| v0.14.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
11 using namespace MoFEM;
42 constexpr
double rho = 1;
76 CHKERR boundaryCondition();
110 auto project_ho_geometry = [&]() {
112 return mField.loop_dofs(
"GEOMETRY", ent_method);
114 CHKERR project_ho_geometry();
128 simple->getProblemName(),
149 auto rho_ptr = boost::make_shared<double>(
151 auto add_rho_block = [
this, rho_ptr](
auto &pip,
auto block_name,
Sev sev) {
155 OpMatRhoBlocks(boost::shared_ptr<double> rho_ptr,
157 std::vector<const CubitMeshSets *> meshset_vec_ptr)
160 "Can not get data from block");
168 for (
auto &b : blockData) {
169 if (b.blockEnts.find(getFEEntityHandle()) != b.blockEnts.end()) {
186 std::vector<BlockData> blockData;
190 std::vector<const CubitMeshSets *> meshset_vec_ptr,
194 for (
auto m : meshset_vec_ptr) {
196 std::vector<double> block_data;
197 CHKERR m->getAttributes(block_data);
198 if (block_data.size() < 1) {
200 "Expected that block has two attributes");
202 auto get_block_ents = [&]() {
205 m_field.
m->meshset, ents,
210 <<
m->getName() <<
": ro = " << block_data[0];
212 blockData.push_back({block_data[0], get_block_ents()});
219 boost::shared_ptr<double> rhoPtr;
222 pip.push_back(
new OpMatRhoBlocks(
223 rho_ptr, mField, sev,
228 (boost::format(
"%s(.*)") % block_name).str()
242 auto get_time_scale = [
const double time) {
243 return sin(time *
omega * M_PI);
246 auto apply_lhs = [&](
auto &pip) {
250 CHKERR HenckyOps::opFactoryDomainLhs<SPACE_DIM, PETSC, GAUSS, DomainEleOp>(
251 mField, pip,
"MAT_ELASTIC", Sev::verbose);
252 CHKERR add_rho_block(pip,
"MAT_RHO", Sev::verbose);
254 pip.push_back(
new OpMass(
"U", get_rho));
255 static_cast<OpMass &
>(pip.back()).feScalingFun =
260 auto apply_rhs = [&](
auto &pip) {
264 pipeline_mng->getOpDomainRhsPipeline(), {H1},
265 CHKERR HenckyOps::opFactoryDomainRhs<SPACE_DIM, PETSC, GAUSS, DomainEleOp>(
266 mField, pip,
"MAT_ELASTIC", Sev::inform);
267 CHKERR add_rho_block(pip,
"MAT_RHO", Sev::inform);
269 auto mat_acceleration_ptr = boost::make_shared<MatrixDouble>();
272 "U", mat_acceleration_ptr));
273 pip.push_back(
new OpInertiaForce(
"U", mat_acceleration_ptr, get_rho));
276 pip, mField,
"U", {},
277 {boost::make_shared<TimeScaleVector<SPACE_DIM>>(
279 "BODY_FORCE", Sev::inform);
284 CHKERR apply_lhs(pipeline_mng->getOpDomainLhsPipeline());
285 CHKERR apply_rhs(pipeline_mng->getOpDomainRhsPipeline());
293 auto get_bc_hook = [&]() {
295 mField, pipeline_mng->getDomainRhsFE(),
296 {boost::make_shared<TimeScale>()});
300 pipeline_mng->getDomainRhsFE()->preProcessHook = get_bc_hook();
314 : dM(dm), postProc(post_proc){};
320 CHKERR postProc->writeFile(
321 "out_step_" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(ts_step) +
328 boost::shared_ptr<PostProcEle> postProc;
337 auto dm =
339 ts = pipeline_mng->createTSIM2();
342 auto post_proc_fe = boost::make_shared<PostProcEle>(mField);
344 post_proc_fe->getOpPtrVector(), {H1});
345 auto common_ptr = commonDataFactory<SPACE_DIM, GAUSS, DomainEleOp>(
346 mField, post_proc_fe->getOpPtrVector(),
"MAT_ELASTIC", Sev::inform);
348 auto u_ptr = boost::make_shared<MatrixDouble>();
