| v0.14.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
13 #error "MoFEM need to be compiled with ADOL-C"
56 MatrixBoundedArray<TYPE, 9>
57 MatrixBoundedArray<TYPE, 9>
58 MatrixBoundedArray<TYPE, 9>
61 MatrixBoundedArray<TYPE, 9>
63 MatrixBoundedArray<TYPE, 9>
65 MatrixBoundedArray<TYPE, 9>
91 for (
int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
119 for (
int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
139 invF.resize(3, 3,
155 t_dashpotFirstPiolaKirchhoffStress(
j) =
156 J * (t_dashpotCauchyStress(
k) * t_invF(
162 typedef boost::ptr_map<int, KelvinVoigtDamper::ConstitutiveEquation<adouble>>
263 bool calc_val,
bool calc_grad,
bool calc_dot =
264 EntityType zero_at_type = MBVERTEX)
277 int nb_dofs = data.getFieldData().size();
281 int rank = data.getFieldDofs()[0]->getNbOfCoeffs();
282 int nb_gauss_pts = data.getN().size1();
290 for (
int gg = 0; gg < nb_gauss_pts; gg++) {
297 for (
int gg = 0; gg < nb_gauss_pts; gg++) {
320 for (
int gg = 0; gg < nb_gauss_pts; gg++) {
321 for (
int rr1 = 0; rr1 < rank; rr1++) {
326 for (
int rr2 = 0; rr2 < 3; rr2++) {
328 t_diff_disp(rr1, rr2);
355 CommonData &common_data,
bool calculate_residual,
356 bool calculate_jacobian)
376 cE.
F.resize(3, 3,
377 cE.
FDot.resize(3, 3,
386 for (
int dd1 = 0; dd1 < 3; dd1++) {
387 for (
int dd2 = 0; dd2 < 3; dd2++) {
388 cE.
F(dd1, dd2) <<=
F(dd1, dd2);
392 for (
int dd1 = 0; dd1 < 3; dd1++) {
393 for (
int dd2 = 0; dd2 < 3; dd2++) {
394 cE.
FDot(dd1, dd2) <<= F_dot(dd1, dd2);
408 for (
int d1 = 0; d1 < 3; d1++) {
409 for (
int d2 = 0; d2 < 3; d2++) {
429 "ADOL-C function evaluation with error r = %d",
445 "ADOL-C function evaluation with error");
447 }
catch (
const std::exception &ex) {
448 std::ostringstream ss;
449 ss <<
"throw in method: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
450 SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, 1, ss.str().c_str());
469 int nb_active_variables = 0;
472 for (
int dd1 = 0; dd1 < 3; dd1++) {
473 for (
int dd2 = 0; dd2 < 3; dd2++) {
478 for (
int dd1 = 0; dd1 < 3; dd1++) {
479 for (
int dd2 = 0; dd2 < 3; dd2++) {
486 "Number of active variables does not much");
521 if (row_type != MBVERTEX)
551 int nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
552 int *indices_ptr = &row_data.getIndices()[0];
576 int nb_dofs = row_data.getIndices().size();
580 nF.resize(nb_dofs,
582 int nb_gauss_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
583 for (
int gg = 0; gg != nb_gauss_pts; gg++) {
584 const MatrixAdaptor &diffN = row_data.getDiffN(gg, nb_dofs / 3);
588 for (
int dd = 0;
dd < nb_dofs / 3;
dd++) {
589 for (
int rr = 0; rr < 3; rr++) {
590 for (
int nn = 0; nn < 3; nn++) {
591 nF[3 *
dd + rr] += val * diffN(
dd, nn) * stress(rr, nn);
613 int nb_row = row_data.getIndices().size();
614 int nb_col = col_data.getIndices().size();
615 int *row_indices_ptr = &row_data.getIndices()[0];
616 int *col_indices_ptr = &col_data.getIndices()[0];
618 col_indices_ptr, &
K(0, 0), ADD_VALUES);
