErrorCode | zero_rows_columns (Mat A, PetscInt N, const PetscInt rows[], PetscScalar diag, Vec x, Vec b) |
static PetscErrorCode | mat_zero (Mat m) |
static MoFEMErrorCode | setSchurBlockMatOps (Mat mat_raw) |
SchurShellMatData | createBlockMat (DM dm, boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure > data) |
| Create a Schur Mat object. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | shell_block_mat_asmb_wrap_impl (BlockStructure *ctx, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora, boost::function< int(const DiagBlockIndex::Indexes *)> shift_extractor, boost::shared_ptr< std::vector< double >> data_blocks_ptr) |
MoFEMErrorCode | shell_block_mat_asmb_wrap (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
MoFEMErrorCode | shell_block_preconditioner_mat_asmb_wrap (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
boost::shared_ptr< NestSchurData > | createSchurNestedMatrixStruture (std::pair< SmartPetscObj< DM >, SmartPetscObj< DM >> dms, boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure > block_mat_data, std::vector< std::string > fields_name, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Range >> field_ents, bool add_preconditioner_block=false) |
| Get the Schur Nest Mat Array object. More...
std::pair< SmartPetscObj< Mat >, boost::shared_ptr< NestSchurData > > | createSchurNestedMatrix (boost::shared_ptr< NestSchurData > schur_net_data_ptr) |
| Create a Mat Diag Blocks object. More...
OpSchurAssembleBase * | createOpSchurAssembleBegin () |
OpSchurAssembleBase * | createOpSchurAssembleEnd (std::vector< std::string > fields_name, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Range >> field_ents, SmartPetscObj< AO > ao=SmartPetscObj< AO >(), SmartPetscObj< Mat > schur=SmartPetscObj< Mat >(), bool sym_schur=false, bool symm_op=false) |
| Construct a new Op Schur Assemble End object. More...
OpSchurAssembleBase * | createOpSchurAssembleEnd (std::vector< std::string > fields_name, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Range >> field_ents, std::vector< SmartPetscObj< AO >> sequence_of_aos, std::vector< SmartPetscObj< Mat >> sequence_of_mats, std::vector< bool > sym_schur, bool symm_op, boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure > diag_blocks) |
OpSchurAssembleBase * | createOpSchurAssembleEnd (std::vector< std::string > fields_name, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Range >> field_ents, std::vector< SmartPetscObj< AO >> sequence_of_aos, std::vector< SmartPetscObj< Mat >> sequence_of_mats, std::vector< bool > sym_schur, std::vector< double > diag_eps, bool symm_op, boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure > diag_blocks) |
MoFEMErrorCode | setSchurA00MatSolvePC (SmartPetscObj< PC > pc) |
| Set PC for A00 block. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | setSchurMatSolvePC (SmartPetscObj< PC > pc) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< SchurElemMats > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
MoFEMErrorCode | schur_mat_set_values_wrap (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< SCHUR > > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< BlockStructure > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< SchurElemMatsBlock > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< SchurElemMatsPreconditionedBlock > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
MoFEMErrorCode | schurSwitchPreconditioner (boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure > block_mat_data) |
| Switch preconditioner. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | schurSaveBlockMesh (boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure > block_mat_data, std::string filename) |
| Save block matrix as a mesh. More...
