
Implementation of operators

* \file EshelbianOperators.cpp
* \example EshelbianOperators.cpp
* \brief Implementation of operators
#include <MoFEM.hpp>
using namespace MoFEM;
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <EshelbianAux.hpp>
#include <lapack_wrap.h>
template <typename T>
RotSelector rotSelector = LARGE_ROT) {
using D = typename TensorTypeExtractor<T>::Type;
constexpr auto t_kd = FTensor::Kronecker_Delta<int>();
t_R(i, j) = t_kd(i, j);
t_Omega(i, j) = FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, j, k) * t_omega(k);
if (rotSelector == SMALL_ROT) {
t_R(i, j) += t_Omega(i, j);
return t_R;
const auto angle =
sqrt(t_omega(i) * t_omega(i)) + std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
const auto a = sin(angle) / angle;
t_R(i, j) += a * t_Omega(i, j);
if (rotSelector == MODERATE_ROT)
return t_R;
const auto ss_2 = sin(angle / 2.) / angle;
const auto b = 2. * ss_2 * ss_2;
t_R(i, j) += b * t_Omega(i, k) * t_Omega(k, j);
return t_R;
template <typename T>
RotSelector rotSelector = LARGE_ROT) {
using D = typename TensorTypeExtractor<T>::Type;
const auto angle =
sqrt(t_omega(i) * t_omega(i)) + std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
if (rotSelector == SMALL_ROT) {
t_diff_R(i, j, k) = FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, j, k);
return t_diff_R;
const auto ss = sin(angle);
const auto a = ss / angle;
t_diff_R(i, j, k) = a * FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, j, k);
t_Omega(i, j) = FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, j, k) * t_omega(k);
const auto angle2 = angle * angle;
const auto cc = cos(angle);
const auto diff_a = (angle * cc - ss) / angle2;
t_diff_R(i, j, k) += diff_a * t_Omega(i, j) * (t_omega(k) / angle);
if (rotSelector == MODERATE_ROT)
return t_diff_R;
const auto ss_2 = sin(angle / 2.);
const auto cc_2 = cos(angle / 2.);
const auto b = 2. * ss_2 * ss_2 / angle2;
t_diff_R(i, j, k) +=
b * (t_Omega(i, l) * FTensor::levi_civita<double>(l, j, k) +
FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, l, k) * t_Omega(l, j));
const auto diff_b =
(2. * angle * ss_2 * cc_2 - 4. * ss_2 * ss_2) / (angle2 * angle);
t_diff_R(i, j, k) +=
diff_b * t_Omega(i, l) * t_Omega(l, j) * (t_omega(k) / angle);
return t_diff_R;
template <typename T>
RotSelector rotSelector = LARGE_ROT) {
using D = typename TensorTypeExtractor<T>::Type;
constexpr double eps = 1e-10;
for (int l = 0; l != 3; ++l) {
t_omega_c(i) = t_omega(i);
t_omega_c(l) += std::complex<double>(0, eps);
auto t_diff_R_c = get_diff_rotation_form_vector(t_omega_c, rotSelector);
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j != 3; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k != 3; ++k) {
t_diff2_R(i, j, k, l) = t_diff_R_c(i, j, k).imag() / eps;
return t_diff2_R;
struct isEq {
static inline auto check(const double &a, const double &b) {
constexpr double eps = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
return std::abs(a - b) / absMax < eps;
static double absMax;
double isEq::absMax = 1;
inline auto is_eq(const double &a, const double &b) {
return isEq::check(a, b);
template <int DIM> inline auto get_uniq_nb(double *ptr) {
std::array<double, DIM> tmp;
std::copy(ptr, &ptr[DIM], tmp.begin());
std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
isEq::absMax = std::max(std::abs(tmp[0]), std::abs(tmp[DIM - 1]));
constexpr double eps = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
isEq::absMax = std::max(isEq::absMax, static_cast<double>(eps));
return std::distance(tmp.begin(), std::unique(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), is_eq));
template <int DIM>
isEq::absMax =
std::max(std::max(std::abs(eig(0)), std::abs(eig(1))), std::abs(eig(2)));
int i = 0, j = 1, k = 2;
if (is_eq(eig(0), eig(1))) {
i = 0;
j = 2;
k = 1;
} else if (is_eq(eig(0), eig(2))) {
i = 0;
j = 1;
k = 2;
} else if (is_eq(eig(1), eig(2))) {
i = 1;
j = 0;
k = 2;
eigen_vec(i, 0), eigen_vec(i, 1), eigen_vec(i, 2),
eigen_vec(j, 0), eigen_vec(j, 1), eigen_vec(j, 2),
eigen_vec(k, 0), eigen_vec(k, 1), eigen_vec(k, 2)};
FTensor::Tensor1<double, 3> eig_c{eig(i), eig(j), eig(k)};
eig(i) = eig_c(i);
eigen_vec(i, j) = eigen_vec_c(i, j);
EntData &data) {
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
auto t_P = getFTensor2FromMat<SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM>(dataAtPts->approxPAtPts);
auto t_F = getFTensor2FromMat<SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM>(dataAtPts->hAtPts);
auto t_energy = getFTensor0FromVec(dataAtPts->energyAtPts);
dataAtPts->SigmaAtPts.resize(SPACE_DIM * SPACE_DIM, nb_integration_pts,
auto t_eshelby_stress =
getFTensor2FromMat<SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM>(dataAtPts->SigmaAtPts);
for (auto gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
t_eshelby_stress(i, j) = t_energy * t_kd(i, j) - t_F(m, i) * t_P(m, j);
MoFEMErrorCode OpCalculateRotationAndSpatialGradient::doWork(int side,
EntityType type,
EntData &data) {
auto t_L = symm_L_tensor();
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
dataAtPts->hAtPts.resize(9, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->hdOmegaAtPts.resize(9 * 3, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->hdLogStretchAtPts.resize(9 * 6, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffAtPts.resize(3, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffPAtPts.resize(9 * 3, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffOmegaAtPts.resize(9, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->adjointPdstretchAtPts.resize(9, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->adjointPdUAtPts.resize(size_symm, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->adjointPdUdPAtPts.resize(9 * size_symm, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->adjointPdUdOmegaAtPts.resize(3 * size_symm, nb_integration_pts,
dataAtPts->rotMatAtPts.resize(9, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->diffRotMatAtPts.resize(27, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->stretchTensorAtPts.resize(6, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->diffStretchTensorAtPts.resize(36, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->eigenVals.resize(3, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->eigenVecs.resize(9, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->nbUniq.resize(nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->logStretch2H1AtPts.resize(6, nb_integration_pts, false);
