Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
ClipperLib Namespace Reference


class  Clipper
class  ClipperBase
class  clipperException
class  ClipperOffset
struct  DoublePoint
class  Int128
struct  IntersectNode
struct  IntPoint
struct  IntRect
struct  Join
struct  LocalMinimum
struct  LocMinSorter
struct  OutPt
struct  OutRec
class  PolyNode
class  PolyTree
struct  TEdge


typedef signed long long cInt
typedef signed long long long64
typedef unsigned long long ulong64
typedef std::vector< IntPointPath
typedef std::vector< PathPaths
typedef std::vector< PolyNode * > PolyNodes
typedef std::vector< OutRec * > PolyOutList
typedef std::vector< TEdge * > EdgeList
typedef std::vector< Join * > JoinList
typedef std::vector< IntersectNode * > IntersectList


enum  ClipType { ctIntersection, ctUnion, ctDifference, ctXor }
enum  PolyType { ptSubject, ptClip }
enum  PolyFillType { pftEvenOdd, pftNonZero, pftPositive, pftNegative }
enum  InitOptions { ioReverseSolution = 1, ioStrictlySimple = 2, ioPreserveCollinear = 4 }
enum  JoinType { jtSquare, jtRound, jtMiter }
enum  EndType {
  etClosedPolygon, etClosedLine, etOpenButt, etOpenSquare,
enum  EdgeSide { esLeft = 1, esRight = 2 }
enum  Direction { dRightToLeft, dLeftToRight }
enum  NodeType { ntAny, ntOpen, ntClosed }


Pathoperator<< (Path &poly, const IntPoint &p)
Pathsoperator<< (Paths &polys, const Path &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const IntPoint &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Path &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Paths &p)
bool Orientation (const Path &poly)
double Area (const Path &poly)
int PointInPolygon (const IntPoint &pt, const Path &path)
void SimplifyPolygon (const Path &in_poly, Paths &out_polys, PolyFillType fillType=pftEvenOdd)
void SimplifyPolygons (const Paths &in_polys, Paths &out_polys, PolyFillType fillType=pftEvenOdd)
void SimplifyPolygons (Paths &polys, PolyFillType fillType=pftEvenOdd)
void CleanPolygon (const Path &in_poly, Path &out_poly, double distance=1.415)
void CleanPolygon (Path &poly, double distance=1.415)
void CleanPolygons (const Paths &in_polys, Paths &out_polys, double distance=1.415)
void CleanPolygons (Paths &polys, double distance=1.415)
void MinkowskiSum (const Path &pattern, const Path &path, Paths &solution, bool pathIsClosed)
void MinkowskiSum (const Path &pattern, const Paths &paths, Paths &solution, bool pathIsClosed)
void MinkowskiDiff (const Path &poly1, const Path &poly2, Paths &solution)
void PolyTreeToPaths (const PolyTree &polytree, Paths &paths)
void ClosedPathsFromPolyTree (const PolyTree &polytree, Paths &paths)
void OpenPathsFromPolyTree (PolyTree &polytree, Paths &paths)
void ReversePath (Path &p)
void ReversePaths (Paths &p)
cInt Round (double val)
cInt Abs (cInt val)
Int128 Int128Mul (long64 lhs, long64 rhs)
double Area (const OutPt *op)
double Area (const OutRec &outRec)
bool PointIsVertex (const IntPoint &Pt, OutPt *pp)
int PointInPolygon (const IntPoint &pt, OutPt *op)
bool Poly2ContainsPoly1 (OutPt *OutPt1, OutPt *OutPt2)
bool SlopesEqual (const TEdge &e1, const TEdge &e2, bool UseFullInt64Range)
bool SlopesEqual (const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2, const IntPoint pt3, bool UseFullInt64Range)
bool SlopesEqual (const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2, const IntPoint pt3, const IntPoint pt4, bool UseFullInt64Range)
bool IsHorizontal (TEdge &e)
double GetDx (const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2)
void SetDx (TEdge &e)
void SwapSides (TEdge &Edge1, TEdge &Edge2)
void SwapPolyIndexes (TEdge &Edge1, TEdge &Edge2)
cInt TopX (TEdge &edge, const cInt currentY)
void IntersectPoint (TEdge &Edge1, TEdge &Edge2, IntPoint &ip)
void ReversePolyPtLinks (OutPt *pp)
void DisposeOutPts (OutPt *&pp)
void InitEdge (TEdge *e, TEdge *eNext, TEdge *ePrev, const IntPoint &Pt)
void InitEdge2 (TEdge &e, PolyType Pt)
TEdgeRemoveEdge (TEdge *e)
void ReverseHorizontal (TEdge &e)
void SwapPoints (IntPoint &pt1, IntPoint &pt2)
bool GetOverlapSegment (IntPoint pt1a, IntPoint pt1b, IntPoint pt2a, IntPoint pt2b, IntPoint &pt1, IntPoint &pt2)
bool FirstIsBottomPt (const OutPt *btmPt1, const OutPt *btmPt2)
OutPtGetBottomPt (OutPt *pp)
bool Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3 (const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2, const IntPoint pt3)
bool HorzSegmentsOverlap (cInt seg1a, cInt seg1b, cInt seg2a, cInt seg2b)
void RangeTest (const IntPoint &Pt, bool &useFullRange)
TEdgeFindNextLocMin (TEdge *E)
OutRecGetLowermostRec (OutRec *outRec1, OutRec *outRec2)
bool OutRec1RightOfOutRec2 (OutRec *outRec1, OutRec *outRec2)
bool IsMinima (TEdge *e)
bool IsMaxima (TEdge *e, const cInt Y)
bool IsIntermediate (TEdge *e, const cInt Y)
TEdgeGetMaximaPair (TEdge *e)
TEdgeGetMaximaPairEx (TEdge *e)
TEdgeGetNextInAEL (TEdge *e, Direction dir)
void GetHorzDirection (TEdge &HorzEdge, Direction &Dir, cInt &Left, cInt &Right)
bool IntersectListSort (IntersectNode *node1, IntersectNode *node2)
bool EdgesAdjacent (const IntersectNode &inode)
int PointCount (OutPt *Pts)
void SwapIntersectNodes (IntersectNode &int1, IntersectNode &int2)
bool E2InsertsBeforeE1 (TEdge &e1, TEdge &e2)
bool GetOverlap (const cInt a1, const cInt a2, const cInt b1, const cInt b2, cInt &Left, cInt &Right)
void UpdateOutPtIdxs (OutRec &outrec)
OutPtDupOutPt (OutPt *outPt, bool InsertAfter)
bool JoinHorz (OutPt *op1, OutPt *op1b, OutPt *op2, OutPt *op2b, const IntPoint Pt, bool DiscardLeft)
static OutRecParseFirstLeft (OutRec *FirstLeft)
DoublePoint GetUnitNormal (const IntPoint &pt1, const IntPoint &pt2)
double DistanceSqrd (const IntPoint &pt1, const IntPoint &pt2)
double DistanceFromLineSqrd (const IntPoint &pt, const IntPoint &ln1, const IntPoint &ln2)
bool SlopesNearCollinear (const IntPoint &pt1, const IntPoint &pt2, const IntPoint &pt3, double distSqrd)
bool PointsAreClose (IntPoint pt1, IntPoint pt2, double distSqrd)
OutPtExcludeOp (OutPt *op)
void Minkowski (const Path &poly, const Path &path, Paths &solution, bool isSum, bool isClosed)
void TranslatePath (const Path &input, Path &output, const IntPoint delta)
void AddPolyNodeToPaths (const PolyNode &polynode, NodeType nodetype, Paths &paths)


static const cInt loRange = 0x3FFFFFFF
static const cInt hiRange = 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL
static const double pi = 3.141592653589793238
static const double two_pi = pi *2
static const double def_arc_tolerance = 0.25
static const int Unassigned = -1
static const int Skip = -2