621 if (row_side != col_side || row_type != col_type) {
622 transK.resize(nb_col, nb_row,
625 nb_row, row_indices_ptr, &
transK(0, 0),
639 common_data.spatialPositionName),
645 int nb_col = col_data.getIndices().size();
648 const MatrixAdaptor diffN = col_data.getDiffN(gg, nb_col / 3);
650 for (
int dd = 0;
dd < nb_col / 3;
dd++) {
651 for (
int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
652 double a = diffN(
dd, jj);
653 for (
int rr = 0; rr < 3; rr++) {
654 for (
int ii = 0; ii < 9;
656 dStress_dx(ii, 3 *
dd + rr) += jac_stress(ii, 3 * rr + jj) *
673 int nb_row = row_data.getIndices().size();
674 int nb_col = col_data.getIndices().size();
679 K.resize(nb_row, nb_col,
681 int nb_gauss_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
682 for (
int gg = 0; gg != nb_gauss_pts; gg++) {
687 const MatrixAdaptor &diffN = row_data.getDiffN(gg, nb_row / 3);
689 for (
int dd1 = 0; dd1 < nb_row / 3; dd1++) {
690 for (
int rr1 = 0; rr1 < 3; rr1++) {
691 for (
int dd2 = 0; dd2 < nb_col / 3; dd2++) {
692 for (
int rr2 = 0; rr2 < 3; rr2++) {
693 K(3 * dd1 + rr1, 3 * dd2 + rr2) +=
694 (diffN(dd1, 0) *
dStress_dx(3 * rr1 + 0, 3 * dd2 + rr2) +
695 diffN(dd1, 1) *
dStress_dx(3 * rr1 + 1, 3 * dd2 + rr2) +
696 diffN(dd1, 2) *
dStress_dx(3 * rr1 + 2, 3 * dd2 + rr2));
705 CHKERR aSemble(row_side, col_side, row_type, col_type, row_data,
718 common_data.spatialPositionName),
724 int nb_col = col_data.getIndices().size();
727 const MatrixAdaptor diffN = col_data.getDiffN(gg, nb_col / 3);
729 for (
int dd = 0;
dd < nb_col / 3;
dd++) {
730 for (
int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
731 double a = diffN(
dd, jj);
732 for (
int rr = 0; rr < 3; rr++) {
733 for (
int ii = 0; ii < 9;
753 int nb_row = row_data.getIndices().size();
754 int nb_col = col_data.getIndices().size();
759 K.resize(nb_row, nb_col,
761 int nb_gauss_pts = row_data.getN().size1();
762 for (
int gg = 0; gg != nb_gauss_pts; gg++) {
767 const MatrixAdaptor &diffN = row_data.getDiffN(gg, nb_row / 3);
769 for (
int dd1 = 0; dd1 < nb_row / 3; dd1++) {
770 for (
int rr1 = 0; rr1 < 3; rr1++) {
771 for (
int dd2 = 0; dd2 < nb_col / 3; dd2++) {
772 for (
int rr2 = 0; rr2 < 3; rr2++) {
773 K(3 * dd1 + rr1, 3 * dd2 + rr2) +=
774 (diffN(dd1, 0) *
dStress_dot(3 * rr1 + 0, 3 * dd2 + rr2) +
775 diffN(dd1, 1) *
dStress_dot(3 * rr1 + 1, 3 * dd2 + rr2) +
776 diffN(dd1, 2) *
dStress_dot(3 * rr1 + 2, 3 * dd2 + rr2));
785 CHKERR aSemble(row_side, col_side, row_type, col_type, row_data,
796 if (it->getName().compare(0, 6,
"DAMPER") == 0) {
797 std::vector<double> data;
798 CHKERR it->getAttributes(data);
799 if (data.size() < 2) {
"Data inconsistency");
818 fe_ptr->getOpPtrVector().push_back(
824 fe_ptr->getOpPtrVector().push_back(
825 new OpCalculateVectorFieldGradientDot<3, 3>(
833 std::vector<int> tags;
856 #endif //__KELVIN_VOIGT_DAMPER_HPP__
#define MoFEMFunctionReturnHot(a)
Last executable line of each PETSc function used for error handling. Replaces return()
MatrixBoundedArray< TYPE, 9 > invF
Inverse of gradient of deformation.