dataAtPts->logStretchTotalTensorAtPts.resize(6, nb_integration_pts, false);
auto t_h = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->hAtPts);
auto t_h_domega = getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, 3>(dataAtPts->hdOmegaAtPts);
auto t_h_dlog_u =
getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, size_symm>(dataAtPts->hdLogStretchAtPts);
auto t_levi_kirchoff = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffAtPts);
auto t_levi_kirchoff_dP =
getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, 3>(dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffPAtPts);
auto t_levi_kirchoff_domega =
getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffOmegaAtPts);
auto t_approx_P_adjont_dstretch =
getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->adjointPdstretchAtPts);
auto t_approx_P_adjont_log_du =
auto t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_dP =
getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, size_symm>(dataAtPts->adjointPdUdPAtPts);
auto t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_domega =
getFTensor2FromMat<3, size_symm>(dataAtPts->adjointPdUdOmegaAtPts);
auto t_omega = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->rotAxisAtPts);
auto t_R = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->rotMatAtPts);
auto t_diff_R = getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, 3>(dataAtPts->diffRotMatAtPts);
auto t_log_u =
auto t_u = getFTensor2SymmetricFromMat<3>(dataAtPts->stretchTensorAtPts);
auto t_approx_P = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->approxPAtPts);
auto t_diff_u =
getFTensor4DdgFromMat<3, 3, 1>(dataAtPts->diffStretchTensorAtPts);
auto t_eigen_vals = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->eigenVals);
auto t_eigen_vecs = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->eigenVecs);
auto &nbUniq = dataAtPts->nbUniq;
auto t_grad_h1 = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->wGradH1AtPts);
auto t_log_stretch_total =
auto t_log_u2_h1 =
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
FTensor::Tensor2<double, 3, 3> t_approx_P_intermidiate;
switch (EshelbianCore::gradApproximator) {
t_h1(i, j) = t_kd(i, j);
t_h1(i, j) = t_grad_h1(i, j) + t_kd(i, j);
t_h1(i, j) = t_kd(i, j);
auto calculate_rotation = [&]() {
auto t0_diff =
get_diff_rotation_form_vector(t_omega, EshelbianCore::rotSelector);
auto t0 = get_rotation_form_vector(t_omega, EshelbianCore::rotSelector);
t_diff_R(i, j, k) = t0_diff(i, j, k);
t_R(i, j) = t0(i, j);
auto calculate_stretch = [&]() {
if (EshelbianCore::stretchSelector == StretchSelector::LINEAR) {
constexpr auto t_kd_sym = FTensor::Kronecker_Delta_symmetric<int>();
t_u(i, j) = t_log_u(i, j) + t_kd_sym(i, j);
t_diff_u(i, j, k, l) = (t_kd_sym(i, k) ^ t_kd_sym(j, l)) / 4.;
t_Ldiff_u(i, j, L) = t_diff_u(i, j, m, n) * t_L(m, n, L);
} else {
eigen_vec(i, j) = t_log_u(i, j);
// rare case when two eigen values are equal
nbUniq[gg] = get_uniq_nb<3>(&eig(0));
if (nbUniq[gg] < 3) {
sort_eigen_vals<3>(eig, eigen_vec);
t_eigen_vals(i) = eig(i);
t_eigen_vecs(i, j) = eigen_vec(i, j);
auto t_u_tmp =
EigenMatrix::getMat(t_eigen_vals, t_eigen_vecs, EshelbianCore::f);
t_u(i, j) = t_u_tmp(i, j);
auto t_diff_u_tmp = EigenMatrix::getDiffMat(
t_eigen_vals, t_eigen_vecs, EshelbianCore::f, EshelbianCore::d_f,
t_diff_u(i, j, k, l) = t_diff_u_tmp(i, j, k, l);
t_Ldiff_u(i, j, L) = t_diff_u(i, j, m, n) * t_L(m, n, L);
if (!EshelbianCore::noStretch) {
switch (EshelbianCore::gradApproximator) {
// rotation can be large, moderate or small
t_Ru(i, m) = t_R(i, l) * t_u(l, m);
t_h(i, j) = t_Ru(i, m) * t_h1(m, j);
t_h_domega(i, j, k) = (t_diff_R(i, l, k) * t_u(l, m)) * t_h1(m, j);
t_h_dlog_u(i, j, L) = (t_R(i, l) * t_Ldiff_u(l, m, L)) * t_h1(m, j);
// conservation of angular momentum at current configuration
t_approx_P_intermidiate(i, m) = t_approx_P(i, j) * t_h1(m, j);
t_approx_P_adjont_dstretch(l, m) =
t_approx_P_intermidiate(i, m) * t_R(i, l);
t_levi_kirchoff(k) =
levi_civita(l, m, k) * (t_approx_P_adjont_dstretch(l, m));
t_levi_kirchoff_dP(i, j, k) =
(levi_civita(l, m, k) * t_R(i, l)) * t_h1(m, j);
t_levi_kirchoff_domega(k, n) =
(t_approx_P_intermidiate(i, m) * t_diff_R(i, l, n));
t_approx_P_adjont_log_du(L) =
t_Ldiff_u(l, m, L) * t_approx_P_adjont_dstretch(l, m);
t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_dP(i, j, L) = t_h_dlog_u(i, j, L);
t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_domega(n, L) =
t_Ldiff_u(l, m, L) *
(t_approx_P_intermidiate(i, m) * t_diff_R(i, l, n));
// assume small current rotation
t_Omega(i, j) = FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, j, k) * t_omega(k);
t_Ru(i, m) = t_Omega(i, m) + t_u(i, m);
t_h(i, j) = t_Ru(i, m) * t_h1(m, j);
t_h_domega(i, j, k) =
FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, m, k) * t_h1(m, j);
t_h_dlog_u(i, j, L) = t_Ldiff_u(i, m, L) * t_h1(m, j);
// conservation of angular momentum at intermediate configuration
t_approx_P_intermidiate(i, m) = t_approx_P(i, j) * t_h1(m, j);
t_approx_P_adjont_dstretch(i, m) = t_approx_P_intermidiate(i, m);
t_levi_kirchoff(k) =
levi_civita(i, m, k) * (t_approx_P_adjont_dstretch(i, m));
t_levi_kirchoff_dP(i, j, k) = levi_civita(i, m, k) * t_h1(m, j);
t_levi_kirchoff_domega(k, n) = 0;
t_approx_P_adjont_log_du(L) =
t_Ldiff_u(i, m, L) * t_approx_P_adjont_dstretch(i, m);
t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_dP(i, j, L) = t_h_dlog_u(i, j, L);
t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_domega(n, L) = 0;
// assume small current rotation
t_Omega(i, j) = FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, j, k) * t_omega(k);
t_h(i, j) = t_Omega(i, j) + t_u(i, j);
t_h_domega(i, j, k) = FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, j, k);
t_h_dlog_u(i, j, L) = t_Ldiff_u(i, j, L);
// conservation of angular momentum at reference condition
t_levi_kirchoff(k) = levi_civita(i, j, k) * t_approx_P(i, j);
t_levi_kirchoff_dP(i, j, k) = levi_civita(i, j, k);
t_levi_kirchoff_domega(k, l) = 0;
t_approx_P_adjont_dstretch(i, j) = t_approx_P(i, j);
t_approx_P_adjont_log_du(L) =
t_Ldiff_u(i, j, L) * t_approx_P_adjont_dstretch(i, j);
t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_dP(i, j, L) = t_h_dlog_u(i, j, L);
t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_domega(m, L) = 0;
t_C_h1(i, j) = t_h1(k, i) * t_h1(k, j);
eigen_vec(i, j) = t_C_h1(i, j);
switch (EshelbianCore::stretchSelector) {
