Operator to execute finite element instance on parent element. This operator is typically used to project field from parent to child, or vice versa. It enables to evaluate filed data of parent entity on chile entity integration points.
| OpRunParent (boost::shared_ptr< ForcesAndSourcesCore > parent_ele_ptr, BitRefLevel bit_parent, BitRefLevel bit_parent_mask, boost::shared_ptr< ForcesAndSourcesCore > this_ele_ptr, BitRefLevel bit_this, BitRefLevel bit_this_mask, int verb=QUIET, Sev sev=Sev::noisy) |
| Construct a new Op Run Parent object. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | doWork (int side, EntityType type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data) |
| Operator for linear form, usually to calculate values on right hand side. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from MoFEM::ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator |
| UserDataOperator (const FieldSpace space, const char type=OPSPACE, const bool symm=true) |
| UserDataOperator (const std::string field_name, const char type, const bool symm=true) |
| UserDataOperator (const std::string row_field_name, const std::string col_field_name, const char type, const bool symm=true) |
boost::shared_ptr< const NumeredEntFiniteElement > | getNumeredEntFiniteElementPtr () const |
| Return raw pointer to NumeredEntFiniteElement. More...
EntityHandle | getFEEntityHandle () const |
| Return finite element entity handle. More...
int | getFEDim () const |
| Get dimension of finite element. More...
EntityType | getFEType () const |
| Get dimension of finite element. More...
boost::weak_ptr< SideNumber > | getSideNumberPtr (const int side_number, const EntityType type) |
| Get the side number pointer. More...
EntityHandle | getSideEntity (const int side_number, const EntityType type) |
| Get the side entity. More...
int | getNumberOfNodesOnElement () const |
| Get the number of nodes on finite element. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | getProblemRowIndices (const std::string filed_name, const EntityType type, const int side, VectorInt &indices) const |
| Get row indices. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | getProblemColIndices (const std::string filed_name, const EntityType type, const int side, VectorInt &indices) const |
| Get col indices. More...
const FEMethod * | getFEMethod () const |
| Return raw pointer to Finite Element Method object. More...
int | getOpType () const |
| Get operator types. More...
void | setOpType (const OpType type) |
| Set operator type. More...
void | addOpType (const OpType type) |
| Add operator type. More...
int | getNinTheLoop () const |
| get number of finite element in the loop More...
int | getLoopSize () const |
| get size of elements in the loop More...
std::string | getFEName () const |
| Get name of the element. More...
ForcesAndSourcesCore * | getPtrFE () const |
ForcesAndSourcesCore * | getSidePtrFE () const |
ForcesAndSourcesCore * | getRefinePtrFE () const |
const PetscData::Switches & | getDataCtx () const |
const KspMethod::KSPContext | getKSPCtx () const |
const SnesMethod::SNESContext | getSNESCtx () const |
const TSMethod::TSContext | getTSCtx () const |
Vec | getKSPf () const |
Mat | getKSPA () const |
Mat | getKSPB () const |
Vec | getSNESf () const |
Vec | getSNESx () const |
Mat | getSNESA () const |
Mat | getSNESB () const |
Vec | getTSu () const |
Vec | getTSu_t () const |
Vec | getTSu_tt () const |
Vec | getTSf () const |
Mat | getTSA () const |
Mat | getTSB () const |
int | getTSstep () const |
double | getTStime () const |
double | getTStimeStep () const |
double | getTSa () const |
double | getTSaa () const |
MatrixDouble & | getGaussPts () |
| matrix of integration (Gauss) points for Volume Element More...
auto | getFTensor0IntegrationWeight () |
| Get integration weights. More...
MatrixDouble & | getCoordsAtGaussPts () |
| Gauss points and weight, matrix (nb. of points x 3) More...
auto | getFTensor1CoordsAtGaussPts () |
| Get coordinates at integration points assuming linear geometry. More...
double | getMeasure () const |
| get measure of element More...
double & | getMeasure () |
| get measure of element More...
