
This directory contains the input and executable files for the tutorial SCL-1: Poisson's equation (homogeneous BC)

Mesh generation

Meshes are generated by Gmsh. The tutorials for mesh generation are available at MSH-1: Create a 2D mesh from Gmsh and MSH-2: Create a 3D mesh from Gmsh.

The *.h5m meshes in this directory are copied from the directory ../msh-1/ and ../msh-2/

Mesh partition

mofem_part -my_file square.h5m -output_file square_2parts.h5m -my_nparts 2 -dim 2 -adj_dim 1 mofem_part -my_file Lshape.h5m -output_file Lshape_2parts.h5m -my_nparts 2 -dim 2 -adj_dim 1

mofem_part -my_file cube.h5m -output_file cube_2parts.h5m -my_nparts 2 -dim 3 -adj_dim 1

Note: mofem_part is located at /mofem_install/mofem-cephas/mofem/users_modules/um-build-RelWithDebInfo-abcd1234/tools/

Run the program

mpirun -np 2 ./poisson_2d_homogeneous -file_name square_2parts.h5m -order 4 mpirun -np 2 ./poisson_2d_homogeneous -file_name Lshape_2parts.h5m -order 4

mpirun -np 2 ./poisson_3d_homogeneous -file_name cube_2parts.h5m -order 4