// for (int ii = 0; ii != 3; ++ii) {
// eig(ii) = std::max(
// eig(ii), 2 * EshelbianCore::inv_f(EshelbianCore::f(
// std::numeric_limits<double>::min_exponent)));
// }
switch (EshelbianCore::gradApproximator) {
t_log_u2_h1(i, j) = 0;
t_log_stretch_total(i, j) = t_log_u(i, j);
auto t_log_u2_h1_tmp =
EigenMatrix::getMat(eig, eigen_vec, EshelbianCore::inv_f);
t_log_u2_h1(i, j) = t_log_u2_h1_tmp(i, j);
t_log_stretch_total(i, j) = t_log_u2_h1_tmp(i, j) / 2 + t_log_u(i, j);
} break;
t_log_u2_h1(i, j) = 0;
t_log_stretch_total(i, j) = t_log_u(i, j);
} else {
t_Omega(i, j) = FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, j, k) * t_omega(k);
t_u(i, j) = t_kd(i, j) + t_log_u(i, j);
t_h(i, j) = t_Omega(i, j) + t_u(i, j);
t_h_domega(i, j, k) = FTensor::levi_civita<double>(i, j, k);
// conservation of angular momentum at reference condition
t_levi_kirchoff(k) = levi_civita(i, j, k) * t_approx_P(i, j);
t_levi_kirchoff_dP(i, j, k) = levi_civita(i, j, k);
t_levi_kirchoff_domega(k, l) = 0;
t_log_stretch_total(i, j) = t_log_u(i, j);
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialEquilibrium::integrate(EntData &data) {
int nb_dofs = data.getIndices().size();
int nb_integration_pts = data.getN().size1();
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_div_P = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->divPAtPts);
auto t_s_dot_w = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->wL2DotAtPts);
if (dataAtPts->wL2DotDotAtPts.size1() == 0 &&
dataAtPts->wL2DotDotAtPts.size2() != nb_integration_pts) {
dataAtPts->wL2DotDotAtPts.resize(3, nb_integration_pts);
auto t_s_dot_dot_w = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->wL2DotDotAtPts);
int nb_base_functions = data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = data.getFTensor0N();
auto get_ftensor1 = [](auto &v) {
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
auto t_nf = get_ftensor1(nF);
int bb = 0;
for (; bb != nb_dofs / 3; ++bb) {
t_nf(i) += a * t_row_base_fun * t_div_P(i);
t_nf(i) -= a * t_row_base_fun * alphaW * t_s_dot_w(i);
t_nf(i) -= a * t_row_base_fun * alphaRho * t_s_dot_dot_w(i);
for (; bb != nb_base_functions; ++bb)
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialRotation::integrate(EntData &data) {
int nb_dofs = data.getIndices().size();
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_levi_kirchoff = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffAtPts);
int nb_base_functions = data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = data.getFTensor0N();
auto get_ftensor1 = [](auto &v) {
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
auto t_nf = get_ftensor1(nF);
int bb = 0;
for (; bb != nb_dofs / 3; ++bb) {
t_nf(k) += (a * t_row_base_fun) * t_levi_kirchoff(k);
for (; bb != nb_base_functions; ++bb) {
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialConsistencyP::integrate(EntData &data) {
int nb_dofs = data.getIndices().size();
int nb_integration_pts = data.getN().size1();
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_h = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->hAtPts);
int nb_base_functions = data.getN().size2() / 3;
auto t_row_base_fun = data.getFTensor1N<3>();
auto get_ftensor1 = [](auto &v) {
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
auto t_nf = get_ftensor1(nF);
constexpr auto t_kd = FTensor::Kronecker_Delta<int>();
t_residuum(i, j) = t_h(i, j) - t_kd(i, j);
int bb = 0;
for (; bb != nb_dofs / 3; ++bb) {
t_nf(i) += a * t_row_base_fun(j) * t_residuum(i, j);
for (; bb != nb_base_functions; ++bb)
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialConsistencyBubble::integrate(EntData &data) {
int nb_dofs = data.getIndices().size();
int nb_integration_pts = data.getN().size1();
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_h = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->hAtPts);
int nb_base_functions = data.getN().size2() / 9;
auto t_row_base_fun = data.getFTensor2N<3, 3>();
auto get_ftensor0 = [](auto &v) {
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
auto t_nf = get_ftensor0(nF);
constexpr auto t_kd = FTensor::Kronecker_Delta<int>();
t_residuum(i, j) = t_h(i, j) - t_kd(i, j);
int bb = 0;
for (; bb != nb_dofs; ++bb) {
t_nf += a * t_row_base_fun(i, j) * t_residuum(i, j);
for (; bb != nb_base_functions; ++bb) {
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialConsistencyDivTerm::integrate(EntData &data) {
int nb_dofs = data.getIndices().size();
int nb_integration_pts = data.getN().size1();
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_w_l2 = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->wL2AtPts);
int nb_base_functions = data.getN().size2() / 3;
auto t_row_diff_base_fun = data.getFTensor2DiffN<3, 3>();
auto get_ftensor1 = [](auto &v) {
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
auto t_nf = get_ftensor1(nF);
int bb = 0;
for (; bb != nb_dofs / 3; ++bb) {
double div_row_base = t_row_diff_base_fun(i, i);
t_nf(i) += a * div_row_base * t_w_l2(i);
for (; bb != nb_base_functions; ++bb) {
template <AssemblyType A>
MoFEMErrorCode OpDispBcImpl<A, GAUSS>::iNtegrate(EntData &data) {
// get entity of face
EntityHandle fe_ent = OP::getFEEntityHandle();
// iterate over all boundary data
for (auto &bc : (*bcDispPtr)) {
// check if finite element entity is part of boundary condition
if (bc.faces.find(fe_ent) != bc.faces.end()) {
int nb_dofs = data.getIndices().size();
int nb_integration_pts = OP::getGaussPts().size2();
auto t_normal = OP::getFTensor1NormalsAtGaussPts();
auto t_w = OP::getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
int nb_base_functions = data.getN().size2() / 3;
auto t_row_base_fun = data.getFTensor1N<3>();
double scale = 1;
for (auto &sm : scalingMethodsVec) {
scale *= sm->getScale(OP::getFEMethod()->ts_t);
// get bc data
FTensor::Tensor1<double, 3> t_bc_disp(bc.vals[0], bc.vals[1], bc.vals[2]);
t_bc_disp(i) *= scale;
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
auto t_nf = getFTensor1FromPtr<3>(&*OP::locF.begin());
int bb = 0;
for (; bb != nb_dofs / SPACE_DIM; ++bb) {
t_nf(i) -=
t_w * (t_row_base_fun(j) * t_normal(j)) * t_bc_disp(i) * 0.5;
for (; bb != nb_base_functions; ++bb)
MoFEMErrorCode OpDispBc::iNtegrate(EntData &data) {
return OP::iNtegrate(data);
template <AssemblyType A>
MoFEMErrorCode OpRotationBcImpl<A, GAUSS>::iNtegrate(EntData &data) {
// get entity of face
EntityHandle fe_ent = OP::getFEEntityHandle();
// interate over all boundary data