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetNestSchurData (DM dm, boost::shared_ptr< NestSchurData >) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues< SchurElemMats > (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const VectorDouble &nf, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< SCHUR > > (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const VectorDouble &nf, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< BLOCK_MAT > > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< BLOCK_MAT > > (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const VectorDouble &nf, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues< SchurElemMatsBlock > (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const VectorDouble &nf, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< BLOCK_SCHUR > > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< BLOCK_SCHUR > > (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const VectorDouble &nf, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | MatSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< BLOCK_PRECONDITIONER_SCHUR > > (Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const MatrixDouble &mat, InsertMode iora) |
template<> |
MoFEMErrorCode | VecSetValues< AssemblyTypeSelector< BLOCK_PRECONDITIONER_SCHUR > > (Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const VectorDouble &nf, InsertMode iora) |
DEPRECATED boost::shared_ptr< NestSchurData > | getNestSchurData (std::pair< SmartPetscObj< DM >, SmartPetscObj< DM >> dms, boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure > block_mat_data, std::vector< std::string > fields_name, std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Range >> field_ents, bool add_preconditioner_block=false) |
template<class T > |
static auto | get_sub_iface_options_imp (T *const ptr, int) -> decltype(ptr->getSubInterfaceOptions()) |
template<class T > |
static auto | get_sub_iface_options_imp (T *const ptr, long) -> MoFEMErrorCode |
template<class T > |
static auto | get_event_options_imp (T *const ptr, int) -> decltype(ptr->getEventOptions()) |
template<class T > |
static auto | get_event_options_imp (T *const ptr, long) -> MoFEMErrorCode |
template<int V, typename std::enable_if<(V >=0), int >::type * = nullptr> |
void | set_ref_ent_basic_data_ptr_impl (boost::shared_ptr< BasicEntityData > &ptr) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &strm, const LogManager::SeverityLevel &level) |
static std::vector< med_geometrie_element > | moab2med_element_type (const EntityType type) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MedInterface::FieldData &field_data) |
static auto | min_non_abs (const double a, const double b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
MoFEMErrorCode | getLocalCoordinatesOnReferenceThreeNodeTriImpl (const T1 *elem_coords, const T2 *global_coords, const int nb_nodes, typename FTensor::promote< T1, T2 >::V *local_coords) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FENumeredDofEntity &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DisplacementCubitBcData &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ForceCubitBcData &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VelocityCubitBcData &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AccelerationCubitBcData &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TemperatureCubitBcData &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PressureCubitBcData &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HeatFluxCubitBcData &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CfgCubitBcData &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CubitMeshSets &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DofEntity &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const NumeredDofEntity &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FEDofEntity &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FiniteElement &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EntFiniteElement &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const NumeredEntFiniteElement &e) |
template<typename ENTSVIEW , typename DOFSVIEW , typename EXTRACTOR , typename INSERTER > |
static MoFEMErrorCode | get_cache_data_dofs_view (ENTSVIEW &ents_view, DOFSVIEW &dofs_view, EXTRACTOR &&extractor, INSERTER &&inserter) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FieldEntity &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Field &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FieldEntityEntFiniteElementAdjacencyMap &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BlockSetAttributes &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Mat_Elastic &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Mat_Elastic_EberleinHolzapfel1 &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Mat_Thermal &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Mat_Moisture &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Block_BodyForces &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Mat_Elastic_TransIso &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Mat_Interf &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Problem &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RefElement &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RefElementVolume &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RefElementFace &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RefElement_EDGE &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RefElement_VERTEX &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RefEntity &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FieldSeries &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FieldSeriesStep &e) |
template<EntityType TYPE> |
EntityHandle | get_id_for_max_type () |
template<EntityType TYPE> |
EntityHandle | get_id_for_min_type () |
EntityHandle | get_id_for_max_type (const EntityType type) |
EntityHandle | get_id_for_min_type (const EntityType type) |
void * | get_tag_ptr (moab::Interface &moab, Tag th, EntityHandle ent, int *tag_size) |
| Get the tag ptr object. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMRegister_MoFEM (const char sname[]) |