Typedef Documentation

◆ cInt

typedef signed long long ClipperLib::cInt

Definition at line 77 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ EdgeList

typedef std::vector< TEdge* > ClipperLib::EdgeList

Definition at line 209 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ IntersectList

typedef std::vector< IntersectNode* > ClipperLib::IntersectList

Definition at line 211 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ JoinList

typedef std::vector< Join* > ClipperLib::JoinList

Definition at line 210 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ long64

typedef signed long long ClipperLib::long64

Definition at line 80 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ Path

typedef std::vector< IntPoint > ClipperLib::Path

Definition at line 106 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ Paths

typedef std::vector< Path > ClipperLib::Paths

Definition at line 107 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ PolyNodes

typedef std::vector< PolyNode* > ClipperLib::PolyNodes

Definition at line 133 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ PolyOutList

typedef std::vector< OutRec* > ClipperLib::PolyOutList

Definition at line 206 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ ulong64

typedef unsigned long long ClipperLib::ulong64

Definition at line 81 of file clipper.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ClipType


Definition at line 64 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ Direction


Definition at line 93 of file clipper.cpp.

102 {

◆ EdgeSide


Definition at line 198 of file clipper.hpp.

198 { esLeft = 1, esRight = 2};

◆ EndType


Definition at line 131 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ InitOptions


Definition at line 129 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ JoinType


Definition at line 130 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ NodeType


Definition at line 4589 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ PolyFillType


Definition at line 70 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ PolyType


Definition at line 65 of file clipper.hpp.

65 { ptSubject, ptClip };

Function Documentation

◆ Abs()

cInt ClipperLib::Abs ( cInt  val)

Definition at line 179 of file clipper.cpp.

182  : Childs(), Parent(0), Index(0), m_IsOpen(false)

◆ AddPolyNodeToPaths()

void ClipperLib::AddPolyNodeToPaths ( const PolyNode polynode,
NodeType  nodetype,
Paths paths 

Definition at line 4591 of file clipper.cpp.

4596 {
4597  s << "(" << p.X << "," << p.Y << ")";
4598  return s;
4599 }
4600 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------

◆ Area() [1/3]

double ClipperLib::Area ( const OutPt op)

Definition at line 442 of file clipper.cpp.

448  {
449  IntPoint ipNext = (i == cnt ? path[0] : path[i]);
450  if (ipNext.Y == pt.Y)
451  {
452  if ((ipNext.X == pt.X) || (ip.Y == pt.Y &&

◆ Area() [2/3]

double ClipperLib::Area ( const OutRec outRec)

Definition at line 455 of file clipper.cpp.

456  {
457  if (ip.X >= pt.X)
458  {

◆ Area() [3/3]

double ClipperLib::Area ( const Path poly)

Definition at line 427 of file clipper.cpp.

429  {
430  if (pp2->Pt == Pt) return true;
431  pp2 = pp2->Next;
432  }
433  while (pp2 != pp);
434  return false;
435 }
436 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
438 //See "The Point in Polygon Problem for Arbitrary Polygons" by Hormann & Agathos
439 //http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

◆ CleanPolygon() [1/2]

void ClipperLib::CleanPolygon ( const Path in_poly,
Path out_poly,
double  distance = 1.415 

Definition at line 4419 of file clipper.cpp.

4421  {
4422  op = ExcludeOp(op);
4423  size--;
4424  }
4425  else
4426  {
4427  op->Idx = 1;
4428  op = op->Next;
4429  }
4430  }
4432  if (size < 3) size = 0;
4433  out_poly.resize(size);
4434  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
4435  {
4436  out_poly[i] = op->Pt;
4437  op = op->Next;
4438  }
4439  delete [] outPts;
4440 }
4441 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4443 void CleanPolygon(Path& poly, double distance)
4444 {
4445  CleanPolygon(poly, poly, distance);
4446 }
4447 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4449 void CleanPolygons(const Paths& in_polys, Paths& out_polys, double distance)
4450 {
4451  out_polys.resize(in_polys.size());
4452  for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < in_polys.size(); ++i)
4453  CleanPolygon(in_polys[i], out_polys[i], distance);
4454 }
4455 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4457 void CleanPolygons(Paths& polys, double distance)
4458 {
4459  CleanPolygons(polys, polys, distance);
4460 }
4461 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4463 void Minkowski(const Path& poly, const Path& path,
4464  Paths& solution, bool isSum, bool isClosed)
4465 {
4466  int delta = (isClosed ? 1 : 0);
4467  size_t polyCnt = poly.size();
4468  size_t pathCnt = path.size();
4469  Paths pp;
4470  pp.reserve(pathCnt);
4471  if (isSum)
4472  for (size_t i = 0; i < pathCnt; ++i)
4473  {
4474  Path p;
4475  p.reserve(polyCnt);
4476  for (size_t j = 0; j < poly.size(); ++j)

◆ CleanPolygon() [2/2]

void ClipperLib::CleanPolygon ( Path poly,
double  distance = 1.415 

Definition at line 4479 of file clipper.cpp.

4482  {

◆ CleanPolygons() [1/2]

void ClipperLib::CleanPolygons ( const Paths in_polys,
Paths out_polys,
double  distance = 1.415 

Definition at line 4485 of file clipper.cpp.

4494  {

◆ CleanPolygons() [2/2]

void ClipperLib::CleanPolygons ( Paths polys,
double  distance = 1.415 

Definition at line 4493 of file clipper.cpp.

4494  {
4495  Path quad;
4496  quad.reserve(4);

◆ ClosedPathsFromPolyTree()

void ClipperLib::ClosedPathsFromPolyTree ( const PolyTree polytree,
Paths paths 

Definition at line 4612 of file clipper.cpp.

4614 {
4615  for (Paths::size_type i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
4616  s << p[i];
4617  s << "\n";

◆ DisposeOutPts()

void ClipperLib::DisposeOutPts ( OutPt *&  pp)

Definition at line 742 of file clipper.cpp.

746 {
747  //removes e from double_linked_list (but without removing from memory)
748  e->Prev->Next = e->Next;
749  e->Next->Prev = e->Prev;
750  TEdge* result = e->Next;
751  e->Prev = 0; //flag as removed (see ClipperBase.Clear)
752  return result;

◆ DistanceFromLineSqrd()

double ClipperLib::DistanceFromLineSqrd ( const IntPoint pt,
const IntPoint ln1,
const IntPoint ln2 

Definition at line 4357 of file clipper.cpp.

4366 {
4367  double Dx = (double)pt1.X - pt2.X;
4368  double dy = (double)pt1.Y - pt2.Y;
4369  return ((Dx * Dx) + (dy * dy) <= distSqrd);
4370 }
4371 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------

◆ DistanceSqrd()

double ClipperLib::DistanceSqrd ( const IntPoint pt1,
const IntPoint pt2 

Definition at line 4349 of file clipper.cpp.

