- MoFEM core is to be modular, extendable, and to remain as small as possible to enable its future evolution.
- MoFEM core is free from implementation of specific physics.
- MoFEM User modules should present good development practices.
- MoFEM User modules are examples of implementation for particular physical problems.
- User modules is specific code, with bespoke solutions, to be used by external users. Solutions can be closed, bespoke, and/or tailored.
- Code always works in parallel.
General rules
- If a section of the code does not have to be fast, make it generic.
- Make generic code as simple as possible.
- Do not duplicate code with similar functionality.
- Make code fast. Profile the code to check what needs to be made fast.
Hide complexities.
- Isolate complexities. You can focus only on one thing.
- Avoid bool flags and code branching. This makes code difficult to test, debug, and understand.
- A perfect operator is a black box.
- Black boxes do not create dependencies, enabling future evolution and development
- Do not expose members of user data operators. Make members of the function private.
- Common data for a series of operators are local.
template <int DIM, AssemblyType A, IntegrationType I, typename BoundaryEleOp>
MoFEMErrorCode opFactoryBoundaryRhs(
boost::ptr_deque<ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator> &pip,
std::string sigma, std::string u, bool is_axisymmetric = false) {
using C = ContactIntegrators<BoundaryEleOp>;
auto common_data_ptr = boost::make_shared<ContactOps::CommonData>();
pip.push_back(new OpCalculateVectorFieldValues<DIM>(
u, common_data_ptr->contactDispPtr()));
pip.push_back(new OpCalculateHVecTensorTrace<DIM, BoundaryEleOp>(
sigma, common_data_ptr->contactTractionPtr()));
new typename C::template Assembly<A>::template OpConstrainBoundaryRhs<
DIM, GAUSS>(sigma, common_data_ptr, is_axisymmetric));
- The perfect operator is dimension and element type agnostic.
- Push operators in a factory function or a lambda function if an ad hoc solution
- Push operator by operator defined in "cpp" file. Hide implementation.
hpp file:
namespace BlackBox {
struct OpBlackBox; // only declaration
OpBlackBox* createOpBlackBox();
cpp: file:
namespace BlackBox {
struct OpBlackBox: private ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator {
// definition
OpBlackBox* createOpBlackBox() { return new OpBalckBox(); }
- Test the code, not the method.
- Tests are fast.
Avoid dependencies
- Do not add software dependencies to core library.
- If you have to add a dependency, make it optional.
- With more libraries, there is a larger likelihood of the code breaking at compilation.
- Some dependencies should be restricted to users modules
- All dependencies are managed managed Spack