| Register MoFEM problem. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMCreateMoFEM (DM dm, MoFEM::Interface *m_field_ptr, const char problem_name[], const MoFEM::BitRefLevel bit_level, const MoFEM::BitRefLevel bit_mask=MoFEM::BitRefLevel().set()) |
| Must be called by user to set MoFEM data structures. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMDuplicateDMCtx (DM dm, DM dm_duplicate) |
| Duplicate internal data struture. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSwapDMCtx (DM dm, DM dm_swap) |
| Swap internal data struture. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMCreateSubDM (DM subdm, DM dm, const char problem_name[]) |
| Must be called by user to set Sub DM MoFEM data structures. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMGetInterfacePtr (DM dm, MoFEM::Interface **m_field_ptr) |
| Get pointer to MoFEM::Interface. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetProblemPtr (DM dm, const MoFEM::Problem **problem_ptr) |
| Get pointer to problem data structure. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetDestroyProblem (DM dm, PetscBool destroy_problem) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetDestroyProblem (DM dm, PetscBool *destroy_problem) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetSquareProblem (DM dm, PetscBool square_problem) |
| set squared problem More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetSquareProblem (DM dm, PetscBool *square_problem) |
| get squared problem More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMResolveSharedFiniteElements (DM dm, std::string fe_name) |
| Resolve shared entities. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetProblemFiniteElementLayout (DM dm, std::string fe_name, PetscLayout *layout) |
| Get finite elements layout in the problem. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddElement (DM dm, std::string fe_name) |
| add element to dm More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddElement (DM dm, std::vector< std::string > fe_name) |
| add element to dm More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMUnSetElement (DM dm, std::string fe_name) |
| unset element from dm More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMMeshToLocalVector (DM dm, Vec l, InsertMode mode, ScatterMode scatter_mode) |
| set local (or ghosted) vector values on mesh for partition only More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMMeshToGlobalVector (DM dm, Vec g, InsertMode mode, ScatterMode scatter_mode) |
| set ghosted vector values on all existing mesh entities More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMPreProcessFiniteElements (DM dm, MoFEM::FEMethod *method) |
| execute finite element method for each element in dm (problem) More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMPostProcessFiniteElements (DM dm, MoFEM::FEMethod *method) |
| execute finite element method for each element in dm (problem) More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMLoopFiniteElementsUpAndLowRank (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, int low_rank, int up_rank, CacheTupleWeakPtr cache_ptr=CacheTupleSharedPtr()) |
| Executes FEMethod for finite elements in DM. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMLoopFiniteElementsUpAndLowRank (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, int low_rank, int up_rank, CacheTupleWeakPtr cache_ptr=CacheTupleSharedPtr()) |
| Executes FEMethod for finite elements in DM. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMLoopFiniteElements (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, CacheTupleWeakPtr cache_ptr=CacheTupleSharedPtr()) |
| Executes FEMethod for finite elements in DM. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMLoopFiniteElements (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, CacheTupleWeakPtr cache_ptr=CacheTupleSharedPtr()) |
| Executes FEMethod for finite elements in DM. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMoFEMLoopDofs (DM dm, const char field_name[], MoFEM::DofMethod *method) |
| execute method for dofs on field in problem More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMKSPSetComputeRHS (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
| set KSP right hand side evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMKSPSetComputeRHS (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| set KSP right hand side evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMKSPSetComputeOperators (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
| Set KSP operators and push mofem finite element methods. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMKSPSetComputeOperators (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| Set KSP operators and push mofem finite element methods. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSNESSetFunction (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
| set SNES residual evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSNESSetFunction (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| set SNES residual evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSNESSetJacobian (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
| set SNES Jacobian evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSNESSetJacobian (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| set SNES Jacobian evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetIFunction (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
| set TS implicit function evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetIFunction (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| set TS implicit function evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetIJacobian (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| set TS Jacobian evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetIJacobian (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
