Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 123]
 Contributing to MoFEM
 Password and login
 MoFEM v0.13.0
 MoFEM Authors
 Being a good citizen
 Frequently Asked Questions
 MoFEM Architecture
 Installation with Spack (Scripts)
 Applications of MoFEM in research and industry
 Development rules
 How to add a new module and program
 How to compile a program
 Installation on macOS
 Installation on Ubuntu
 Installation with Docker - advanced
 Installation with Docker - JupyterHub
 Selected publications featuring results obtained using MoFEM
 How to: Squashing for an external PR
 Users modules
 Coding practiceNaming conventions and coding policies and principles in MoFEM
 Research Opportunities
 Guidelines for bug reporting
 MoFEM UKACM 2021 School: "Weak form" in many flavours. Design and sustainable code development
 MoFEM UKACM Autumn School 2023: Mixed Finite Element Formulations in Solid Mechanics
 Writing documentationA guide to why and how to write documentation
 ADV-0: Plastic problem
 ADV-1: Contact problem
 ADV-2: Thermo-elastic example
 Running code
 ADV-3: DG Upwind for advection problem or level set
 Running code
 ADV-5: Seepage in elsatic body example
 Running code
 CLX-0: Helmholtz problem
 Readme for linear acoustics
 MoFEM Interfaces
 Other tutorials
 Running code
 User data operators table
 FUN-0: Hello world
 FUN-1: Integration on finite element mesh
 FUN-2: Hierarchical approximation
 Genarting base functions
 MAX-0: Magnetostatics
 Check before run
 MAX-1: Lorenz force
 MIX-0: Mixed formulation of Poisson equation
 MIX-1: Retrive phase solving transport-of-intensity equation.
 Readme for linear acoustics
 MIX-2: Mixed formulation for incompressible elasticity
 MSH-1: Create a 2D mesh from Gmsh
 Use read_med to create *.h5m file from *.med file (exported from Gmsh *.geo file)
 MSH-2: Create a 3D mesh from Gmsh
 Use read_med to create *.h5m file from *.med file (exported from Gmsh *.geo file)
 Command: <tt>make notebook</tt>
 SCL-0: Least square approximaton
 SCL-1: Poisson's equation (homogeneous BC)
 SCL-10: Photon diffusion
 Photon diffusion
 SCL-11: Discontinuous Galerkin for Poisson problem
 SCL-2: Poisson's equation (non-homogeneous BC)
 Mesh partition
 SCL-3: Poisson's equation (Lagrange multiplier)
 Mesh partition
 SCL-4: Nonlinear Poisson's equation
 SCL-5: Minimal surface equation
 SCL-6: Heat equation
 SCL-7: Wave equation
 Command: make notebook_scl-8
 SCL-9: Heat method
 How to run this
 VEC-0: Linear elasticity
 Readme for linear elasticity
 VEC-1: Eigen elastic
 Running problem
 Readme for eiegn problem
 VEC-2: Nonlinear elastic
 Readme for linear acoustics
 VEC-3: Nonlinear dynamic elastic
 VEC-4: Shallow wave equation on sphere
 VEC-5: Phase field model and Navier-Stokes
 VEC-6: Discontinuous Galerkin for Kirchoff-Love Plate
 VEC-7: Automatic Differentiation for Plasticity
 Contributing to MoFEM
 Eshelbian plasticity module
 Fracture Module v0.12.0
 How to Copy a Tutorial from Core
 MoFEM Modules Manager module
 Mortar Contact Module v0.10.0
 <strong>MoFEM (Cephas)</strong>
 Todo List
 Deprecated List
 Bug List