4354  {

◆ DupOutPt()

OutPt* ClipperLib::DupOutPt ( OutPt outPt,
bool  InsertAfter 

Definition at line 3377 of file clipper.cpp.

3377  {
3378  while (op1->Next->Pt.X <= Pt.X &&
3379  op1->Next->Pt.X >= op1->Pt.X && op1->Next->Pt.Y == Pt.Y)
3380  op1 = op1->Next;
3381  if (DiscardLeft && (op1->Pt.X != Pt.X)) op1 = op1->Next;
3382  op1b = DupOutPt(op1, !DiscardLeft);
3383  if (op1b->Pt != Pt)
3384  {
3385  op1 = op1b;
3386  op1->Pt = Pt;
3387  op1b = DupOutPt(op1, !DiscardLeft);
3388  }
3389  }
3390  else
3391  {
3392  while (op1->Next->Pt.X >= Pt.X &&
3393  op1->Next->Pt.X <= op1->Pt.X && op1->Next->Pt.Y == Pt.Y)
3394  op1 = op1->Next;
3395  if (!DiscardLeft && (op1->Pt.X != Pt.X)) op1 = op1->Next;
3396  op1b = DupOutPt(op1, DiscardLeft);
3397  if (op1b->Pt != Pt)

◆ E2InsertsBeforeE1()

bool ClipperLib::E2InsertsBeforeE1 ( TEdge e1,
TEdge e2 

Definition at line 3307 of file clipper.cpp.

3313 {
3314  if(!m_ActiveEdges)
3315  {
3316  edge->PrevInAEL = 0;

◆ EdgesAdjacent()

bool ClipperLib::EdgesAdjacent ( const IntersectNode inode)

Definition at line 2959 of file clipper.cpp.

2966  {

◆ ExcludeOp()

OutPt* ClipperLib::ExcludeOp ( OutPt op)

Definition at line 4409 of file clipper.cpp.

4410  {
4411  op = ExcludeOp(op);
4412  size--;
4413  }
4414  else if (PointsAreClose(op->Prev->Pt, op->Next->Pt, distSqrd))
4415  {
4416  ExcludeOp(op->Next);

◆ FindNextLocMin()

TEdge* ClipperLib::FindNextLocMin ( TEdge E)

Definition at line 947 of file clipper.cpp.

951  {
952  if (NextIsForward) Result = E->Next;
953  else Result = E->Prev;
954  }
955  else
956  {
957  //there are more edges in the bound beyond result starting with E
958  if (NextIsForward)
959  E = Result->Next;
960  else
961  E = Result->Prev;

◆ FirstIsBottomPt()

bool ClipperLib::FirstIsBottomPt ( const OutPt btmPt1,
const OutPt btmPt2 

Definition at line 834 of file clipper.cpp.

834  {
835  if (p->Pt.X < pp->Pt.X)
836  {
837  dups = 0;
838  pp = p;
839  } else
840  {
841  if (p->Next != pp && p->Prev != pp) dups = p;
842  }
843  }
844  p = p->Next;
845  }
846  if (dups)
847  {
848  //there appears to be at least 2 vertices at BottomPt so ...
849  while (dups != p)
850  {
851  if (!FirstIsBottomPt(p, dups)) pp = dups;
852  dups = dups->Next;
853  while (dups->Pt != pp->Pt) dups = dups->Next;
854  }
855  }

◆ GetBottomPt()

OutPt* ClipperLib::GetBottomPt ( OutPt pp)

Definition at line 858 of file clipper.cpp.

862 {
863  if ((pt1 == pt3) || (pt1 == pt2) || (pt3 == pt2))
864  return false;
865  else if (pt1.X != pt3.X)
866  return (pt2.X > pt1.X) == (pt2.X < pt3.X);
867  else
868  return (pt2.Y > pt1.Y) == (pt2.Y < pt3.Y);
869 }
870 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
872 bool HorzSegmentsOverlap(cInt seg1a, cInt seg1b, cInt seg2a, cInt seg2b)
873 {
874  if (seg1a > seg1b) std::swap(seg1a, seg1b);
875  if (seg2a > seg2b) std::swap(seg2a, seg2b);
876  return (seg1a < seg2b) && (seg2a < seg1b);
877 }
879 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
880 // ClipperBase class methods ...
881 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
883 ClipperBase::ClipperBase() //constructor
884 {
885  m_CurrentLM = m_MinimaList.begin(); //begin() == end() here
886  m_UseFullRange = false;
887 }
888 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
890 ClipperBase::~ClipperBase() //destructor
891 {
892  Clear();
893 }

◆ GetDx()

double ClipperLib::GetDx ( const IntPoint  pt1,
const IntPoint  pt2 

Definition at line 620 of file clipper.cpp.

623 {
624 #ifdef use_xyz

◆ GetHorzDirection()

void ClipperLib::GetHorzDirection ( TEdge HorzEdge,
Direction Dir,
cInt Left,
cInt Right 

Definition at line 2646 of file clipper.cpp.

2653  {
2654  //get the first maxima in range (X) ...
2655  if (dir == dLeftToRight)
2656  {
2657  maxIt = m_Maxima.begin();
2658  while (maxIt != m_Maxima.end() && *maxIt <= horzEdge->Bot.X) maxIt++;
2659  if (maxIt != m_Maxima.end() && *maxIt >= eLastHorz->Top.X)

◆ GetLowermostRec()

OutRec* ClipperLib::GetLowermostRec ( OutRec outRec1,
OutRec outRec2 

Definition at line 2363 of file clipper.cpp.

2368 {
2369  //get the start and ends of both output polygons ...
2370  OutRec *outRec1 = m_PolyOuts[e1->OutIdx];
2371  OutRec *outRec2 = m_PolyOuts[e2->OutIdx];
2373  OutRec *holeStateRec;
2374  if (OutRec1RightOfOutRec2(outRec1, outRec2))
2375  holeStateRec = outRec2;
2376  else if (OutRec1RightOfOutRec2(outRec2, outRec1))
2377  holeStateRec = outRec1;
2378  else
2379  holeStateRec = GetLowermostRec(outRec1, outRec2);

◆ GetMaximaPair()

TEdge* ClipperLib::GetMaximaPair ( TEdge e)

Definition at line 2574 of file clipper.cpp.

2575  {
2576  TEdge* Next = Edge1->NextInSEL;
2577  if( Next ) Next->PrevInSEL = Edge2;
2578  TEdge* Prev = Edge2->PrevInSEL;
2579  if( Prev ) Prev->NextInSEL = Edge1;
2580  Edge1->PrevInSEL = Prev;
2581  Edge1->NextInSEL = Edge2;

◆ GetMaximaPairEx()

TEdge* ClipperLib::GetMaximaPairEx ( TEdge e)

Definition at line 2584 of file clipper.cpp.

2586  {
2587  TEdge* Next = Edge1->NextInSEL;
2588  TEdge* Prev = Edge1->PrevInSEL;
2589  Edge1->NextInSEL = Edge2->NextInSEL;
2590  if( Edge1->NextInSEL ) Edge1->NextInSEL->PrevInSEL = Edge1;
2591  Edge1->PrevInSEL = Edge2->PrevInSEL;

◆ GetNextInAEL()

TEdge* ClipperLib::GetNextInAEL ( TEdge e,
Direction  dir 

Definition at line 2640 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ GetOverlap()

bool ClipperLib::GetOverlap ( const cInt  a1,
const cInt  a2,
const cInt  b1,
const cInt  b2,
cInt Left,
cInt Right 

Definition at line 3319 of file clipper.cpp.