for (auto &bc : (*bcRotPtr)) {
// check if finite element entity is part of boundary condition
if (bc.faces.find(fe_ent) != bc.faces.end()) {
int nb_dofs = data.getIndices().size();
int nb_integration_pts = OP::getGaussPts().size2();
auto t_normal = OP::getFTensor1NormalsAtGaussPts();
auto t_w = OP::getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
int nb_base_functions = data.getN().size2() / 3;
auto t_row_base_fun = data.getFTensor1N<3>();
auto get_ftensor1 = [](auto &v) {
// get bc data
FTensor::Tensor1<double, 3> t_center(bc.vals[0], bc.vals[1], bc.vals[2]);
double theta = bc.theta;
theta *= OP::getFEMethod()->ts_t;
const double a = sqrt(t_normal(i) * t_normal(i));
t_omega(i) = t_normal(i) * (theta / a);
auto t_R = get_rotation_form_vector(t_omega, LARGE_ROT);
auto t_coords = OP::getFTensor1CoordsAtGaussPts();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
t_delta(i) = t_center(i) - t_coords(i);
t_disp(i) = t_delta(i) - t_R(i, j) * t_delta(j);
auto t_nf = getFTensor1FromPtr<3>(&*OP::locF.begin());
int bb = 0;
for (; bb != nb_dofs / 3; ++bb) {
t_nf(i) -= t_w * (t_row_base_fun(j) * t_normal(j)) * t_disp(i) * 0.5;
for (; bb != nb_base_functions; ++bb)
MoFEMErrorCode OpRotationBc::iNtegrate(EntData &data) {
return OP::iNtegrate(data);
MoFEMErrorCode OpBrokenTractionBc::iNtegrate(EntData &data) {
int nb_dofs = data.getFieldData().size();
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
int nb_base_functions = data.getN().size2();
double ts_t = getFEMethod()->ts_t;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (this->locF.size() != nb_dofs)
"Size of locF %d != nb_dofs %d", this->locF.size(), nb_dofs);
#endif // NDEBUG
auto integrate_rhs = [&](auto &bc) {
auto t_val = getFTensor1FromPtr<3>(&*bc.vals.begin());
auto t_row_base = data.getFTensor0N();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
auto t_f = getFTensor1FromPtr<3>(&*this->locF.begin());
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != nb_dofs / SPACE_DIM; ++rr) {
t_f(i) -= ts_t * t_w * t_row_base * t_val(i);
for (; rr != nb_base_functions; ++rr)
this->locF *= getMeasure();
auto integrate_rhs_cook = [&](auto &bc) {
auto t_val = getFTensor1FromPtr<3>(&*bc.vals.begin());
auto t_row_base = data.getFTensor0N();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_coords = getFTensor1CoordsAtGaussPts();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
auto calc_tau = [](double y) {
y -= 44;
y /= (60 - 44);
return -y * (y - 1) / 0.25;
const auto tau = calc_tau(t_coords(1));
auto t_f = getFTensor1FromPtr<3>(&*this->locF.begin());
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != nb_dofs / SPACE_DIM; ++rr) {
t_f(i) -= ts_t * t_w * t_row_base * tau * t_val(i);
for (; rr != nb_base_functions; ++rr)
// Multiply by 2 since we integrate on triangle, and hybrid constrain is
// multiplied by norm.
this->locF *= 2. * getMeasure();
// get entity of face
EntityHandle fe_ent = getFEEntityHandle();
for (auto &bc : *(bcData)) {
if (bc.faces.find(fe_ent) != bc.faces.end()) {
int nb_dofs = data.getFieldData().size();
if (nb_dofs) {
if (std::regex_match(bc.blockName, std::regex(".*COOK.*")))
CHKERR integrate_rhs_cook(bc);
CHKERR integrate_rhs(bc);
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialEquilibrium_dw_dP::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
int nb_integration_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor1 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c + 0), &m(r + 1, c + 1), &m(r + 2, c + 2));
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor0N();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 3; ++rr) {
auto t_col_diff_base_fun = col_data.getFTensor2DiffN<3, 3>(gg, 0);
auto t_m = get_ftensor1(K, 3 * rr, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
double div_col_base = t_col_diff_base_fun(i, i);
t_m(i) += a * t_row_base_fun * div_col_base;
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialEquilibrium_dw_dw::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
if (alphaW < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() &&
alphaRho < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
const int nb_integration_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
const int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor1 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c + 0), &m(r + 1, c + 1), &m(r + 2, c + 2)
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor0N();
double ts_scale = alphaW * getTSa();
if (std::abs(alphaRho) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
ts_scale += alphaRho * getTSaa();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w * ts_scale;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 3; ++rr) {
auto t_col_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor0N(gg, 0);
auto t_m = get_ftensor1(K, 3 * rr, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != row_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
const double b = a * t_row_base_fun * t_col_base_fun;
t_m(i) -= b;
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialPhysical_du_dP::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
int nb_integration_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor3 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c + 0), &m(r + 0, c + 1), &m(r + 0, c + 2),
&m(r + 1, c + 0), &m(r + 1, c + 1), &m(r + 1, c + 2),
&m(r + 2, c + 0), &m(r + 2, c + 1), &m(r + 2, c + 2),
&m(r + 3, c + 0), &m(r + 3, c + 1), &m(r + 3, c + 2),
&m(r + 4, c + 0), &m(r + 4, c + 1), &m(r + 4, c + 2),
&m(r + 5, c + 0), &m(r + 5, c + 1), &m(r + 5, c + 2));
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_dP =
getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, size_symm>(dataAtPts->adjointPdUdPAtPts);
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor0N();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 6; ++rr) {
auto t_col_base_fun = col_data.getFTensor1N<3>(gg, 0);
auto t_m = get_ftensor3(K, 6 * rr, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
t_m(L, i) +=
a * (t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_dP(i, j, L) * t_col_base_fun(j)) *
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialPhysical_du_dBubble::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
int nb_integration_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor2 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c), &m(r + 1, c), &m(r + 2, c), &m(r + 3, c), &m(r + 4, c),