| set TS Jacobian evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetRHSFunction (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| set TS the right hand side function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetRHSFunction (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetRHSJacobian (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| set TS the right hand side jacobian More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetRHSJacobian (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetI2Function (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| set TS implicit function evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetI2Function (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
| set TS implicit function evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetI2Jacobian (DM dm, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| set TS Jacobian evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetI2Jacobian (DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
| set TS Jacobian evaluation function More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetMonitor (DM dm, TS ts, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only) |
| Set Monitor To TS solver. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetMonitor (DM dm, TS ts, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, MoFEM::BasicMethod *pre_only, MoFEM::BasicMethod *post_only) |
| Set Monitor To TS solver. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetKspCtx (DM dm, MoFEM::KspCtx **ksp_ctx) |
| get MoFEM::KspCtx data structure More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetKspCtx (DM dm, const boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::KspCtx > &ksp_ctx) |
| get MoFEM::KspCtx data structure More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetKspCtx (DM dm, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::KspCtx > ksp_ctx) |
| set MoFEM::KspCtx data structure More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetSnesCtx (DM dm, MoFEM::SnesCtx **snes_ctx) |
| get MoFEM::SnesCtx data structure More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetSnesCtx (DM dm, const boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::SnesCtx > &snes_ctx) |
| get MoFEM::SnesCtx data structure More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetSnesCtx (DM dm, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::SnesCtx > snes_ctx) |
| Set MoFEM::SnesCtx data structure. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetTsCtx (DM dm, MoFEM::TsCtx **ts_ctx) |
| get MoFEM::TsCtx data structure More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetTsCtx (DM dm, const boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::TsCtx > &ts_ctx) |
| get MoFEM::TsCtx data structure More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetTsCtx (DM dm, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::TsCtx > ts_ctx) |
| Set MoFEM::TsCtx data structure. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetIsPartitioned (DM dm, PetscBool is_partitioned) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetIsPartitioned (DM dm, PetscBool *is_partitioned) |
PetscErrorCode | DMSetOperators_MoFEM (DM dm) |
| Set operators for MoFEM dm. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMCreate_MoFEM (DM dm) |
| Create dm data structure with MoFEM data structure. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMDestroy_MoFEM (DM dm) |
| Destroys dm with MoFEM data structure. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMCreateGlobalVector_MoFEM (DM dm, Vec *g) |
| DMShellSetCreateGlobalVector. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMCreateGlobalVector_MoFEM (DM dm, SmartPetscObj< Vec > &g_ptr) |
| DMShellSetCreateGlobalVector. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMCreateLocalVector_MoFEM (DM dm, Vec *l) |
| DMShellSetCreateLocalVector. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMCreateMatrix_MoFEM (DM dm, Mat *M) |
PetscErrorCode | DMCreateMatrix_MoFEM (DM dm, SmartPetscObj< Mat > &M) |
PetscErrorCode | DMSetFromOptions_MoFEM (DM dm) |
PetscErrorCode | DMSetUp_MoFEM (DM dm) |
PetscErrorCode | DMSubDMSetUp_MoFEM (DM subdm) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddSubFieldRow (DM dm, const char field_name[]) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddSubFieldRow (DM dm, std::string field_name) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddSubFieldRow (DM dm, const char field_name[], boost::shared_ptr< Range > r_ptr) |
| Add field to sub dm problem on rows. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddSubFieldRow (DM dm, std::string field_name, boost::shared_ptr< Range > r_ptr) |
| Add field to sub dm problem on rows. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddSubFieldCol (DM dm, const char field_name[]) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddSubFieldCol (DM dm, std::string field_name) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddSubFieldCol (DM dm, const char field_name[], boost::shared_ptr< Range > r_ptr) |
| Add field to sub dm problem on columns. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddSubFieldCol (DM dm, std::string field_name, boost::shared_ptr< Range > r_ptr) |
| Add field to sub dm problem on columns. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetIsSubDM (DM dm, PetscBool *is_sub_dm) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetSubRowIS (DM dm, IS *is) |
| get sub problem is More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetSubColIS (DM dm, IS *is) |
| get sub problem is More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddRowCompositeProblem (DM dm, const char prb_name[]) |
| Add problem to composite DM on row. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMAddColCompositeProblem (DM dm, const char prb_name[]) |
| Add problem to composite DM on col. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetIsCompDM (DM dm, PetscBool *is_comp_dm) |
| Get if this DM is composite DM. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMGlobalToLocalBegin_MoFEM (DM dm, Vec, InsertMode, Vec) |
PetscErrorCode | DMGlobalToLocalEnd_MoFEM (DM dm, Vec, InsertMode, Vec) |
PetscErrorCode | DMLocalToGlobalBegin_MoFEM (DM, Vec, InsertMode, Vec) |
PetscErrorCode | DMLocalToGlobalEnd_MoFEM (DM, Vec, InsertMode, Vec) |
PetscErrorCode | DMCreateFieldIS_MoFEM (DM dm, PetscInt *numFields, char ***fieldNames, IS **fields) |
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetFieldIS (DM dm, RowColData rc, const char field_name[], IS *is) |
| get field is in the problem More...
PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetVerbosity (DM dm, const int verb) |
| Set verbosity level. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetBlocMatData (DM dm, boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure >) |
| Set data for block mat. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMoFEMGetBlocMatData (DM dm, boost::shared_ptr< BlockStructure > &) |
| Get data for block mat. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMoFEMCreateBlockMat (DM dm, Mat *mat) |
| Create block matrix. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMoFEMCreateBlockMat (DM dm, SmartPetscObj< Mat > &mat) |
| Create block matrix. More...
template<typename T > |
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMoFEMSetNestSchurData (DM dm, boost::shared_ptr< T >) |
| Set data for nest schur (see specialisation in Schur.hpp) More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMoFEMCreateNestSchurMat (DM dm, Mat *mat) |
| Create nest schur matrix. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMoFEMCreateHybridL2Mat (DM dm, SmartPetscObj< Mat > &mat) |
| Create matrix for hybridised system. More...
auto | getInterfacePtr (DM dm) |
| Get the Interface Ptr object. More...
auto | getProblemPtr (DM dm) |
| get problem pointer from DM More...
auto | createDMMatrix (DM dm) |
| Get smart matrix from DM. More...
auto | createDMHybridisedL2Matrix (DM dm) |
| Get smart hybridised L2 matrix from DM. More...
auto | createDMBlockMat (DM dm) |
auto | createDMNestSchurMat (DM dm) |
DEPRECATED auto | smartCreateDMMatrix (DM dm) |
auto | createDMVector (DM dm) |
| Get smart vector from DM. More...
DEPRECATED auto | smartCreateDMVector (DM dm) |
auto | getDMKspCtx (DM dm) |
| Get KSP context data structure used by DM. More...
DEPRECATED auto | smartGetDMKspCtx (DM dm) |
auto | getDMSnesCtx (DM dm) |
| Get SNES context data structure used by DM. More...
DEPRECATED auto | smartGetDMSnesCtx (DM dm) |
auto | getDMTsCtx (DM dm) |
| Get TS context data structure used by DM. More...
DEPRECATED auto | smartGetDMTsCtx (DM dm) |
auto | getDMSubData (DM dm) |
| Get sub problem data structure. More...
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMKSPSetComputeRHS (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMKSPSetComputeOperators (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSNESSetFunction (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMSNESSetJacobian (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetIFunction (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetIJacobian (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetRHSFunction (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetRHSJacobian (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetI2Function (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetI2Jacobian (DM dm, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
template<class S , class T0 , class T1 , class T2 > |
static PetscErrorCode | DMMoFEMTSSetMonitor (DM dm, TS ts, S fe_name, T0 method, T1 pre_only, T2 post_only) |
PetscErrorCode | KspRhs (KSP ksp, Vec f, void *ctx) |
| Run over elements in the lists. More...
PetscErrorCode | KspMat (KSP ksp, Mat A, Mat B, void *ctx) |
| Run over elements in the list. More...
template<InsertMode MODE> |
MoFEMErrorCode | sub_mat_mult_generic (Mat a, Vec x, Vec f) |
MoFEMErrorCode | sub_mat_mult (Mat a, Vec x, Vec f) |
MoFEMErrorCode | sub_mat_mult_add (Mat a, Vec x, Vec f) |
MoFEMErrorCode | sub_mat_sor (Mat mat, Vec b, PetscReal omega, MatSORType flag, PetscReal shift, PetscInt its, PetscInt lits, Vec x) |
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMGViaApproxOrdersSetAO (DM dm, AO ao) |
| Set DM ordering. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMGViaApproxOrdersPushBackCoarseningIS (DM, IS is, Mat A, bool create_sub_matrix, bool shell_sub_a) |
| Push back coarsening level to MG via approximation orders. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMGViaApproxOrdersPopBackCoarseningIS (DM) |
| Pop IS form MG via approximation orders. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMMGViaApproxOrdersClearCoarseningIS (DM) |
| Clear approximation orders. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMRegister_MGViaApproxOrders (const char sname[]) |
| Register DM for Multi-Grid via approximation orders. More...
static MoFEMErrorCode | ksp_set_operators (KSP ksp, Mat A, Mat B, void *ctx) |
MoFEMErrorCode | DMCreate_MGViaApproxOrders (DM dm) |
| Create DM data structure for Multi-Grid via approximation orders. More...