3321  {
3322  edge->PrevInAEL = 0;
3323  edge->NextInAEL = m_ActiveEdges;
3324  m_ActiveEdges->PrevInAEL = edge;
3325  m_ActiveEdges = edge;
3326  }
3327  else
3328  {
3329  if(!startEdge) startEdge = m_ActiveEdges;
3330  while(startEdge->NextInAEL &&
3331  !E2InsertsBeforeE1(*startEdge->NextInAEL , *edge))
3332  startEdge = startEdge->NextInAEL;
3333  edge->NextInAEL = startEdge->NextInAEL;

◆ GetOverlapSegment()

bool ClipperLib::GetOverlapSegment ( IntPoint  pt1a,
IntPoint  pt1b,
IntPoint  pt2a,
IntPoint  pt2b,
IntPoint pt1,
IntPoint pt2 

Definition at line 812 of file clipper.cpp.

823 {
824  OutPt* dups = 0;
825  OutPt* p = pp->Next;
826  while (p != pp)
827  {
828  if (p->Pt.Y > pp->Pt.Y)
829  {
830  pp = p;
831  dups = 0;

◆ GetUnitNormal()

DoublePoint ClipperLib::GetUnitNormal ( const IntPoint pt1,
const IntPoint pt2 

Definition at line 3798 of file clipper.cpp.

3803 {
3804  int highI = (int)path.size() - 1;
3805  if (highI < 0) return;
3806  PolyNode* newNode = new PolyNode();
3807  newNode->m_jointype = joinType;
3808  newNode->m_endtype = endType;

◆ HorzSegmentsOverlap()

bool ClipperLib::HorzSegmentsOverlap ( cInt  seg1a,
cInt  seg1b,
cInt  seg2a,
cInt  seg2b 

Definition at line 908 of file clipper.cpp.

912 {
913  for (;;)

◆ InitEdge()

void ClipperLib::InitEdge ( TEdge e,
TEdge eNext,
TEdge ePrev,
const IntPoint Pt 

Definition at line 755 of file clipper.cpp.

757 {
758  //swap horizontal edges' Top and Bottom x's so they follow the natural
759  //progression of the bounds - ie so their xbots will align with the
760  //adjoining lower edge. [Helpful in the ProcessHorizontal() method.]
761  std::swap(e.Top.X, e.Bot.X);
762 #ifdef use_xyz

◆ InitEdge2()

void ClipperLib::InitEdge2 ( TEdge e,
PolyType  Pt 

Definition at line 765 of file clipper.cpp.

769 {
770  IntPoint tmp = pt1;
771  pt1 = pt2;
772  pt2 = tmp;
773 }
774 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
776 bool GetOverlapSegment(IntPoint pt1a, IntPoint pt1b, IntPoint pt2a,
777  IntPoint pt2b, IntPoint &pt1, IntPoint &pt2)
778 {

◆ Int128Mul()

Int128 ClipperLib::Int128Mul ( long64  lhs,
long64  rhs 

Definition at line 390 of file clipper.cpp.

392 {
393  int size = (int)poly.size();
394  if (size < 3) return 0;
396  double a = 0;
397  for (int i = 0, j = size -1; i < size; ++i)
398  {
399  a += ((double)poly[j].X + poly[i].X) * ((double)poly[j].Y - poly[i].Y);
400  j = i;
401  }
402  return -a * 0.5;
403 }
404 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 double Area(const OutPt *op)
407 {
408  const OutPt *startOp = op;
409  if (!op) return 0;
410  double a = 0;
411  do {
412  a += (double)(op->Prev->Pt.X + op->Pt.X) * (double)(op->Prev->Pt.Y - op->Pt.Y);
413  op = op->Next;
414  } while (op != startOp);

◆ IntersectListSort()

bool ClipperLib::IntersectListSort ( IntersectNode node1,
IntersectNode node2 

Definition at line 2953 of file clipper.cpp.

2954 {
2955  TEdge* eMaxPair = GetMaximaPairEx(e);
2956  if (!eMaxPair)

◆ IntersectPoint()

void ClipperLib::IntersectPoint ( TEdge Edge1,
TEdge Edge2,
IntPoint ip 

Definition at line 658 of file clipper.cpp.

658  {
659  b1 = Edge1.Bot.X - Edge1.Bot.Y * Edge1.Dx;
660  b2 = Edge2.Bot.X - Edge2.Bot.Y * Edge2.Dx;
661  double q = (b2-b1) / (Edge1.Dx - Edge2.Dx);
662  ip.Y = Round(q);
663  if (std::fabs(Edge1.Dx) < std::fabs(Edge2.Dx))
664  ip.X = Round(Edge1.Dx * q + b1);
665  else
666  ip.X = Round(Edge2.Dx * q + b2);
667  }
669  if (ip.Y < Edge1.Top.Y || ip.Y < Edge2.Top.Y)
670  {
671  if (Edge1.Top.Y > Edge2.Top.Y)
672  ip.Y = Edge1.Top.Y;
673  else
674  ip.Y = Edge2.Top.Y;
675  if (std::fabs(Edge1.Dx) < std::fabs(Edge2.Dx))
676  ip.X = TopX(Edge1, ip.Y);
677  else
678  ip.X = TopX(Edge2, ip.Y);
679  }
680  //finally, don't allow 'ip' to be BELOW curr.Y (ie bottom of scanbeam) ...
681  if (ip.Y > Edge1.Curr.Y)
682  {
683  ip.Y = Edge1.Curr.Y;
684  //use the more vertical edge to derive X ...
685  if (std::fabs(Edge1.Dx) > std::fabs(Edge2.Dx))
686  ip.X = TopX(Edge2, ip.Y); else
687  ip.X = TopX(Edge1, ip.Y);
688  }
689 }
690 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
692 void ReversePolyPtLinks(OutPt *pp)
693 {
694  if (!pp) return;
695  OutPt *pp1, *pp2;
696  pp1 = pp;
697  do {
698  pp2 = pp1->Next;
699  pp1->Next = pp1->Prev;
700  pp1->Prev = pp2;
701  pp1 = pp2;
702  } while( pp1 != pp );
703 }
704 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
706 void DisposeOutPts(OutPt*& pp)
707 {
708  if (pp == 0) return;
709  pp->Prev->Next = 0;
710  while( pp )
711  {
712  OutPt *tmpPp = pp;
713  pp = pp->Next;
714  delete tmpPp;
715  }
716 }
717 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
719 inline void InitEdge(TEdge* e, TEdge* eNext, TEdge* ePrev, const IntPoint& Pt)
720 {
721  std::memset(e, 0, sizeof(TEdge));
722  e->Next = eNext;
723  e->Prev = ePrev;
724  e->Curr = Pt;
725  e->OutIdx = Unassigned;

◆ IsHorizontal()

bool ClipperLib::IsHorizontal ( TEdge e)

Definition at line 614 of file clipper.cpp.

616 {
617  return ( currentY == edge.Top.Y ) ?

◆ IsIntermediate()

bool ClipperLib::IsIntermediate ( TEdge e,
const cInt  Y 

Definition at line 2568 of file clipper.cpp.

2575  {

◆ IsMaxima()

bool ClipperLib::IsMaxima ( TEdge e,
const cInt  Y 

Definition at line 2562 of file clipper.cpp.