MoFEMErrorCode doWork(int row_side, EntityType row_type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data)
VectorDouble activeVariables
MoFEM::Interface & mField
Assemble internal force vector.
MoFEMErrorCode get_dStress_dx(EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, int gg)
string spatialPositionNameDot
MoFEMErrorCode MatSetValues(Mat M, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora)
Assemble PETSc matrix.
PetscReal ts_a
shift for U_t (see PETSc Time Solver)
double gBeta
Sheer modulus spring alpha.
DamperFE(MoFEM::Interface &m_field, CommonData &common_data)
int addToRule
Takes into account HO geometry.
MatrixBoundedArray< TYPE, 9 > F
Gradient of deformation.
Implementation of Kelvin Voigt Damper.
TYPE traceEngineeringStrainDot
MoFEMErrorCode postProcess()
function is run at the end of loop
PetscErrorCode MoFEMErrorCode
MoFEM/PETSc error code.
UBlasMatrix< double > MatrixDouble
MoFEMErrorCode calculateAtIntPtsDamperStress()
virtual MoFEMErrorCode calculateDashpotCauchyStress()
Calculate Cauchy dashpot stress.
double getVolume() const
element volume (linear geometry)
virtual MoFEMErrorCode preProcess()
function is run at the beginning of loop
Constitutive model functions.
bool calculateResidualBool
operator doWork is executed on FE rows &columns
MoFEMErrorCode VecSetValues(Vec V, const EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data, const double *ptr, InsertMode iora)
Assemble PETSc vector.
boost::shared_ptr< MatrixDouble > gradDataAtGaussTmpPtr
OpLhsdxdot(CommonData &common_data)
Deprecated interface functions.
MoFEMErrorCode invertTensor3by3(ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &jac_data, ublas::vector< T, A > &det_data, ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &inv_jac_data)
Calculate inverse of tensor rank 2 at integration points.
MatrixDouble & getGaussPts()
matrix of integration (Gauss) points for Volume Element
Jacobian of gradient of deformation.
VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCore(Interface &m_field, const EntityType type=MBTET)
std::vector< MatrixDouble > dashpotFirstPiolaKirchhoffStress
std::map< int, int > & nbActiveResults
#define CHKERR
Inline error check.
KelvinVoigtDamper(MoFEM::Interface &m_field)
string meshNodePositionName
boost::ptr_map< int, KelvinVoigtDamper::ConstitutiveEquation< adouble > > ConstitutiveEquationMap
virtual moab::Interface & get_moab()=0
MoFEMErrorCode aSemble(int row_side, int col_side, EntityType row_type, EntityType col_type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data)
MoFEMErrorCode setOperators(const int tag)
implementation of Data Operators for Forces and Sources
std::vector< MatrixDouble > jacStress
std::map< int, BlockMaterialData > blockMaterialDataMap
FTensor::Index< 'k', 3 > k
MatrixBoundedArray< TYPE, 9 > FDot
Rate of gradient of deformation.
MoFEMErrorCode aSemble(int row_side, EntityType row_type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data)
operator doWork function is executed on FE columns
MoFEMErrorCode calculateJacobian(TagEvaluate te)
ConstitutiveEquation(BlockMaterialData &data, bool is_displacement=true)
boost::shared_ptr< const NumeredEntFiniteElement > getNumeredEntFiniteElementPtr() const
Return raw pointer to NumeredEntFiniteElement.
MatrixBoundedArray< TYPE, 9 > dashpotFirstPiolaKirchhoffStress
Stress generated by spring beta.