PetscErrorCode | DMDestroy_MGViaApproxOrders (DM dm) |
| Destroy DM. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMCreateMatrix_MGViaApproxOrders (DM dm, Mat *M) |
| Create matrix for Multi-Grid via approximation orders. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMCoarsen_MGViaApproxOrders (DM dm, MPI_Comm comm, DM *dmc) |
| Coarsen DM. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMCreateInterpolation_MGViaApproxOrders (DM dm1, DM dm2, Mat *mat, Vec *vec) |
| Create interpolation matrix between data managers dm1 and dm2. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | DMCreateGlobalVector_MGViaApproxOrders (DM dm, Vec *g) |
| Create global vector for DMGViaApproxOrders. More...
boost::shared_ptr< PCMGSetUpViaApproxOrdersCtx > | createPCMGSetUpViaApproxOrdersCtx (DM dm, Mat A, bool use_shell_mat) |
| createPCMGSetUpViaApproxOrdersCtx More...
MoFEMErrorCode | PCMGSetUpViaApproxOrders (PC pc, boost::shared_ptr< PCMGSetUpViaApproxOrdersCtx > ctx, int verb=0) |
| Function build MG structure. More...
PetscErrorCode | SnesRhs (SNES snes, Vec x, Vec f, void *ctx) |
| This is MoFEM implementation for the right hand side (residual vector) evaluation in SNES solver. More...
PetscErrorCode | SnesMat (SNES snes, Vec x, Mat A, Mat B, void *ctx) |
| This is MoFEM implementation for the left hand side (tangent matrix) evaluation in SNES solver. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | SnesMoFEMSetAssemblyType (SNES snes, MatAssemblyType type) |
| Set assembly type at the end of SnesMat. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | SnesMoFEMSetBehavior (SNES snes, MoFEMTypes bh) |
| Set behavior if finite element in sequence does not exist. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | MoFEMSNESMonitorFields (SNES snes, PetscInt its, PetscReal fgnorm, SnesCtx *snes_ctx) |
| Sens monitor printing residual field by field. More...
PetscErrorCode | TsSetIFunction (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec u_t, Vec F, void *ctx) |
| Set IFunction for TS solver. More...
PetscErrorCode | TsSetIJacobian (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec u_t, PetscReal a, Mat A, Mat B, void *ctx) |
| Set function evaluating jacobian in TS solver. More...
PetscErrorCode | TsMonitorSet (TS ts, PetscInt step, PetscReal t, Vec u, void *ctx) |
| Set monitor for TS solver. More...
PetscErrorCode | TsSetRHSFunction (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec F, void *ctx) |
| TS solver function. More...
PetscErrorCode | TsSetRHSJacobian (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Mat A, Mat B, void *ctx) |
| TS solver function. More...
PetscErrorCode | TsSetI2Jacobian (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec u_t, Vec u_tt, PetscReal a, PetscReal aa, Mat A, Mat B, void *ctx) |
| Calculation Jacobian for second order PDE in time. More...
PetscErrorCode | TsSetI2Function (TS ts, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec u_t, Vec u_tt, Vec F, void *ctx) |
| Calculation the right hand side for second order PDE in time. More...
PetscErrorCode | TSAdaptChooseMoFEM (TSAdapt adapt, TS ts, PetscReal h, PetscInt *next_sc, PetscReal *next_h, PetscBool *accept, PetscReal *wlte, PetscReal *wltea, PetscReal *wlter) |
PetscErrorCode | TSAdaptResetMoFEM (TSAdapt adapt) |
PetscErrorCode | TSAdaptDestroyMoFEM (TSAdapt adapt) |
PetscErrorCode | TSAdaptCreateMoFEM (TSAdapt adapt) |
| Craete MOFEM adapt. More...