2564  {
2565  TEdge* Next = Edge2->NextInSEL;

◆ IsMinima()

bool ClipperLib::IsMinima ( TEdge e)

Definition at line 2556 of file clipper.cpp.

2559 {

◆ JoinHorz()

bool ClipperLib::JoinHorz ( OutPt op1,
OutPt op1b,
OutPt op2,
OutPt op2b,
const IntPoint  Pt,
bool  DiscardLeft 

Definition at line 3400 of file clipper.cpp.

3406  {
3407  while (op2->Next->Pt.X <= Pt.X &&
3408  op2->Next->Pt.X >= op2->Pt.X && op2->Next->Pt.Y == Pt.Y)
3409  op2 = op2->Next;
3410  if (DiscardLeft && (op2->Pt.X != Pt.X)) op2 = op2->Next;
3411  op2b = DupOutPt(op2, !DiscardLeft);
3412  if (op2b->Pt != Pt)
3413  {
3414  op2 = op2b;
3415  op2->Pt = Pt;
3416  op2b = DupOutPt(op2, !DiscardLeft);
3417  };
3418  } else
3419  {
3420  while (op2->Next->Pt.X >= Pt.X &&
3421  op2->Next->Pt.X <= op2->Pt.X && op2->Next->Pt.Y == Pt.Y)
3422  op2 = op2->Next;
3423  if (!DiscardLeft && (op2->Pt.X != Pt.X)) op2 = op2->Next;
3424  op2b = DupOutPt(op2, DiscardLeft);
3425  if (op2b->Pt != Pt)
3426  {
3427  op2 = op2b;
3428  op2->Pt = Pt;
3429  op2b = DupOutPt(op2, DiscardLeft);
3430  };
3431  };
3433  if ((Dir1 == dLeftToRight) == DiscardLeft)
3434  {
3435  op1->Prev = op2;
3436  op2->Next = op1;
3437  op1b->Next = op2b;
3438  op2b->Prev = op1b;
3439  }
3440  else
3441  {
3442  op1->Next = op2;
3443  op2->Prev = op1;
3444  op1b->Prev = op2b;
3445  op2b->Next = op1b;
3446  }
3447  return true;
3448 }
3449 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3451 bool Clipper::JoinPoints(Join *j, OutRec* outRec1, OutRec* outRec2)
3452 {
3453  OutPt *op1 = j->OutPt1, *op1b;
3454  OutPt *op2 = j->OutPt2, *op2b;
3456  //There are 3 kinds of joins for output polygons ...
3457  //1. Horizontal joins where Join.OutPt1 & Join.OutPt2 are vertices anywhere
3458  //along (horizontal) collinear edges (& Join.OffPt is on the same horizontal).
3459  //2. Non-horizontal joins where Join.OutPt1 & Join.OutPt2 are at the same
3460  //location at the Bottom of the overlapping segment (& Join.OffPt is above).
3461  //3. StrictSimple joins where edges touch but are not collinear and where
3462  //Join.OutPt1, Join.OutPt2 & Join.OffPt all share the same point.
3463  bool isHorizontal = (j->OutPt1->Pt.Y == j->OffPt.Y);
3465  if (isHorizontal && (j->OffPt == j->OutPt1->Pt) &&
3466  (j->OffPt == j->OutPt2->Pt))
3467  {
3468  //Strictly Simple join ...
3469  if (outRec1 != outRec2) return false;
3470  op1b = j->OutPt1->Next;
3471  while (op1b != op1 && (op1b->Pt == j->OffPt))
3472  op1b = op1b->Next;
3473  bool reverse1 = (op1b->Pt.Y > j->OffPt.Y);
3474  op2b = j->OutPt2->Next;
3475  while (op2b != op2 && (op2b->Pt == j->OffPt))
3476  op2b = op2b->Next;
3477  bool reverse2 = (op2b->Pt.Y > j->OffPt.Y);
3478  if (reverse1 == reverse2) return false;
3479  if (reverse1)
3480  {
3481  op1b = DupOutPt(op1, false);
3482  op2b = DupOutPt(op2, true);
3483  op1->Prev = op2;
3484  op2->Next = op1;

◆ Minkowski()

void ClipperLib::Minkowski ( const Path poly,
const Path path,
Paths solution,
bool  isSum,
bool  isClosed 

Definition at line 4499 of file clipper.cpp.

4508 {
4509  Minkowski(pattern, path, solution, true, pathIsClosed);
4510  Clipper c;
4511  c.AddPaths(solution, ptSubject, true);
4512  c.Execute(ctUnion, solution, pftNonZero, pftNonZero);
4513 }
4514 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4516 void TranslatePath(const Path& input, Path& output, const IntPoint delta)
4517 {
4518  //precondition: input != output
4519  output.resize(input.size());
4520  for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i)
4521  output[i] = IntPoint(input[i].X + delta.X, input[i].Y + delta.Y);
4522 }
4523 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4525 void MinkowskiSum(const Path& pattern, const Paths& paths, Paths& solution, bool pathIsClosed)
4526 {
4527  Clipper c;
4528  for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i)
4529  {
4530  Paths tmp;
4531  Minkowski(pattern, paths[i], tmp, true, pathIsClosed);
4532  c.AddPaths(tmp, ptSubject, true);
4533  if (pathIsClosed)
4534  {
4535  Path tmp2;
4536  TranslatePath(paths[i], tmp2, pattern[0]);
4537  c.AddPath(tmp2, ptClip, true);
4538  }
4539  }
4540  c.Execute(ctUnion, solution, pftNonZero, pftNonZero);

◆ MinkowskiDiff()

void ClipperLib::MinkowskiDiff ( const Path poly1,
const Path poly2,
Paths solution 

Definition at line 4580 of file clipper.cpp.

4585 {
4586  paths.resize(0);

◆ MinkowskiSum() [1/2]

void ClipperLib::MinkowskiSum ( const Path pattern,
const Path path,
Paths solution,
bool  pathIsClosed 

Definition at line 4543 of file clipper.cpp.

4545 {
4546  Minkowski(poly1, poly2, solution, false, true);
4547  Clipper c;
4548  c.AddPaths(solution, ptSubject, true);
4549  c.Execute(ctUnion, solution, pftNonZero, pftNonZero);

◆ MinkowskiSum() [2/2]

void ClipperLib::MinkowskiSum ( const Path pattern,
const Paths paths,
Paths solution,
bool  pathIsClosed 

Definition at line 4561 of file clipper.cpp.

4569 {
4570  paths.resize(0);
4571  paths.reserve(polytree.Total());
4572  AddPolyNodeToPaths(polytree, ntAny, paths);
4573 }
4574 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4576 void ClosedPathsFromPolyTree(const PolyTree& polytree, Paths& paths)
4577 {

◆ OpenPathsFromPolyTree()

void ClipperLib::OpenPathsFromPolyTree ( PolyTree polytree,
Paths paths 

Definition at line 4620 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/5]

Path& ClipperLib::operator<< ( Path poly,
const IntPoint p 

Definition at line 109 of file clipper.hpp.

109 {poly.push_back(p); return poly;}

◆ operator<<() [2/5]

Paths& ClipperLib::operator<< ( Paths polys,
const Path p 

Definition at line 110 of file clipper.hpp.

110 {polys.push_back(p); return polys;}

◆ operator<<() [3/5]

std::ostream & ClipperLib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const IntPoint p 

Definition at line 4631 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/5]

std::ostream & ClipperLib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Path p 

Definition at line 4638 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/5]

std::ostream & ClipperLib::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const Paths p 

Definition at line 4649 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ Orientation()

bool ClipperLib::Orientation ( const Path poly)

Definition at line 421 of file clipper.cpp.