&m(r + 5, c));
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_dP =
getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, size_symm>(dataAtPts->adjointPdUdPAtPts);
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor0N();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 6; ++rr) {
auto t_m = get_ftensor2(K, 6 * rr, 0);
auto t_col_base_fun = col_data.getFTensor2N<3, 3>(gg, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs; ++cc) {
t_m(L) +=
a * (t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_dP(i, j, L) * t_col_base_fun(i, j)) *
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialPhysical_du_domega::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
auto t_L = symm_L_tensor();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor3 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c + 0), &m(r + 0, c + 1), &m(r + 0, c + 2),
&m(r + 1, c + 0), &m(r + 1, c + 1), &m(r + 1, c + 2),
&m(r + 2, c + 0), &m(r + 2, c + 1), &m(r + 2, c + 2),
&m(r + 3, c + 0), &m(r + 3, c + 1), &m(r + 3, c + 2),
&m(r + 4, c + 0), &m(r + 4, c + 1), &m(r + 4, c + 2),
&m(r + 5, c + 0), &m(r + 5, c + 1), &m(r + 5, c + 2)
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_domega =
getFTensor2FromMat<3, size_symm>(dataAtPts->adjointPdUdOmegaAtPts);
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor0N();
int nb_integration_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 6; ++rr) {
auto t_col_base_fun = col_data.getFTensor0N(gg, 0);
auto t_m = get_ftensor3(K, 6 * rr, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
double v = a * t_row_base_fun * t_col_base_fun;
t_m(L, k) += v * t_approx_P_adjont_log_du_domega(k, L);
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialRotation_domega_dP::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor2 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c + 0), &m(r + 0, c + 1), &m(r + 0, c + 2),
&m(r + 1, c + 0), &m(r + 1, c + 1), &m(r + 1, c + 2),
&m(r + 2, c + 0), &m(r + 2, c + 1), &m(r + 2, c + 2)
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_levi_kirchoff_dP =
getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, 3>(dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffPAtPts);
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor0N();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 3; ++rr) {
double b = a * t_row_base_fun;
auto t_col_base_fun = col_data.getFTensor1N<3>(gg, 0);
auto t_m = get_ftensor2(K, 3 * rr, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
t_m(k, i) += b * (t_levi_kirchoff_dP(i, l, k) * t_col_base_fun(l));
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr) {
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialRotation_domega_dBubble::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor1 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c), &m(r + 1, c), &m(r + 2, c));
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_levi_kirchoff_dP =
getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, 3>(dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffPAtPts);
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor0N();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 3; ++rr) {
double b = a * t_row_base_fun;
auto t_col_base_fun = col_data.getFTensor2N<3, 3>(gg, 0);
auto t_m = get_ftensor1(K, 3 * rr, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs; ++cc) {
t_m(k) += b * (t_levi_kirchoff_dP(i, j, k) * t_col_base_fun(i, j));
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr) {
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialRotation_domega_domega::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor2 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c + 0), &m(r + 0, c + 1), &m(r + 0, c + 2),
&m(r + 1, c + 0), &m(r + 1, c + 1), &m(r + 1, c + 2),
&m(r + 2, c + 0), &m(r + 2, c + 1), &m(r + 2, c + 2)
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_levi_kirchoff_domega =
getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffOmegaAtPts);
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2();
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor0N();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 3; ++rr) {
auto t_m = get_ftensor2(K, 3 * rr, 0);
const double b = a * t_row_base_fun;
auto t_col_base_fun = col_data.getFTensor0N(gg, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
t_m(k, l) += (b * t_col_base_fun) * t_levi_kirchoff_domega(k, l);
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr) {
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialConsistency_dP_dP::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
if (dataAtPts->matInvD.size1() == size_symm &&
dataAtPts->matInvD.size2() == size_symm) {
return integrateImpl<0>(row_data, col_data);
} else {
return integrateImpl<size_symm>(row_data, col_data);
template <int S>
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialConsistency_dP_dP::integrateImpl(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
auto get_ftensor2 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c + 0), &m(r + 0, c + 1), &m(r + 0, c + 2),
&m(r + 1, c + 0), &m(r + 1, c + 1), &m(r + 1, c + 2),
&m(r + 2, c + 0), &m(r + 2, c + 1), &m(r + 2, c + 2)
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2() / 3;
auto t_inv_D = getFTensor4DdgFromPtr<SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM, S>(
auto t_row_base = row_data.getFTensor1N<3>();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 3; ++rr) {
auto t_col_base = col_data.getFTensor1N<3>(gg, 0);
auto t_m = get_ftensor2(K, 3 * rr, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
t_m(i, k) += a * t_row_base(j) * (t_inv_D(i, j, k, l) * t_col_base(l));
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
OpSpatialConsistency_dBubble_dBubble::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
if (dataAtPts->matInvD.size1() == size_symm &&
dataAtPts->matInvD.size2() == size_symm) {
return integrateImpl<0>(row_data, col_data);
} else {
return integrateImpl<size_symm>(row_data, col_data);
template <int S>
OpSpatialConsistency_dBubble_dBubble::integrateImpl(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2() / 9;
auto t_inv_D = getFTensor4DdgFromPtr<SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM, S>(
auto t_row_base = row_data.getFTensor2N<3, 3>();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs; ++rr) {
auto t_col_base = col_data.getFTensor2N<3, 3>(gg, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs; ++cc) {
