| v0.14.0
Go to the source code of this file.
int | main (int argc, char *argv[]) |
static char | help [] = "...\n\n" |
◆ main()
int main |
( |
int |
argc, |
char * |
argv[] |
) |
| |
Definition at line 13 of file forces_and_sources_testing_vertex_element.cpp.
22 MPI_Comm_rank(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
24 PetscBool flg = PETSC_TRUE;
26 #if PETSC_VERSION_GE(3, 6, 4)
33 if (flg != PETSC_TRUE) {
"*** ERROR -my_file (MESH FILE NEEDED)");
41 ParallelComm *pcomm = ParallelComm::get_pcomm(&moab,
43 boost::make_shared<WrapMPIComm>(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,
46 new ParallelComm(&moab, moab_comm_wrap->get_comm());
58 CHKERR moab.create_meshset(MESHSET_SET, meshset_level0);
87 CHKERR moab.get_entities_by_type(0, MBTET, tets,
90 CHKERR skin.find_skin(0, tets,
false, tets_skin);
91 Range tets_skin_nodes;
92 CHKERR moab.get_connectivity(tets_skin, tets_skin_nodes,
131 typedef tee_device<std::ostream, std::ofstream>
134 std::ofstream ofs(
144 my_split(_my_split) {}
150 my_split <<
"NH1" << std::endl;
151 my_split <<
"side: " << side <<
" type: " <<
type << std::endl;
152 my_split <<
"data: " << data << std::endl;
153 my_split <<
"coords: " << std::setprecision(3) << getCoords()
164 my_split <<
"ROW NH1NH1" << std::endl;
165 my_split <<
"row side: " << row_side <<
" row_type: " << row_type
167 my_split << row_data << std::endl;
168 my_split <<
"COL NH1NH1" << std::endl;
169 my_split <<
"col side: " << col_side <<
" col_type: " << col_type
171 my_split << col_data << std::endl;
176 fe1.getOpPtrVector().push_back(
177 new MyOp(my_split, ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator::OPROW));
178 fe1.getOpPtrVector().push_back(
179 new MyOp(my_split, ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator::OPROWCOL));
◆ help
#define MoFEMFunctionReturnHot(a)
Last executable line of each PETSc function used for error handling. Replaces return()
MoFEMErrorCode getInterface(IFACE *&iface) const
Get interface reference to pointer of interface.
set barrier start Run code in sequence, starting from process 0, and ends on last process.
Data on single entity (This is passed as argument to DataOperator::doWork)
virtual MoFEMErrorCode loop_finite_elements(const std::string problem_name, const std::string &fe_name, FEMethod &method, boost::shared_ptr< NumeredEntFiniteElement_multiIndex > fe_ptr=nullptr, MoFEMTypes bh=MF_EXIST, CacheTupleWeakPtr cache_ptr=CacheTupleSharedPtr(), int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
Make a loop over finite elements.
default communicator number PCOMM
virtual MoFEMErrorCode loop_dofs(const Problem *problem_ptr, const std::string &field_name, RowColData rc, DofMethod &method, int lower_rank, int upper_rank, int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
Make a loop over dofs.
MoFEMErrorCode buildProblem(const std::string name, const bool square_matrix, int verb=VERBOSE)
build problem data structures
Problem manager is used to build and partition problems.
virtual MoFEMErrorCode modify_finite_element_add_field_row(const std::string &fe_name, const std::string name_row)=0
set field row which finite element use
PetscErrorCode MoFEMErrorCode
MoFEM/PETSc error code.
Projection of edge entities with one mid-node on hierarchical basis.
static MoFEMErrorCode Finalize()
Checks for options to be called at the conclusion of the program.
virtual MoFEMErrorCode add_ents_to_field_by_type(const Range &ents, const EntityType type, const std::string &name, int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
Add entities to field meshset.
Deprecated interface functions.
DeprecatedCoreInterface Interface
virtual MoFEMErrorCode add_ents_to_finite_element_by_type(const EntityHandle entities, const EntityType type, const std::string &name, const bool recursive=true)=0
add entities to finite element
#define CHKERR
Inline error check.
virtual MoFEMErrorCode add_finite_element(const std::string &fe_name, enum MoFEMTypes bh=MF_EXCL, int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
add finite element
virtual moab::Interface & get_moab()=0
virtual MoFEMErrorCode modify_finite_element_add_field_col(const std::string &fe_name, const std::string name_row)=0
set field col which finite element use
virtual MoFEMErrorCode build_finite_elements(int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
Build finite elements.
MyOp(std::array< double, 12 > &eval_points)
virtual MoFEMErrorCode modify_finite_element_add_field_data(const std::string &fe_name, const std::string name_field)=0
set finite element field data
MoFEMErrorCode partitionFiniteElements(const std::string name, bool part_from_moab=false, int low_proc=-1, int hi_proc=-1, int verb=VERBOSE)
partition finite elements
virtual MoFEMErrorCode modify_problem_ref_level_add_bit(const std::string &name_problem, const BitRefLevel &bit)=0
add ref level to problem
set barrier start Run code in sequence, starting from process 0, and ends on last process.
MoFEMErrorCode doWork(int side, EntityType type, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &data)
static MoFEMErrorCode Initialize(int *argc, char ***args, const char file[], const char help[])
Initializes the MoFEM database PETSc, MOAB and MPI.
Catch errors.
MoFEMErrorCode partitionSimpleProblem(const std::string name, int verb=VERBOSE)
partition problem dofs
Ainsworth Cole (Legendre) approx. base .
Operator used to check consistency between local coordinates and global cooridnates for integrated po...
PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetString(PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], char str[], size_t size, PetscBool *set)
virtual MoFEMErrorCode build_fields(int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
virtual MoFEMErrorCode modify_problem_add_finite_element(const std::string name_problem, const std::string &fe_name)=0
add finite element to problem, this add entities assigned to finite element to a particular problem
std::bitset< BITREFLEVEL_SIZE > BitRefLevel
Bit structure attached to each entity identifying to what mesh entity is attached.
virtual MoFEMErrorCode build_adjacencies(const Range &ents, int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
build adjacencies
#define MoFEMFunctionBeginHot
First executable line of each MoFEM function, used for error handling. Final line of MoFEM functions ...
virtual MoFEMErrorCode set_field_order(const EntityHandle meshset, const EntityType type, const std::string &name, const ApproximationOrder order, int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
Set order approximation of the entities in the field.
default operator for VERTEX element
MoFEMErrorCode partitionGhostDofs(const std::string name, int verb=VERBOSE)
determine ghost nodes
virtual MoFEMErrorCode add_problem(const std::string &name, enum MoFEMTypes bh=MF_EXCL, int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
Add problem.
virtual MoFEMErrorCode add_field(const std::string name, const FieldSpace space, const FieldApproximationBase base, const FieldCoefficientsNumber nb_of_coefficients, const TagType tag_type=MB_TAG_SPARSE, const enum MoFEMTypes bh=MF_EXCL, int verb=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY)=0
Add field.