impl Directory Reference


file  AllCoreInterfaces.cpp [code]
file  AllInterfaces.cpp [code]
file  BcManager.cpp [code]
 Manages boundary conditions.
file  BitRefManager.cpp [code]
 Managing BitRefLevels \mofem_bit_ref.
file  CommInterface.cpp [code]
 Functions for interprocessor communications \mofem_comm.
file  Core.cpp [code]
 Multi-index containers, data structures and other low-level functions.
file  CutMeshInterface.cpp [code]
 Cut mesh by surface.
file  DeleteCore.cpp [code]
 Core interface methods for managing deletions and insertion dofs.
file  DeprecatedCoreInterface.cpp [code]
 implementation of deprecated functions
file  ErrorHandler.cpp [code]
file  FECore.cpp [code]
 Core interface methods for managing deletions and insertion dofs.
file  FieldBlas.cpp [code]
 Managing complexities for problem.
file  FieldCore.cpp [code]
 Core interface methods for managing fields.
file  FieldEvaluator.cpp [code]
 Field evaluator.
file  ISManager.cpp [code]
 IS creating.
file  LogManager.cpp [code]
 Log and register warnings.
file  LoopMethods.cpp [code]
 methods for managing loops
file  MatPartitioningApply_Parmetis_MoFEM.cpp [code]
file  MatrixManager.cpp [code]
file  MedInterface.cpp [code]
 Med file interface interface.
file  MeshRefinement.cpp [code]
 Mesh refinement interface.
file  MeshsetsManager.cpp [code]
 Interface to manage meshsets which carrying information about boundary conditions and material blocks.
file  NodeMerger.cpp [code]
 Interface for merging nodes.
file  OperatorsTester.cpp [code]
file  PipelineManager.cpp [code]
 Implementation of basic interface.
file  PrismInterface.cpp [code]
 Insert prisms in the interface between two surfaces.
file  PrismsFromSurfaceInterface.cpp [code]
 Interface for creating prisms from surface elements.
file  ProblemsCore.cpp [code]
 Managing complexities for problem.
file  ProblemsManager.cpp [code]
 Managing complexities for problem.
file  SeriesRecorder.cpp [code]
 Record and save data series in time or load steps.
file  Simple.cpp [code]
 Implementation of simple interface.
file  TetGenInterface.cpp [code]
 TetGen interface for meshing/re-meshing and on the fly mesh creation.
file  Tools.cpp [code]
 Auxiliary tools.
file  UnknownInterface.cpp [code]
 Unknown interfce implementation.
file  VecManager.cpp [code]
 Implementation of VecManager.