K(rr, cc) +=
a * (t_row_base(i, j) * (t_inv_D(i, j, k, l) * t_col_base(k, l)));
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialConsistency_dBubble_dP::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
if (dataAtPts->matInvD.size1() == size_symm &&
dataAtPts->matInvD.size2() == size_symm) {
return integrateImpl<0>(row_data, col_data);
} else {
return integrateImpl<size_symm>(row_data, col_data);
template <int S>
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialConsistency_dBubble_dP::integrateImpl(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
auto get_ftensor1 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c + 0), &m(r + 0, c + 1), &m(r + 0, c + 2)
int nb_integration_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2() / 9;
auto t_inv_D = getFTensor4DdgFromPtr<SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM, S>(
auto t_row_base = row_data.getFTensor2N<3, 3>();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
auto t_m = get_ftensor1(K, 0, 0);
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs; ++rr) {
auto t_col_base = col_data.getFTensor1N<3>(gg, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
t_m(k) += a * (t_row_base(i, j) * t_inv_D(i, j, k, l)) * t_col_base(l);
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
MoFEMErrorCode OpSpatialConsistency_dP_domega::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
int nb_integration_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor2 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r + 0, c + 0), &m(r + 0, c + 1), &m(r + 0, c + 2),
&m(r + 1, c + 0), &m(r + 1, c + 1), &m(r + 1, c + 2),
&m(r + 2, c + 0), &m(r + 2, c + 1), &m(r + 2, c + 2)
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_h_domega = getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, 3>(dataAtPts->hdOmegaAtPts);
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2() / 3;
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor1N<3>();
const double ts_a = getTSa();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
constexpr auto t_kd = FTensor::Kronecker_Delta<int>();
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs / 3; ++rr) {
t_PRT(i, k) = t_row_base_fun(j) * t_h_domega(i, j, k);
auto t_col_base_fun = col_data.getFTensor0N(gg, 0);
auto t_m = get_ftensor2(K, 3 * rr, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
t_m(i, j) += (a * t_col_base_fun) * t_PRT(i, j);
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
OpSpatialConsistency_dBubble_domega::integrate(EntData &row_data,
EntData &col_data) {
int nb_integration_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
int row_nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
int col_nb_dofs = col_data.getIndices().size();
auto get_ftensor2 = [](MatrixDouble &m, const int r, const int c) {
&m(r, c + 0), &m(r, c + 1), &m(r, c + 2));
auto v = getVolume();
auto t_w = getFTensor0IntegrationWeight();
auto t_h_domega = getFTensor3FromMat<3, 3, 3>(dataAtPts->hdOmegaAtPts);
int row_nb_base_functions = row_data.getN().size2() / 9;
auto t_row_base_fun = row_data.getFTensor2N<3, 3>();
const double ts_a = getTSa();
for (int gg = 0; gg != nb_integration_pts; ++gg) {
double a = v * t_w;
int rr = 0;
for (; rr != row_nb_dofs; ++rr) {
t_PRT(k) = t_row_base_fun(i, j) * t_h_domega(i, j, k);
auto t_col_base_fun = col_data.getFTensor0N(gg, 0);
auto t_m = get_ftensor2(K, rr, 0);
for (int cc = 0; cc != col_nb_dofs / 3; ++cc) {
t_m(j) += (a * t_col_base_fun) * t_PRT(j);
for (; rr != row_nb_base_functions; ++rr)
MoFEMErrorCode OpPostProcDataStructure::doWork(int side, EntityType type,
EntData &data) {
if(tagSense != getSkeletonSense())
auto create_tag = [this](const std::string tag_name, const int size) {
double def_VAL[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
Tag th;
CHKERR postProcMesh.tag_get_handle(tag_name.c_str(), size, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE,
return th;
Tag th_w = create_tag("SpatialDisplacement", 3);
Tag th_omega = create_tag("Omega", 3);
Tag th_approxP = create_tag("Piola1Stress", 9);
Tag th_calcSigma = create_tag("EshelbyStress", 9);
Tag th_sigma = create_tag("CauchyStress", 9);
Tag th_log_u = create_tag("LogSpatialStretch", 9);
Tag th_u = create_tag("SpatialStretch", 9);
Tag th_h = create_tag("h", 9);
Tag th_X = create_tag("X", 3);
Tag th_detF = create_tag("detF", 1);
Tag th_angular_momentum = create_tag("AngularMomentum", 3);
// Tag th_u_eig_vec = create_tag("SpatialStretchEigenVec", 9);
// Tag th_u_eig_vals = create_tag("SpatialStretchEigenVals", 3);
Tag th_traction = create_tag("traction", 3);
Tag th_disp = create_tag("H1Displacement", 3);
Tag th_disp_error = create_tag("DisplacementError", 1);
Tag th_lambda_disp = create_tag("ContactDisplacement", 3);
Tag th_energy = create_tag("Energy", 1);
auto t_w = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->wL2AtPts);
auto t_omega = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->rotAxisAtPts);
auto t_h = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->hAtPts);
auto t_log_u =
auto t_u = getFTensor2SymmetricFromMat<3>(dataAtPts->stretchTensorAtPts);
auto t_R = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->rotMatAtPts);
auto t_approx_P = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->approxPAtPts);
if (dataAtPts->SigmaAtPts.size2() != dataAtPts->approxPAtPts.size2()) {
// that is for case that Eshelby stress is not calculated
dataAtPts->approxPAtPts.size2(), false);
auto t_calcSigma_P = getFTensor2FromMat<3, 3>(dataAtPts->SigmaAtPts);
auto t_levi_kirchoff = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->leviKirchhoffAtPts);
auto t_coords = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->XH1AtPts);
auto t_normal = getFTensor1NormalsAtGaussPts();
auto t_disp = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->wH1AtPts);
auto t_lambda_disp = getFTensor1FromMat<3>(dataAtPts->contactL2AtPts);
if (dataAtPts->energyAtPts.size() == 0) {
// that is for case that energy is not calculated
auto t_energy = getFTensor0FromVec(dataAtPts->energyAtPts);
auto set_float_precision = [](const double x) {
if (std::abs(x) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
return 0.;
return x;
// scalars
auto save_scal_tag = [&](auto &th, auto v, const int gg) {
v = set_float_precision(v);
CHKERR postProcMesh.tag_set_data(th, &mapGaussPts[gg], 1, &v);
// vectors
auto save_vec_tag = [&](auto &th, auto &t_d, const int gg) {
t_v(i) = t_d(i);