426 {

◆ OutRec1RightOfOutRec2()

bool ClipperLib::OutRec1RightOfOutRec2 ( OutRec outRec1,
OutRec outRec2 

Definition at line 2383 of file clipper.cpp.

2391  {

◆ ParseFirstLeft()

static OutRec* ClipperLib::ParseFirstLeft ( OutRec FirstLeft)

Definition at line 3646 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ PointCount()

int ClipperLib::PointCount ( OutPt Pts)

Definition at line 3213 of file clipper.cpp.

3214 {
3215  polytree.Clear();
3216  polytree.AllNodes.reserve(m_PolyOuts.size());
3217  //add each output polygon/contour to polytree ...
3218  for (PolyOutList::size_type i = 0; i < m_PolyOuts.size(); i++)
3219  {
3220  OutRec* outRec = m_PolyOuts[i];
3221  int cnt = PointCount(outRec->Pts);
3222  if ((outRec->IsOpen && cnt < 2) || (!outRec->IsOpen && cnt < 3)) continue;
3223  FixHoleLinkage(*outRec);
3224  PolyNode* pn = new PolyNode();
3225  //nb: polytree takes ownership of all the PolyNodes

◆ PointInPolygon() [1/2]

int ClipperLib::PointInPolygon ( const IntPoint pt,
const Path path 

Definition at line 476 of file clipper.cpp.

485 {
486  //returns 0 if false, +1 if true, -1 if pt ON polygon boundary
487  int result = 0;
488  OutPt* startOp = op;
489  for(;;)
490  {
491  if (op->Next->Pt.Y == pt.Y)
492  {
493  if ((op->Next->Pt.X == pt.X) || (op->Pt.Y == pt.Y &&
494  ((op->Next->Pt.X > pt.X) == (op->Pt.X < pt.X)))) return -1;
495  }
496  if ((op->Pt.Y < pt.Y) != (op->Next->Pt.Y < pt.Y))
497  {
498  if (op->Pt.X >= pt.X)
499  {
500  if (op->Next->Pt.X > pt.X) result = 1 - result;
501  else
502  {
503  double d = (double)(op->Pt.X - pt.X) * (op->Next->Pt.Y - pt.Y) -
504  (double)(op->Next->Pt.X - pt.X) * (op->Pt.Y - pt.Y);
505  if (!d) return -1;
506  if ((d > 0) == (op->Next->Pt.Y > op->Pt.Y)) result = 1 - result;
507  }
508  } else
509  {
510  if (op->Next->Pt.X > pt.X)
511  {
512  double d = (double)(op->Pt.X - pt.X) * (op->Next->Pt.Y - pt.Y) -
513  (double)(op->Next->Pt.X - pt.X) * (op->Pt.Y - pt.Y);
514  if (!d) return -1;
515  if ((d > 0) == (op->Next->Pt.Y > op->Pt.Y)) result = 1 - result;
516  }
517  }

◆ PointInPolygon() [2/2]

int ClipperLib::PointInPolygon ( const IntPoint pt,
OutPt op 

Definition at line 520 of file clipper.cpp.

527 {
528  OutPt* op = OutPt1;
529  do
530  {
531  //nb: PointInPolygon returns 0 if false, +1 if true, -1 if pt on polygon
532  int res = PointInPolygon(op->Pt, OutPt2);
533  if (res >= 0) return res > 0;
534  op = op->Next;
535  }
536  while (op != OutPt1);
537  return true;
538 }
539 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
541 bool SlopesEqual(const TEdge &e1, const TEdge &e2, bool UseFullInt64Range)
542 {
543 #ifndef use_int32
544  if (UseFullInt64Range)
545  return Int128Mul(e1.Top.Y - e1.Bot.Y, e2.Top.X - e2.Bot.X) ==
546  Int128Mul(e1.Top.X - e1.Bot.X, e2.Top.Y - e2.Bot.Y);
547  else
548 #endif
549  return (e1.Top.Y - e1.Bot.Y) * (e2.Top.X - e2.Bot.X) ==
550  (e1.Top.X - e1.Bot.X) * (e2.Top.Y - e2.Bot.Y);
551 }
552 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
554 bool SlopesEqual(const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2,
555  const IntPoint pt3, bool UseFullInt64Range)
556 {
557 #ifndef use_int32
558  if (UseFullInt64Range)
559  return Int128Mul(pt1.Y-pt2.Y, pt2.X-pt3.X) == Int128Mul(pt1.X-pt2.X, pt2.Y-pt3.Y);

◆ PointIsVertex()

bool ClipperLib::PointIsVertex ( const IntPoint Pt,
OutPt pp 

Definition at line 461 of file clipper.cpp.

461  {
462  double d = (double)(ip.X - pt.X) * (ipNext.Y - pt.Y) -
463  (double)(ipNext.X - pt.X) * (ip.Y - pt.Y);
464  if (!d) return -1;
465  if ((d > 0) == (ipNext.Y > ip.Y)) result = 1 - result;
466  }
467  } else
468  {
469  if (ipNext.X > pt.X)
470  {
471  double d = (double)(ip.X - pt.X) * (ipNext.Y - pt.Y) -

◆ PointsAreClose()

bool ClipperLib::PointsAreClose ( IntPoint  pt1,
IntPoint  pt2,
double  distSqrd 

Definition at line 4401 of file clipper.cpp.

4408  {

◆ Poly2ContainsPoly1()

bool ClipperLib::Poly2ContainsPoly1 ( OutPt OutPt1,
OutPt OutPt2 

Definition at line 562 of file clipper.cpp.

568 {
569 #ifndef use_int32
570  if (UseFullInt64Range)
571  return Int128Mul(pt1.Y-pt2.Y, pt3.X-pt4.X) == Int128Mul(pt1.X-pt2.X, pt3.Y-pt4.Y);
572  else
573 #endif
574  return (pt1.Y-pt2.Y)*(pt3.X-pt4.X) == (pt1.X-pt2.X)*(pt3.Y-pt4.Y);

◆ PolyTreeToPaths()

void ClipperLib::PolyTreeToPaths ( const PolyTree polytree,
Paths paths 

Definition at line 4604 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3()

bool ClipperLib::Pt2IsBetweenPt1AndPt3 ( const IntPoint  pt1,
const IntPoint  pt2,
const IntPoint  pt3 

Definition at line 896 of file clipper.cpp.

897 {
898  if (useFullRange)
899  {
900  if (Pt.X > hiRange || Pt.Y > hiRange || -Pt.X > hiRange || -Pt.Y > hiRange)
901  throw clipperException("Coordinate outside allowed range");
902  }
903  else if (Pt.X > loRange|| Pt.Y > loRange || -Pt.X > loRange || -Pt.Y > loRange)
904  {
905  useFullRange = true;

◆ RangeTest()

void ClipperLib::RangeTest ( const IntPoint Pt,
bool useFullRange 

Definition at line 932 of file clipper.cpp.

934  {
935  //if edges still remain in the current bound beyond the skip edge then
936  //create another LocMin and call ProcessBound once more
937  if (NextIsForward)
938  {
939  while (E->Top.Y == E->Next->Bot.Y) E = E->Next;
940  //don't include top horizontals when parsing a bound a second time,
941  //they will be contained in the opposite bound ...
942  while (E != Result && IsHorizontal(*E)) E = E->Prev;
943  }
944  else

◆ RemoveEdge()

TEdge* ClipperLib::RemoveEdge ( TEdge e)

Definition at line 781 of file clipper.cpp.

