Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level
Contributing to MoFEM
Password and login
MoFEM v0.13.0
MoFEM Authors
Being a good citizen
Frequently Asked Questions
MoFEM Architecture
Installation with Spack (Scripts)
Installation with Spack (Advanced)
Applications of MoFEM in research and industry
Development rules
How to add a new module and program
How to compile a program
Installation on macOS
Installation on Ubuntu
Installation with Docker - advanced
Installation with Docker - JupyterHub
Selected publications featuring results obtained using MoFEM
How to: Squashing for an external PR
Users modules
Nonlinear Elasticity
Benchmarks crack propagation tests (EDF Tests)
Fracture Mechanics (Usage Examples)
Detailed step-by-step procedure for fracture simulation consisting of two numerical examples
Fracture mechanics module
Density mapping from CT scans
Description of density approximation from CT scan data (Usage example)
Gel Model (Usage example)
Gel Model Creep (response due to external load)
Gel Model Sorption (response to an environmental change)
Layered Gel Problem (Response to an Environmental Change)
Wood Cell (Response to an Environmental Change)
Computational homogenisation (Usage example)
Convergence studies for computational homogenisation
Periodic boundary conditions with Nitsche's method
Cell engineering module
Plasticity (User example)
Coding practice
Naming conventions and coding policies and principles in
Research Opportunities
Guidelines for bug reporting
MoFEM UKACM 2021 School: "Weak form" in many flavours. Design and sustainable code development
MoFEM UKACM Autumn School 2023: Mixed Finite Element Formulations in Solid Mechanics
Writing documentation
A guide to why and how to write documentation
ADV-0: Plastic problem
ADV-1: Contact problem
ADV-2: Thermo-elastic example
Running code
ADV-3: DG Upwind for advection problem or level set
Running code
ADV-5: Seepage in elsatic body example
Running code
CLX-0: Helmholtz problem
Readme for linear acoustics
MoFEM Interfaces
Other tutorials
COR-9: Reaction-diffusion equation
COR-10: Navier-Stokes equation
Running code
Using Gmsh
Using Salome
Tuning fork
SCL-8: Radiation boundary conditions
Elastoplastic plate
Plate with hole
Dam example
Nonlinear Elasticity
Fracture Mechanics (Usage Examples)
Detailed step-by-step procedure for fracture simulation consisting of two numerical examples
Bone remodelling module
COR-0: Mixed formulation and integration on skeleton (h-adaptivity)
Set by step example how to implement mix finite element and do hp-adaptivity
COR-1: Time dependent nonlinear mix formulation (unsaturated flow)
COR-2: Solving the Poisson equation
COR-3: Implementing operators for the Poisson equation
COR-4: Using fieldsplit solver and DM sub problem.
COR-5: A nonlinear Poisson equation
COR-6: Solid elasticity
COR-7: Mixed formulation for incompressible elasticity
COR-8: Implementation of spring element
COR-9: Reaction-diffusion equation
COR-10: Navier-Stokes equation
COR-11: Mixed formulation of nonlinear elasticity
Soap film spanned on wire
of implementation, step by step tutorial
User data operators table
Nonlinear Elasticity
Plasticity (User example)
Gel Model (Usage example)
Gel Model Creep (response due to external load)
Gel Model Sorption (response to an environmental change)
Layered Gel Problem (Response to an Environmental Change)
Wood Cell (Response to an Environmental Change)
Computational homogenisation (Usage example)
Convergence studies for computational homogenisation
Periodic boundary conditions with Nitsche's method
Bone remodelling module
Density mapping from CT scans
Description of density approximation from CT scan data (Usage example)
Using Gmsh
Using Salome
FUN-0: Hello world
FUN-1: Integration on finite element mesh
FUN-2: Hierarchical approximation
Genarting base functions
MAX-0: Magnetostatics
Check before run
MAX-1: Lorenz force
MIX-0: Mixed formulation of Poisson equation
MIX-1: Retrive phase solving transport-of-intensity equation.
Readme for linear acoustics
MIX-2: Mixed formulation for incompressible elasticity
MSH-1: Create a 2D mesh from Gmsh
Use read_med to create *.h5m file from *.med file (exported from Gmsh *.geo file)
MSH-2: Create a 3D mesh from Gmsh
Use read_med to create *.h5m file from *.med file (exported from Gmsh *.geo file)
Command: <tt>make notebook</tt>
SCL-0: Least square approximaton
SCL-1: Poisson's equation (homogeneous BC)
SCL-10: Photon diffusion
Photon diffusion
SCL-11: Discontinuous Galerkin for Poisson problem
SCL-2: Poisson's equation (non-homogeneous BC)
Mesh partition
SCL-3: Poisson's equation (Lagrange multiplier)
Mesh partition
SCL-4: Nonlinear Poisson's equation
SCL-5: Minimal surface equation
SCL-6: Heat equation
SCL-7: Wave equation
Command: make notebook_scl-8
SCL-9: Heat method
How to run this
VEC-0: Linear elasticity
Readme for linear elasticity
VEC-1: Eigen elastic
Running problem
Readme for eiegn problem
VEC-2: Nonlinear elastic
Readme for linear acoustics
VEC-3: Nonlinear dynamic elastic
VEC-4: Shallow wave equation on sphere
VEC-5: Phase field model and Navier-Stokes
VEC-6: Discontinuous Galerkin for Kirchoff-Love Plate
VEC-7: Automatic Differentiation for Plasticity
Contributing to MoFEM
Eshelbian plasticity module
Fracture Module v0.12.0
How to Copy a Tutorial from Core
MoFEM Modules Manager module
Mortar Contact Module v0.10.0
<strong>MoFEM (Cephas)</strong>
Todo List
Deprecated List
Bug List
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