349 post_proc_fe->getOpPtrVector().push_back(
351 auto X_ptr = boost::make_shared<MatrixDouble>();
352 post_proc_fe->getOpPtrVector().push_back(
357 post_proc_fe->getOpPtrVector().push_back(
361 post_proc_fe->getPostProcMesh(), post_proc_fe->getMapGaussPts(),
365 {{
"U", u_ptr}, {
"GEOMETRY", X_ptr}},
367 {{
"GRAD", common_ptr->matGradPtr},
368 {
"FIRST_PIOLA", common_ptr->getMatFirstPiolaStress()}},
377 boost::shared_ptr<FEMethod> null_fe;
378 auto monitor_ptr = boost::make_shared<Monitor>(dm, post_proc_fe);
380 null_fe, monitor_ptr);
390 CHKERR TS2SetSolution(ts, T, TT);
391 CHKERR TSSetFromOptions(ts);
394 CHKERR TSGetTime(ts, &ftime);
396 PetscInt steps, snesfails, rejects, nonlinits, linits;
397 #if PETSC_VERSION_GE(3, 8, 0)
398 CHKERR TSGetStepNumber(ts, &steps);
400 CHKERR TSGetTimeStepNumber(ts, &steps);
402 CHKERR TSGetSNESFailures(ts, &snesfails);
403 CHKERR TSGetStepRejections(ts, &rejects);
404 CHKERR TSGetSNESIterations(ts, &nonlinits);
405 CHKERR TSGetKSPIterations(ts, &linits);
407 "steps %d (%d rejected, %d SNES fails), ftime %g, nonlinits "
409 steps, rejects, snesfails, ftime, nonlinits, linits);
418 PetscBool test_flg = PETSC_FALSE;
426 CHKERR VecNorm(T, NORM_2, &nrm2);
"EXAMPLE", Sev::inform) <<
"Regression norm " << nrm2;
428 constexpr
double regression_value = 0.0194561;
429 if (fabs(nrm2 - regression_value) > 1e-2)
431 "Regression test failed; wrong norm value.");
444 static char help[] =
446 int main(
int argc,
char *argv[]) {
449 const char param_file[] =
453 auto core_log = logging::core::get();
462 DMType dm_name =
#define MoFEMFunctionReturnHot(a)
Last executable line of each PETSc function used for error handling. Replaces return()
MoFEMErrorCode getInterface(IFACE *&iface) const
Get interface reference to pointer of interface.
Data on single entity (This is passed as argument to DataOperator::doWork)
MoFEMErrorCode checkResults()
[Postprocess results]
Monitor(SmartPetscObj< DM > dm, boost::shared_ptr< PostProcEle > post_proc)
MoFEMErrorCode assembleSystem()
[Push operators to pipeline]
Example(MoFEM::Interface &m_field)
#define MOFEM_LOG_CHANNEL(channel)
Set and reset channel.
structure for User Loop Methods on finite elements
#define CHK_THROW_MESSAGE(err, msg)
Check and throw MoFEM exception.
FormsIntegrators< DomainEleOp >::Assembly< PETSC >::BiLinearForm< GAUSS >::OpMass< 1, SPACE_DIM > OpMass
PetscErrorCode MoFEMErrorCode
MoFEM/PETSc error code.
Get values at integration pts for tensor filed rank 1, i.e. vector field.
PipelineManager interface.
PetscErrorCode DMoFEMMeshToLocalVector(DM dm, Vec l, InsertMode mode, ScatterMode scatter_mode)
set local (or ghosted) vector values on mesh for partition only
Definition of the displacement bc data structure.
Projection of edge entities with one mid-node on hierarchical basis.
static MoFEMErrorCode Finalize()
Checks for options to be called at the conclusion of the program.
FormsIntegrators< DomainEleOp >::Assembly< PETSC >::LinearForm< GAUSS >::OpBaseTimesVector< 1, SPACE_DIM, 1 > OpInertiaForce
static boost::shared_ptr< SinkType > createSink(boost::shared_ptr< std::ostream > stream_ptr, std::string comm_filter)
Create a sink object.