781  {
782  if (pt1a.X > pt1b.X) SwapPoints(pt1a, pt1b);
783  if (pt2a.X > pt2b.X) SwapPoints(pt2a, pt2b);
784  if (pt1a.X > pt2a.X) pt1 = pt1a; else pt1 = pt2a;
785  if (pt1b.X < pt2b.X) pt2 = pt1b; else pt2 = pt2b;
786  return pt1.X < pt2.X;
787  } else
788  {
789  if (pt1a.Y < pt1b.Y) SwapPoints(pt1a, pt1b);

◆ ReverseHorizontal()

void ClipperLib::ReverseHorizontal ( TEdge e)

Definition at line 792 of file clipper.cpp.

799 {
800  OutPt *p = btmPt1->Prev;
801  while ((p->Pt == btmPt1->Pt) && (p != btmPt1)) p = p->Prev;

◆ ReversePath()

void ClipperLib::ReversePath ( Path p)

Definition at line 4312 of file clipper.cpp.

4314 {
4315  double Dx = ((double)pt1.X - pt2.X);

◆ ReversePaths()

void ClipperLib::ReversePaths ( Paths p)

Definition at line 4318 of file clipper.cpp.

4323 {

◆ ReversePolyPtLinks()

void ClipperLib::ReversePolyPtLinks ( OutPt pp)

Definition at line 728 of file clipper.cpp.

730 {
731  if (e.Curr.Y >= e.Next->Curr.Y)
732  {
733  e.Bot = e.Curr;
734  e.Top = e.Next->Curr;
735  } else
736  {
737  e.Top = e.Curr;
738  e.Bot = e.Next->Curr;
739  }

◆ Round()

cInt ClipperLib::Round ( double  val)

Definition at line 172 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ SetDx()

void ClipperLib::SetDx ( TEdge e)

Definition at line 627 of file clipper.cpp.

630  {
631  ip.Y = Edge1.Curr.Y;
632  ip.X = TopX(Edge1, ip.Y);

◆ SimplifyPolygon()

void ClipperLib::SimplifyPolygon ( const Path in_poly,
Paths out_polys,
PolyFillType  fillType = pftEvenOdd 

Definition at line 4325 of file clipper.cpp.

4340 {

◆ SimplifyPolygons() [1/2]

void ClipperLib::SimplifyPolygons ( const Paths in_polys,
Paths out_polys,
PolyFillType  fillType = pftEvenOdd 

Definition at line 4334 of file clipper.cpp.

4340 {

◆ SimplifyPolygons() [2/2]

void ClipperLib::SimplifyPolygons ( Paths polys,
PolyFillType  fillType = pftEvenOdd 

Definition at line 4343 of file clipper.cpp.

4345  {
4346  if ((pt1.X > pt2.X) == (pt1.X < pt3.X))

◆ SlopesEqual() [1/3]

bool ClipperLib::SlopesEqual ( const IntPoint  pt1,
const IntPoint  pt2,
const IntPoint  pt3,
bool  UseFullInt64Range 

Definition at line 590 of file clipper.cpp.

592 {
593  cInt dy = (e.Top.Y - e.Bot.Y);
594  if (dy == 0) e.Dx = HORIZONTAL;
595  else e.Dx = (double)(e.Top.X - e.Bot.X) / dy;
596 }
597 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
599 inline void SwapSides(TEdge &Edge1, TEdge &Edge2)

◆ SlopesEqual() [2/3]

bool ClipperLib::SlopesEqual ( const IntPoint  pt1,
const IntPoint  pt2,
const IntPoint  pt3,
const IntPoint  pt4,
bool  UseFullInt64Range 

Definition at line 602 of file clipper.cpp.

608 {
609  int OutIdx = Edge1.OutIdx;
610  Edge1.OutIdx = Edge2.OutIdx;
611  Edge2.OutIdx = OutIdx;

◆ SlopesEqual() [3/3]

bool ClipperLib::SlopesEqual ( const TEdge e1,
const TEdge e2,
bool  UseFullInt64Range 

Definition at line 577 of file clipper.cpp.

579 {
580  return e.Dx == HORIZONTAL;
581 }
582 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
584 inline double GetDx(const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2)
585 {
586  return (pt1.Y == pt2.Y) ?
587  HORIZONTAL : (double)(pt2.X - pt1.X) / (pt2.Y - pt1.Y);

◆ SlopesNearCollinear()

bool ClipperLib::SlopesNearCollinear ( const IntPoint pt1,
const IntPoint pt2,
const IntPoint pt3,
double  distSqrd 

Definition at line 4374 of file clipper.cpp.

4374 {
4375  OutPt* result = op->Prev;
4376  result->Next = op->Next;
4377  op->Next->Prev = result;
4378  result->Idx = 0;
4379  return result;
4380 }
4381 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4383 void CleanPolygon(const Path& in_poly, Path& out_poly, double distance)
4384 {
4385  //distance = proximity in units/pixels below which vertices
4386  //will be stripped. Default ~= sqrt(2).
4388  size_t size = in_poly.size();
4390  if (size == 0)
4391  {
4392  out_poly.clear();
4393  return;
4394  }
4396  OutPt* outPts = new OutPt[size];
4397  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
4398  {

◆ SwapIntersectNodes()

void ClipperLib::SwapIntersectNodes ( IntersectNode int1,
IntersectNode int2 

Definition at line 3294 of file clipper.cpp.

3294  {Left = std::max(a2,b2); Right = std::min(a1,b1);}
3295  }
3296  return Left < Right;
3297 }
3298 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3300 inline void UpdateOutPtIdxs(OutRec& outrec)
3301 {
3302  OutPt* op = outrec.Pts;
3303  do
3304  {

◆ SwapPoints()

void ClipperLib::SwapPoints ( IntPoint pt1,
IntPoint pt2 

Definition at line 804 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ SwapPolyIndexes()

void ClipperLib::SwapPolyIndexes ( TEdge Edge1,
TEdge Edge2 

Definition at line 643 of file clipper.cpp.

647  {
648  ip.X = Edge2.Bot.X;

◆ SwapSides()

void ClipperLib::SwapSides ( TEdge Edge1,
TEdge Edge2 

Definition at line 635 of file clipper.cpp.

636  {
637  ip.X = Edge1.Bot.X;
638  if (IsHorizontal(Edge2))
639  ip.Y = Edge2.Bot.Y;
640  else

◆ TopX()

cInt ClipperLib::TopX ( TEdge edge,
const cInt  currentY 

Definition at line 651 of file clipper.cpp.

652  {
653  b1 = Edge1.Bot.Y - (Edge1.Bot.X / Edge1.Dx);
654  ip.Y = Round(ip.X / Edge1.Dx + b1);
655  }

◆ TranslatePath()

void ClipperLib::TranslatePath ( const Path input,
Path output,
const IntPoint  delta 

Definition at line 4552 of file clipper.cpp.

4553  {ntAny, ntOpen, ntClosed};
4555 void AddPolyNodeToPaths(const PolyNode& polynode, NodeType nodetype, Paths& paths)
4556 {
4557  bool match = true;
4558  if (nodetype == ntClosed) match = !polynode.IsOpen();

◆ UpdateOutPtIdxs()

void ClipperLib::UpdateOutPtIdxs ( OutRec outrec)

Definition at line 3336 of file clipper.cpp.