for (auto &a : v.data())
a = set_float_precision(a);
CHKERR postProcMesh.tag_set_data(th, &mapGaussPts[gg], 1,
// tensors
&m(0, 0), &m(0, 1), &m(0, 2),
&m(1, 0), &m(1, 1), &m(1, 2),
&m(2, 0), &m(2, 1), &m(2, 2));
auto save_mat_tag = [&](auto &th, auto &t_d, const int gg) {
t_m(i, j) = t_d(i, j);
for (auto &v : m.data())
v = set_float_precision(v);
CHKERR postProcMesh.tag_set_data(th, &mapGaussPts[gg], 1,
const auto nb_gauss_pts = getGaussPts().size2();
for (auto gg = 0; gg != nb_gauss_pts; ++gg) {
t_traction(i) = t_approx_P(i, j) * t_normal(j) / t_normal.l2();
// vectors
CHKERR save_vec_tag(th_w, t_w, gg);
CHKERR save_vec_tag(th_X, t_coords, gg);
CHKERR save_vec_tag(th_omega, t_omega, gg);
CHKERR save_vec_tag(th_traction, t_traction, gg);
// tensors
CHKERR save_mat_tag(th_h, t_h, gg);
for (int ii = 0; ii != 3; ++ii)
for (int jj = 0; jj != 3; ++jj)
t_log_u_tmp(ii, jj) = t_log_u(ii, jj);
CHKERR save_mat_tag(th_log_u, t_log_u_tmp, gg);
for (int ii = 0; ii != 3; ++ii)
for (int jj = 0; jj != 3; ++jj)
t_u_tmp(ii, jj) = t_u(ii, jj);
CHKERR save_mat_tag(th_u, t_u_tmp, gg);
CHKERR save_mat_tag(th_approxP, t_approx_P, gg);
CHKERR save_mat_tag(th_calcSigma, t_calcSigma_P, gg);
CHKERR save_vec_tag(th_disp, t_disp, gg);
CHKERR save_vec_tag(th_lambda_disp, t_lambda_disp, gg);
double u_error = sqrt((t_disp(i) - t_w(i)) * (t_disp(i) - t_w(i)));
CHKERR save_scal_tag(th_disp_error, u_error, gg);
CHKERR save_scal_tag(th_energy, t_energy, gg);
const double jac = determinantTensor3by3(t_h);
t_cauchy(i, j) = (1. / jac) * (t_approx_P(i, k) * t_h(j, k));
CHKERR save_mat_tag(th_sigma, t_cauchy, gg);
CHKERR postProcMesh.tag_set_data(th_detF, &mapGaussPts[gg], 1, &jac);
t_levi(k) = t_levi_kirchoff(k);
CHKERR postProcMesh.tag_set_data(th_angular_momentum, &mapGaussPts[gg], 1,
auto get_eiegn_vector_symmetric = [&](auto &t_u) {
// for (int ii = 0; ii != 3; ++ii)
// for (int jj = 0; jj != 3; ++jj)
// t_m(ii, jj) = t_u(ii, jj);
// VectorDouble3 eigen_values(3);
// auto t_eigen_values = getFTensor1FromArray<3>(eigen_values);
// if (computeEigenValuesSymmetric(t_m, t_eigen_values) != 0) {
// };
// CHKERR postProcMesh.tag_set_data(th_u_eig_vec, &mapGaussPts[gg], 1,
// &*m.data().begin());
// CHKERR postProcMesh.tag_set_data(th_u_eig_vals, &mapGaussPts[gg], 1,
// &*eigen_values.data().begin());
CHKERR get_eiegn_vector_symmetric(t_u);
boost::ptr_deque<ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator> &pipeline,
std::vector<FieldSpace> spaces, std::string geom_field_name,
boost::shared_ptr<Range> crack_front_edges_ptr) {
: public MoFEM::OpGetHONormalsOnFace<SPACE_DIM> {
boost::shared_ptr<Range> edges_ptr)
: OP(field_name), edgesPtr(edges_ptr) {}
MoFEMErrorCode doWork(int side, EntityType type, EntData &data) {
auto ent = data.getFieldEntities().size()
? data.getFieldEntities()[0]->getEnt()
: 0;
if (type == MBEDGE && edgesPtr->find(ent) != edgesPtr->end()) {
return 0;
} else {
return OP::doWork(side, type, data);
boost::shared_ptr<Range> edgesPtr;
auto jac = boost::make_shared<MatrixDouble>();
auto det = boost::make_shared<VectorDouble>();
pipeline.push_back(new OpGetHONormalsOnFace(
geom_field_name, EshelbianCore::setSingularity
? crack_front_edges_ptr
: boost::make_shared<Range>()));
pipeline.push_back(new OpCalculateHOJacForFaceEmbeddedIn3DSpace(jac));
pipeline.push_back(new OpInvertMatrix<3>(jac, det, nullptr));
pipeline.push_back(new OpScaleBaseBySpaceInverseOfMeasure(
CHKERR MoFEM::AddHOOps<2, 3, 3>::add(pipeline, spaces, geom_field_name);
boost::ptr_deque<ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator> &pipeline,
std::vector<FieldSpace> spaces, std::string geom_field_name,
boost::shared_ptr<Range> crack_front_edges_ptr) {
auto jac = boost::make_shared<MatrixDouble>();
auto det = boost::make_shared<VectorDouble>();
geom_field_name, jac));
pipeline.push_back(new OpInvertMatrix<3>(jac, det, nullptr));
: public MoFEM::OpCalculateVectorFieldGradient<SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM> {
boost::shared_ptr<MatrixDouble> jac,
boost::shared_ptr<Range> edges_ptr)
: OP(field_name, jac), edgesPtr(edges_ptr) {}
MoFEMErrorCode doWork(int side, EntityType type, EntData &data) {
auto ent = data.getFieldEntities().size()
? data.getFieldEntities()[0]->getEnt()
: 0;
if (type == MBEDGE && edgesPtr->find(ent) != edgesPtr->end()) {
return 0;
} else {
return OP::doWork(side, type, data);
boost::shared_ptr<Range> edgesPtr;
auto jac = boost::make_shared<MatrixDouble>();
auto det = boost::make_shared<VectorDouble>();
pipeline.push_back(new OpCalculateVectorFieldGradient(
geom_field_name, jac,
EshelbianCore::setSingularity ? crack_front_edges_ptr
: boost::make_shared<Range>()));
pipeline.push_back(new OpInvertMatrix<3>(jac, det, nullptr));
pipeline.push_back(new OpScaleBaseBySpaceInverseOfMeasure(
CHKERR MoFEM::AddHOOps<3, 3, 3>::add(pipeline, spaces, geom_field_name,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
} // namespace EshelbianPlasticity
auto sort_eigen_vals(FTensor::Tensor1< double, DIM > &eig, FTensor::Tensor2< double, DIM, DIM > &eigen_vec)
Definition: EshelbianOperators.cpp:159
FTensor::Tensor2_symmetric< double, 3 > getMat(Val< double, 3 > &t_val, Vec< double, 3 > &t_vec, Fun< double > f)
Get the Mat object.
Definition: MatrixFunction.cpp:53
#define MoFEMFunctionReturnHot(a)
Last executable line of each PETSc function used for error handling. Replaces return()
Definition: definitions.h:460
VectorDouble K
Definition: Projection10NodeCoordsOnField.cpp:125
Data on single entity (This is passed as argument to DataOperator::doWork)
Definition: EntitiesFieldData.hpp:128
auto is_eq(const double &a, const double &b)
Definition: EshelbianOperators.cpp:144
const VectorFieldEntities & getFieldEntities() const
get field entities
Definition: EntitiesFieldData.hpp:1277
auto get_rotation_form_vector(FTensor::Tensor1< T, 3 > &t_omega, RotSelector rotSelector=LARGE_ROT)
Definition: EshelbianOperators.cpp:24
Definition: EshelbianPlasticity.hpp:44
VectorBoundedArray< double, 3 > VectorDouble3
Definition: Types.hpp:92
MoFEMErrorCode doWork(int row_side, EntityType row_type, EntData &row_data)
Operator for linear form, usually to calculate values on right hand side.
Definition: Tensor1_value.hpp:8
OpCalculateHOJacForFaceImpl< 3 > OpCalculateHOJacForFaceEmbeddedIn3DSpace
Definition: HODataOperators.hpp:265
@ L2
field with C-1 continuity
Definition: definitions.h:88
PetscErrorCode MoFEMErrorCode
MoFEM/PETSc error code.