MoFEMErrorCode postProcess()
function is run at the end of loop
Simple interface for fast problem set-up.
Deprecated interface functions.
DeprecatedCoreInterface Interface
Approximate field values for given petsc vector.
MoFEMErrorCode readMesh()
[Run problem]
FormsIntegrators< DomainEleOp >::Assembly< PETSC >::LinearForm< GAUSS >::OpBaseTimesVector< 1, SPACE_DIM, 1 > OpInertiaForce
static char help[]
#define CHKERR
Inline error check.
auto createDMVector(DM dm)
Get smart vector from DM.
Specialization for DisplacementCubitBcData.
virtual moab::Interface & get_moab()=0
implementation of Data Operators for Forces and Sources
Simple interface for fast problem set-up.
FormsIntegrators< DomainEleOp >::Assembly< PETSC >::BiLinearForm< GAUSS >::OpMass< 1, SPACE_DIM > OpMass
[Only used with Hooke equation (linear material model)]
#define MOFEM_LOG_C(channel, severity, format,...)
void simple(double P1[], double P2[], double P3[], double c[], const int N)
MoFEMErrorCode solveSystem()
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
static boost::shared_ptr< std::ostream > getStrmWorld()
Get the strm world object.
PetscErrorCode DMRegister_MoFEM(const char sname[])
Register MoFEM problem.
Severity levels.
#define MOFEM_LOG_TAG(channel, tag)
Tag channel.
Volume finite element base.
FTensor::Index< 'i', SPACE_DIM > i
Add operators pushing bases from local to physical configuration.
static MoFEMErrorCode Initialize(int *argc, char ***args, const char file[], const char help[])
Initializes the MoFEM database PETSc, MOAB and MPI.
#define MOFEM_TAG_AND_LOG(channel, severity, tag)
Tag and log in channel.
#define MOFEM_LOG(channel, severity)
SmartPetscObj< Vec > vectorDuplicate(Vec vec)
Create duplicate vector of smart vector.
Catch errors.
PetscReal ts_aa
shift for U_tt shift for U_tt
MoFEMErrorCode setupProblem()
[Run problem]
constexpr double poisson_ratio
static double * ts_time_ptr
ForcesAndSourcesCore::UserDataOperator UserDataOperator
EntitiesFieldData::EntData EntData
MoFEMErrorCode boundaryCondition()
[Set up problem]
[Push operators to pipeline]
PetscErrorCode DMMoFEMTSSetMonitor(DM dm, TS ts, const std::string fe_name, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::FEMethod > method, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > pre_only, boost::shared_ptr< MoFEM::BasicMethod > post_only)
Set Monitor To TS solver.
Ainsworth Cole (Legendre) approx. base .
Interface for managing meshsets containing materials and boundary conditions.
MoFEMErrorCode runProblem()
[Run problem]
FTensor::Index< 'm', 3 > m
ElementsAndOps< SPACE_DIM >::DomainEle DomainEle
MoFEMErrorCode getCubitMeshsetPtr(const int ms_id, const CubitBCType cubit_bc_type, const CubitMeshSets **cubit_meshset_ptr) const
get cubit meshset
static LoggerType & setLog(const std::string channel)
Set ans resset chanel logger.
MoFEMErrorCode outputResults()
PetscErrorCode DMoFEMLoopFiniteElements(DM dm, const char fe_name[], MoFEM::FEMethod *method, CacheTupleWeakPtr cache_ptr=CacheTupleSharedPtr())
Executes FEMethod for finite elements in DM.
PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetInt(PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscInt *ivalue, PetscBool *set)
#define MoFEMFunctionReturn(a)
Last executable line of each PETSc function used for error handling. Replaces return()
static double * ts_aa_ptr
#define MoFEMFunctionBegin
First executable line of each MoFEM function, used for error handling. Final line of MoFEM functions ...
PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetBool(PetscOptions *, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscBool *bval, PetscBool *set)
Post post-proc data at points from hash maps.
constexpr double young_modulus