3342 {
3343  OutPt* result = new OutPt;
3344  result->Pt = outPt->Pt;
3345  result->Idx = outPt->Idx;

Variable Documentation

◆ def_arc_tolerance

const double ClipperLib::def_arc_tolerance = 0.25

Definition at line 91 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ hiRange

const cInt ClipperLib::hiRange = 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL

Definition at line 79 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ loRange

const cInt ClipperLib::loRange = 0x3FFFFFFF

Definition at line 78 of file clipper.hpp.

◆ pi

const double ClipperLib::pi = 3.141592653589793238

Definition at line 89 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ Skip

const int ClipperLib::Skip = -2

Definition at line 96 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ two_pi

const double ClipperLib::two_pi = pi *2

Definition at line 90 of file clipper.cpp.

◆ Unassigned

const int ClipperLib::Unassigned = -1

Definition at line 95 of file clipper.cpp.

static const cInt loRange
Definition: clipper.hpp:78
constexpr double a2
Definition: hcurl_check_approx_in_2d.cpp:39
std::vector< IntPoint > Path
Definition: clipper.hpp:106
@ ioStrictlySimple
Definition: clipper.hpp:129
std::vector< Path > Paths
Definition: clipper.hpp:107
void DisposeOutPts(OutPt *&pp)
Definition: clipper.cpp:742
@ jtSquare
Definition: clipper.hpp:130
OutRec * GetLowermostRec(OutRec *outRec1, OutRec *outRec2)
Definition: clipper.cpp:2363
cInt TopX(TEdge &edge, const cInt currentY)
Definition: clipper.cpp:651
@ etClosedPolygon
Definition: clipper.hpp:131
bool E2InsertsBeforeE1(TEdge &e1, TEdge &e2)
Definition: clipper.cpp:3307
@ ctXor
Definition: clipper.hpp:64
@ pftPositive
Definition: clipper.hpp:70
signed long long cInt
Definition: clipper.hpp:77
int PointCount(OutPt *Pts)
Definition: clipper.cpp:3213
@ ptSubject
Definition: clipper.hpp:65
cInt Round(double val)
Definition: clipper.cpp:172
TEdge * GetMaximaPairEx(TEdge *e)
Definition: clipper.cpp:2584
void SwapPoints(IntPoint &pt1, IntPoint &pt2)
Definition: clipper.cpp:804
Definition: single.cpp:3
@ ctUnion
Definition: clipper.hpp:64
void CleanPolygon(const Path &in_poly, Path &out_poly, double distance=1.415)
Definition: clipper.cpp:4419
void Minkowski(const Path &poly, const Path &path, Paths &solution, bool isSum, bool isClosed)
Definition: clipper.cpp:4499
const double c
speed of light (cm/ns)
Definition: initial_diffusion.cpp:39
@ ctDifference
Definition: clipper.hpp:64
void UpdateOutPtIdxs(OutRec &outrec)
Definition: clipper.cpp:3336
void ReversePolyPtLinks(OutPt *pp)
Definition: clipper.cpp:728
@ ioPreserveCollinear
Definition: clipper.hpp:129
@ ptClip
Definition: clipper.hpp:65
static const cInt hiRange
Definition: clipper.hpp:79
bool GetOverlapSegment(IntPoint pt1a, IntPoint pt1b, IntPoint pt2a, IntPoint pt2b, IntPoint &pt1, IntPoint &pt2)
Definition: clipper.cpp:812
@ ntClosed
Definition: clipper.cpp:4589
constexpr double a1
Definition: hcurl_check_approx_in_2d.cpp:38
void MinkowskiSum(const Path &pattern, const Path &path, Paths &solution, bool pathIsClosed)
Definition: clipper.cpp:4543
constexpr double a
Definition: approx_sphere.cpp:30
@ etOpenSquare
Definition: clipper.hpp:131
bool HorzSegmentsOverlap(cInt seg1a, cInt seg1b, cInt seg2a, cInt seg2b)
Definition: clipper.cpp:908
static constexpr double delta
Definition: prism_elements_from_surface.cpp:18
@ ntAny
Definition: clipper.cpp:4589
bool SlopesEqual(const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2, const IntPoint pt3, const IntPoint pt4, bool UseFullInt64Range)
Definition: clipper.cpp:602
@ dLeftToRight
Definition: clipper.cpp:93
int PointInPolygon(const IntPoint &pt, OutPt *op)
Definition: clipper.cpp:520
OutPt * DupOutPt(OutPt *outPt, bool InsertAfter)
Definition: clipper.cpp:3377
void ClosedPathsFromPolyTree(const PolyTree &polytree, Paths &paths)
Definition: clipper.cpp:4612
@ pftNegative
Definition: clipper.hpp:70
static const int Unassigned
Definition: clipper.cpp:95
void TranslatePath(const Path &input, Path &output, const IntPoint delta)
Definition: clipper.cpp:4552
void AddPolyNodeToPaths(const PolyNode &polynode, NodeType nodetype, Paths &paths)
Definition: clipper.cpp:4591
@ ntOpen
Definition: clipper.cpp:4589
@ esRight
Definition: clipper.hpp:198
double GetDx(const IntPoint pt1, const IntPoint pt2)
Definition: clipper.cpp:620
FTensor::Index< 'i', SPACE_DIM > i
Definition: hcurl_divergence_operator_2d.cpp:27
@ etOpenButt
Definition: clipper.hpp:131
@ jtMiter
Definition: clipper.hpp:130
double Area(const OutRec &outRec)
Definition: clipper.cpp:455
void CleanPolygons(const Paths &in_polys, Paths &out_polys, double distance=1.415)
Definition: clipper.cpp:4485
void InitEdge(TEdge *e, TEdge *eNext, TEdge *ePrev, const IntPoint &Pt)
Definition: clipper.cpp:755
bool IsHorizontal(TEdge &e)
Definition: clipper.cpp:614
@ pftEvenOdd
Definition: clipper.hpp:70
@ ioReverseSolution
Definition: clipper.hpp:129
FTensor::Index< 'j', 3 > j
Definition: matrix_function.cpp:19
@ pftNonZero
Definition: clipper.hpp:70
@ jtRound
Definition: clipper.hpp:130
float d
Definition: sdf_hertz_2d_axisymm_plane.py:4
@ esLeft
Definition: clipper.hpp:198
@ etClosedLine
Definition: clipper.hpp:131
@ ctIntersection
Definition: clipper.hpp:64
bool OutRec1RightOfOutRec2(OutRec *outRec1, OutRec *outRec2)
Definition: clipper.cpp:2383
void SwapSides(TEdge &Edge1, TEdge &Edge2)
Definition: clipper.cpp:635
Definition: convert.py:64
@ etOpenRound
Definition: clipper.hpp:131
Int128 Int128Mul(long64 lhs, long64 rhs)
Definition: clipper.cpp:390
Definition: clipper.cpp:98
Definition: clipper.cpp:4589
OutPt * ExcludeOp(OutPt *op)
Definition: clipper.cpp:4409
bool PointsAreClose(IntPoint pt1, IntPoint pt2, double distSqrd)
Definition: clipper.cpp:4401
bool FirstIsBottomPt(const OutPt *btmPt1, const OutPt *btmPt2)
Definition: clipper.cpp:834