Installation with Docker - advanced

Docker is an open platform that allows for the distribution and deployment of applications across different systems. In the context of MoFEM it allows for the distribution of pre-compiled libraries for the Docker platform that can then run on any system. The Docker platform works by using facilities provided by the Linux kernel to provide lightweight containers and thereby avoiding the need to run costly virtual machines. It’s through the use of containers that MoFEM is compiled and run.

This installation is suitable for Linux, macOS and some versions of Windows. In macOS, a lightweight Linux distribution is virtualized to run the Docker containers in.

Watch Docker & Spack installation tutorial

Flow link https://youtu.be/I201ZaAnQG8. In tutorial we briefly explain what is following bellow.

Download and Install Docker

First, install docker as per the instructions here: https://docs.docker.com/installation/#installation

Running docker container

Installation is at that point done; now you can run docker container and run some code. You have to start by pulling MoFEM image from Docker Hub

docker pull likask/mofem-spack-build

To run code a work container need to be started, container mount mofem build volume from container which has been created in the previous step

docker run \
-v $HOME:/host_home \
--rm=true -it likask/mofem-spack-build

MoFEM docker container mount volumes as follows as follows:

  • Changes in root direct make only effect for running this container.
  • Changes in directory mofem_install are shared between other docker containers.
  • Changes in home directory in container or host system are shared.

In container new, we can run a linear elastic example and calculate the simple problem

cd /mofem_install/um_view/elasticity/
mpirun -np 2 --allow-run-as-root \
./elasticity \
-my_file LShape.h5m -my_order 2
mbconvert out_skin.h5m /host_home/out_skin.vtk

In the above example, two processors are used to do calculations. A number of processors which can be used effectively depends on your hardware and set up of the docker container. For propose of this documentation, the program is executed in mofem_build volume, thus resulting file out.h5m can be accessed from other containers, however, is not visible from the host file system. The last command which creates VTK output file save results to the HOME directory of your host system.

Making changes permanent

Changes which you do in Docker container are temporary. If you restart the computer, or container content of the container is reset to initial state. If you like to keep changes in container or share volume of the container between another container you can do as follows:

docker run --name mofem_volume likask/mofem-spack-build

Now we can run Docker container and attach the previously created volume to it

docker run \
--shm-size=1024M \
--name mofem_develop \
-v $HOME:/host_home \
--volumes-from mofem_volume \
--rm=true -it likask/mofem-spack-build /bin/bash

You can run several containers and link them to the same volume. All changes in the volume are permanent unless you delete the volume. You can also create several volumes and attach different names to it.

Developing with VSCode

Run docker container in terminal, as above, and follow the tutorial in Attach to a running container Source code in VSCode, in Docker running docker container, is located in the root directory in /mofem_install/mofem-cephas. Open this folder in VSCode to edit source.

We already build created Release version of users modules, which you can modify, compile and develop. However, for development purposes is useful to have compiled version which debugging information. You can configure the version of users modules with debugging information as follows,

spack dev-build \
--b build \
--test root \
--source-path $MOFEM_UM_SRC_DIR \
mofem-users-modules@develop+docker \
build_type=Debug \

Have above done, we can find directory /mofem_install/um-build-Debug-fifofez. Now, for example, we can look into the tutorial SLC-1 oisson's equation, and follow instruction, cd directory, make code, partition mesh, and run the example.

cd /mofem_install/um-build-Debug-fifofez/tutorials/scl-1
mofem_part \
-my_file mesh2d.cub \
-output_file mesh2d.h5m \
-my_nparts 2 -dim 2 -adj_dim 1
mpirun -np 2 --allow-run-as-root \
./poisson_2d_homogeneous -file_name mesh2d.h5m -order 2

Next, create VTK file in your home directory

mbconvert out_result.h5m /host_home/out_result.vtk

and finally, open it in ParaView ParaView.

Running Jupyter notebook

See video explaing this part of the installation: https://youtu.be/-54eMMRTqsQ

Pull MoFEM images and create mofem_volume

docker run --name mofem_volume likask/mofem-spack-softmech

and run container as follows

docker run \
--shm-size=1024M \
-p 8888:8888 \
--name mofem_jupyetr \
-v $HOME:/host_home \
--volumes-from mofem_volume \
--rm=true -ti \

As results in terminal window you will see something similar to following:

[I 20:33:35.653 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.1.6 is running at:
[I 20:33:35.653 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=bed64e1d532ab00f402d56432193a80f6aace612d4ffbec2
[I 20:33:35.653 NotebookApp] or
[I 20:33:35.653 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).

Copy address into web-browser:

You can start docker without starting volume, as a isolated system, as follows,

docker run \
--shm-size=1024M \
-p 8888:8888 \
--name mofem_jupyter \
--rm=true -ti \

If you run docker on amd64, add option –platform linux/amd64.

Running JupyterHub

Run JupyterHub JupterHyb

docker run \
--shm-size=1024M \
-p 2222:22 \
-p 8000:8000 \
--name mofem_jupyter_hub \
-d likask/mofem-spack-jupyterhub:latest

Docker JupyterHub is running as demon, and you can access it on local host, at port 8000 http:://localhost:8000. Login is "mofem", on first login you will be ask for password. "mofem" account is admin account, from it you can add users.

Clone MoFEM repository

To build MoFEM the source code need to be downloaded. The best method to do it is to clone repository

mkdir -p $HOME/mofem_install
cd $HOME/mofem_install
git clone --recurse-submodules https://bitbucket.org/likask/mofem-cephas.git

You can clone specific branch, for example, development branch with most up to date bug fixes, new features, efficiency and functionality improvements

cd $HOME
mkdir -p mofem_install
git clone -b lukasz/develop --recurse-submodules https://bitbucket.org/likask/mofem-cephas.git

Now you can use docker container with the source from your host system as follows

docker run \
--name mofem_develop \
-v $HOME:/host_home \
-v $HOME/mofem_install/mofem-cephas:/mofem_install/mofem-cephas \
--volumes-from mofem_volume \
--rm=true -it likask/mofem-spack-build /bin/bash

What you will need on host system

  • Postprocessor to visualise results. We using ParaView however, you can find good alternatives like VisIt.
  • If you are going to write your modules or modify existing MoFEM modules, you will need a text editor. We recommend VSCode.


Any problems with this installation, please contact us by mofem-group@googlegroups.com.