OpJacobian(const std::string field_name, std::vector< int > tags, KelvinVoigtDamper::ConstitutiveEquation< adouble > &ce, CommonData &common_data, bool calculate_residual, bool calculate_jacobian)
std::map< int, int > & nbActiveVariables
definition of volume element
MoFEMErrorCode doWork(int row_side, EntityType row_type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data)
std::map< std::string, std::vector< VectorDouble > > dataAtGaussPts
OpLhsdxdx(CommonData &common_data)
Volume finite element base.
MoFEMErrorCode doWork(int row_side, int col_side, EntityType row_type, EntityType col_type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data)
std::vector< double * > jacRowPtr
double vBeta
Poisson ration spring alpha.
EntitiesFieldData::EntData EntData
constexpr auto field_name
const FEMethod * getFEMethod() const
Return raw pointer to Finite Element Method object.
MoFEMErrorCode setBlockDataMap()
boost::shared_ptr< MatrixDouble > dataAtGaussTmpPtr
MoFEMErrorCode recordDamperStress()
auto getFTensor2FromArray3by3(ublas::matrix< T, L, A > &data, const FTensor::Number< S > &, const size_t rr, const size_t cc=0)
static auto determinantTensor3by3(T &t)
Calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix or a tensor of rank 2.
MoFEMErrorCode doWork(int side, EntityType type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data)
Operator field value.
const Tensor2_symmetric_Expr< const ddTensor0< T, Dim, i, j >, typename promote< T, double >::V, Dim, i, j > dd(const Tensor0< T * > &a, const Index< i, Dim > index1, const Index< j, Dim > index2, const Tensor1< int, Dim > &d_ijk, const Tensor1< double, Dim > &d_xyz)
MatrixBoundedArray< TYPE, 9 > dashpotCauchyStress
Stress generated by spring beta.
virtual ~ConstitutiveEquation()=default
Iterator that loops over a specific Cubit MeshSet having a particular BC meshset in a moFEM field.
AssembleVector(string field_name)
MatrixBoundedArray< TYPE, 9 > gradientUDot
Rate of gradient of displacements.
Common data for nonlinear_elastic_elem model.
boost::ptr_deque< UserDataOperator > & getOpPtrVector()
Use to push back operator for row operator.
MoFEMErrorCode preProcess()
function is run at the beginning of loop
AssembleMatrix(string row_name, string col_name)
OpGetDataAtGaussPts(const std::string field_name, CommonData &common_data, bool calc_val, bool calc_grad, bool calc_dot=false, EntityType zero_at_type=MBVERTEX)
MoFEMErrorCode get_dStress_dot(EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, int gg)
UBlasVector< double > VectorDouble
KelvinVoigtDamper::ConstitutiveEquation< adouble > & cE
MoFEMErrorCode calculateFunction(TagEvaluate te, double *ptr)
MatrixBoundedArray< TYPE, 9 > engineringStrainDot
MatrixShallowArrayAdaptor< double > MatrixAdaptor
Matrix adaptor.
std::map< std::string, std::vector< MatrixDouble > > gradAtGaussPts
OpRhsStress(CommonData &common_data)
string spatialPositionName
virtual MoFEMErrorCode calculateFirstPiolaKirchhoffStress()
Calculate First Piola-Kirchhoff Stress Dashpot stress.
std::map< int, int > nbActiveResults
ConstitutiveEquationMap constitutiveEquationMap
MoFEMErrorCode doWork(int row_side, int col_side, EntityType row_type, EntityType col_type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data)
std::map< int, int > nbActiveVariables
bool sYmm
If true assume that matrix is symmetric structure.
#define MoFEMFunctionReturn(a)
Last executable line of each PETSc function used for error handling. Replaces return()
bool calculateJacobianBool
virtual MoFEMErrorCode calculateEngineeringStrainDot()
Calculate strain rate.
#define MoFEMFunctionBegin
First executable line of each MoFEM function, used for error handling. Final line of MoFEM functions ...
FTensor::Index< 'i', 3 > i
FTensor::Index< 'j', 3 > j
operator doWork function is executed on FE rows
Dumper material parameters.