Definition: Exceptions.hpp:56
T l2() const
Definition: Tensor1_value.hpp:84
UBlasMatrix< double > MatrixDouble
Definition: Types.hpp:77
auto d_f
Definition: HenckyOps.hpp:16
Tag th
Definition: Projection10NodeCoordsOnField.cpp:122
const VectorDouble & getFieldData() const
get dofs values
Definition: EntitiesFieldData.hpp:1254
Kronecker Delta class.
Definition: Kronecker_Delta.hpp:15
Definition: CGGTonsorialBubbleBase.hpp:11
Scale base functions by inverses of measure of element.
Definition: HODataOperators.hpp:390
Definition: Templates.hpp:2011
Definition: EshelbianPlasticity.hpp:43
double scale
Definition: plastic.cpp:119
constexpr std::enable_if<(Dim0<=2 &&Dim1<=2), Tensor2_Expr< Levi_Civita< T >, T, Dim0, Dim1, i, j > >::type levi_civita(const Index< i, Dim0 > &, const Index< j, Dim1 > &)
levi_civita functions to make for easy adhoc use
Definition: Levi_Civita.hpp:617
int r
Definition: sdf.py:8
Definition: Tensor2_value.hpp:16
user implemented approximation base
Definition: definitions.h:68
auto get_uniq_nb(double *ptr)
Definition: EshelbianOperators.cpp:148
FTensor::Tensor0< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, 1 > > getFTensor0N(const FieldApproximationBase base)
Get base function as Tensor0.
Definition: EntitiesFieldData.hpp:1502
const double c
speed of light (cm/ns)
Definition: initial_diffusion.cpp:39
FTensor::Tensor2< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, Tensor_Dim0 *Tensor_Dim1 >, Tensor_Dim0, Tensor_Dim1 > getFTensor2DiffN(FieldApproximationBase base)
Get derivatives of base functions for Hdiv space.
Definition: EntitiesFieldData.cpp:660
#define CHKERR
Inline error check.
Definition: definitions.h:548
Definition: Tensor3_value.hpp:12
implementation of Data Operators for Forces and Sources
Definition: Common.hpp:10
constexpr int SPACE_DIM
Definition: child_and_parent.cpp:16
constexpr double a
Definition: approx_sphere.cpp:30
Definition: convert.py:64
static auto getFTensor0FromVec(ublas::vector< T, A > &data)
Get tensor rank 0 (scalar) form data vector.
Definition: Templates.hpp:135
const VectorInt & getIndices() const
Get global indices of dofs on entity.
Definition: EntitiesFieldData.hpp:1214
FTensor::Tensor2< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, Tensor_Dim0 *Tensor_Dim1 >, Tensor_Dim0, Tensor_Dim1 > getFTensor2N(FieldApproximationBase base)
Get base functions for Hdiv/Hcurl spaces.
Definition: EntitiesFieldData.cpp:762
VectorDouble L
Definition: Projection10NodeCoordsOnField.cpp:124
Calculate normals at Gauss points of triangle element.
Definition: HODataOperators.hpp:281
Eshelbian plasticity interface.
Definition: Tensor4_value.hpp:18
constexpr auto size_symm
Definition: plastic.cpp:42
FTensor::Index< 'i', SPACE_DIM > i
Definition: hcurl_divergence_operator_2d.cpp:27
constexpr auto t_kd
Definition: free_surface.cpp:137
constexpr auto field_name
Definition: poisson_2d_homogeneous.cpp:13
FTensor::Index< 'i', 3 >
Add operators pushing bases from local to physical configuration.
Definition: HODataOperators.hpp:415
Get field gradients at integration pts for scalar filed rank 0, i.e. vector field.
Definition: UserDataOperators.hpp:1535
Definition: convert.py:82
static auto determinantTensor3by3(T &t)
Calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix or a tensor of rank 2.
Definition: Templates.hpp:1540
const double v
phase velocity of light in medium (cm/ns)
Definition: initial_diffusion.cpp:40
Definition: EshelbianPlasticity.hpp:43
Definition: EshelbianPlasticity.hpp:43
Definition: Tensor0.hpp:16
Definition: EshelbianPlasticity.hpp:44
auto symm_L_tensor(FTensor::Number< DIM >)
Definition: PlasticOpsGeneric.hpp:21
MatrixDouble & getN(const FieldApproximationBase base)
get base functions this return matrix (nb. of rows is equal to nb. of Gauss pts, nb....
Definition: EntitiesFieldData.hpp:1318
auto get_diff2_rotation_form_vector(FTensor::Tensor1< T, 3 > &t_omega, RotSelector rotSelector=LARGE_ROT)
Definition: EshelbianOperators.cpp:108
auto f
Definition: HenckyOps.hpp:15
FTensor::Index< 'j', 3 > j
Definition: matrix_function.cpp:19
static const double eps
Definition: check_base_functions_derivatives_on_tet.cpp:11
FTensor::Tensor1< FTensor::PackPtr< double *, Tensor_Dim >, Tensor_Dim > getFTensor1N(FieldApproximationBase base)
Get base functions for Hdiv/Hcurl spaces.
Definition: EntitiesFieldData.cpp:640
Definition: EshelbianPlasticity.hpp:43
Ainsworth Cole (Legendre) approx. base .
Definition: definitions.h:60
auto get_diff_rotation_form_vector(FTensor::Tensor1< T, 3 > &t_omega, RotSelector rotSelector=LARGE_ROT)
Definition: EshelbianOperators.cpp:60
Definition: definitions.h:31
Definition: UserDataOperators.hpp:3249
MatrixBoundedArray< double, 9 > MatrixDouble3by3
Definition: Types.hpp:105
const double D
Definition: reaction_diffusion.cpp:20
Auxilary functions for Eshelbian plasticity.
FTensor::Index< 'm', 3 > m
Definition: shallow_wave.cpp:80
Kronecker Delta class symmetric.
Definition: Kronecker_Delta.hpp:49
#define MoFEMFunctionBeginHot
First executable line of each MoFEM function, used for error handling. Final line of MoFEM functions ...
Definition: definitions.h:453
Definition: EshelbianPlasticity.hpp:43
FTensor::Index< 'k', 3 > k
Definition: matrix_function.cpp:20
FTensor::Ddg< double, 3, 3 > getDiffMat(Val< double, 3 > &t_val, Vec< double, 3 > &t_vec, Fun< double > f, Fun< double > d_f, const int nb)
Get the Diff Mat object.
Definition: MatrixFunction.cpp:64
#define MoFEMFunctionReturn(a)
Last executable line of each PETSc function used for error handling. Replaces return()
Definition: definitions.h:429
#define MoFEMFunctionBegin
First executable line of each MoFEM function, used for error handling. Final line of MoFEM functions ...
Definition: definitions.h:359
FTensor::Index< 'l', 3 > l
Definition: matrix_function.cpp:21
MoFEMErrorCode computeEigenValuesSymmetric(const MatrixDouble &mat, VectorDouble &eig, MatrixDouble &eigen_vec)
compute eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix using lapack dsyev
Definition: Templates.hpp:1452