MoFEMErrorCode | loopSide (const string &fe_name, ForcesAndSourcesCore *side_fe, const size_t dim, const EntityHandle ent_for_side=0, boost::shared_ptr< Range > fe_range=nullptr, const int verb=QUIET, const LogManager::SeverityLevel sev=Sev::noisy, AdjCache *adj_cache=nullptr) |
| User calls this function to loop over elements on the side of face. This function calls finite element with its operator to do calculations. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | loopThis (const string &fe_name, ForcesAndSourcesCore *this_fe, const int verb=QUIET, const LogManager::SeverityLevel sev=Sev::noisy) |
| User calls this function to loop over the same element using a different set of integration points. This function calls finite element with its operator to do calculations. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | loopParent (const string &fe_name, ForcesAndSourcesCore *parent_fe, const int verb=QUIET, const LogManager::SeverityLevel sev=Sev::noisy) |
| User calls this function to loop over parent elements. This function calls finite element with its operator to do calculations. More...
MoFEMErrorCode | loopChildren (const string &fe_name, ForcesAndSourcesCore *child_fe, const int verb=QUIET, const LogManager::SeverityLevel sev=Sev::noisy) |
| User calls this function to loop over parent elements. This function calls finite element with its operator to do calculations. More...
| DataOperator (const bool symm=true) |
virtual | ~DataOperator ()=default |
virtual MoFEMErrorCode | doWork (int row_side, int col_side, EntityType row_type, EntityType col_type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data) |
| Operator for bi-linear form, usually to calculate values on left hand side. More...
virtual MoFEMErrorCode | opLhs (EntitiesFieldData &row_data, EntitiesFieldData &col_data) |
virtual MoFEMErrorCode | opRhs (EntitiesFieldData &data, const bool error_if_no_base=false) |
bool | getSymm () const |
| Get if operator uses symmetry of DOFs or not. More...
void | setSymm () |
| set if operator is executed taking in account symmetry More...
void | unSetSymm () |
| unset if operator is executed for non symmetric problem More...
Public Types inherited from MoFEM::ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator |
enum | OpType {
OPROW = 1 << 0,
OPCOL = 1 << 1,
OPROWCOL = 1 << 2,
OPSPACE = 1 << 3,
OPLAST = 1 << 3
} |
| Controls loop over entities on element. More...
using | AdjCache = std::map< EntityHandle, std::vector< boost::weak_ptr< NumeredEntFiniteElement > >> |
using | DoWorkLhsHookFunType = boost::function< MoFEMErrorCode(DataOperator *op_ptr, int row_side, int col_side, EntityType row_type, EntityType col_type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data)> |
using | DoWorkRhsHookFunType = boost::function< MoFEMErrorCode(DataOperator *op_ptr, int side, EntityType type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data)> |
Public Attributes inherited from MoFEM::ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator |
char | opType |
std::string | rowFieldName |
std::string | colFieldName |
FieldSpace | sPace |
DoWorkLhsHookFunType | doWorkLhsHook |
DoWorkRhsHookFunType | doWorkRhsHook |
bool | sYmm |
| If true assume that matrix is symmetric structure. More...
std::array< bool, MBMAXTYPE > | doEntities |
| If true operator is executed for entity. More...
bool & | doVertices |
| \deprectaed If false skip vertices More...
bool & | doEdges |
| \deprectaed If false skip edges More...
bool & | doQuads |
| \deprectaed More...
bool & | doTris |
| \deprectaed More...
bool & | doTets |
| \deprectaed More...
bool & | doPrisms |
| \deprectaed More...
Static Public Attributes inherited from MoFEM::ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator |
static const char *const | OpTypeNames [] |
Protected Member Functions inherited from MoFEM::ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator |
virtual MoFEMErrorCode | setPtrFE (ForcesAndSourcesCore *ptr) |
Protected Attributes inherited from MoFEM::ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator |
ForcesAndSourcesCore * | ptrFE |
Operator to execute finite element instance on parent element. This operator is typically used to project field from parent to child, or vice versa. It enables to evaluate filed data of parent entity on chile entity integration points.
- Examples
- child_and_parent.cpp, free_surface.cpp, and level_set.cpp.
Definition at line 17 of file MeshProjectionDataOperators.hpp.