► atom_tests | |
activate_deactivate_dofs.cpp | |
add_blockset.cpp | |
add_cubit_meshsets.cpp | |
adol-c_atom.cpp | |
bernstein_bezier_generate_base.cpp | |
boundary_marker.cpp | |
build_composite_problem.cpp | |
build_large_problem.cpp | |
build_problems.cpp | Atom test for building composite problem |
check_base_functions_derivatives_on_tet.cpp | |
check_base_functions_derivatives_tri.cpp | |
child_and_parent.cpp | |
continuity_check_on_contact_prism_side_ele.cpp | |
continuity_check_on_skeleton_3d.cpp | |
continuity_check_on_skeleton_with_simple_2d_for_h1.cpp | |
continuity_check_on_skeleton_with_simple_2d_for_hcurl.cpp | |
continuity_check_on_skeleton_with_simple_2d_for_hdiv.cpp | |
cubit_bc_test.cpp | |
dg_projection.cpp | |
dm_build_partitioned_mesh.cpp | |
dm_create_subdm.cpp | |
dm_mofem.cpp | Atom test for Data Manager Interface in MoFEM |
dm_partitioned_no_field.cpp | |
edge_and_bubble_shape_functions_on_quad.cpp | |
field_blas.cpp | |
field_blas_axpy.cpp | |
field_evaluator.cpp | |
find_local_coordinates.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_calculate_jacobian.cpp | Atom test checking with blessed file how Jacobian's are calculated on elements |
forces_and_sources_getting_higher_order_skin_normals_atom_tets.cpp | Atom test to calculate normals on faces approximated with HO geometry representation |
forces_and_sources_getting_mult_H1_H1_atom_test.cpp | Atom test verifying forces and sources operator on H1 approx. space |
forces_and_sources_getting_orders_indices_atom_test.cpp | Atome test for getting orders on entities |
forces_and_sources_h1_continuity_check.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_hcurl_approximation_functions.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_hdiv_approximation_functions.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_testing_contact_prism_element.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_testing_edge_element.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_testing_flat_prism_element.cpp | Test for flat prism element |
forces_and_sources_testing_ftensor.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_testing_triangle_element.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_testing_users_base.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_testing_vertex_element.cpp | |
forces_and_sources_testing_volume_element.cpp | |
gauss_points_on_outer_product.cpp | |
hanging_node_approx.cpp | |
hcurl_check_approx_in_2d.cpp | |
hcurl_continuity_check.cpp | |
hcurl_curl_operator.cpp | Testich curl-curl operator by applying Stokes theorem |
hcurl_divergence_operator_2d.cpp | |
hcurl_divergence_operator_2d_embaded_in_3d.cpp | |
hdiv_check_approx_in_3d.cpp | |
hdiv_continuity_check.cpp | |
hdiv_divergence_operator.cpp | |
higher_derivatives.cpp | |
log.cpp | |
loop_entities.cpp | |
loops_test.cpp | |
matrix_function.cpp | |
mesh_cut_test.cpp | Test for mesh cut interface |
mesh_insert_interface_atom.cpp | |
mesh_refine_atom.cpp | |
node_merge.cpp | |
operators_tests.cpp | |
partition_mesh.cpp | |
petsc_smart_ptr_objects.cpp | |
prism_elements_from_surface.cpp | |
prism_polynomial_approximation.cpp | |
projection_from_10node_op_volume.cpp | |
projection_from_10node_tet.cpp | |
quad_polynomial_approximation.cpp | |
reading_med_file.cpp | Testing interface for reading and writing med files |
record_series_atom.cpp | |
remove_entities_from_problem.cpp | |
remove_entities_from_problem_not_partitioned.cpp | |
scalar_check_approximation.cpp | |
scaling_method.cpp | Testing interface for reading and writing CSV files containing time series data |
scaling_method_with_program_args.cpp | |
schur_test_diag_mat.cpp | |
segments_distance.cpp | Test segments distance |
serial_matrix.cpp | Testing create serial/sequential matrix |
simple_interface.cpp | |
simple_l2_only.cpp | |
tensor_divergence_operator.cpp | |
test_broken_space.cpp | |
test_cache_on_entities.cpp | |
testing_base_functions.cpp | |
tetgen_interface.cpp | Test for TetGen interface |
► cmake | |
CTestScript.cmake | |
CTestScript_rdb-srv1.cmake | |
ExportFile.cmake | |
FindADOL-C.cmake | |
FindBoost.cmake | |
FindCGM.cmake | |
FindiMesh.cmake | |
FindMed.cmake | |
FindMESHKIT.cmake | |
FindMOAB.cmake | |
FindPETSC.cmake | |
FindTetGen.cmake | |
FindTriangle.cmake | |
GetGitRevisionSimple.cmake | |
PrecompiledHeaders.cmake | |
ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake | |
RunAndComp.cmake | |
WithSpack.cmake | |
► doc | |
markdown | |
► include | |
Common.hpp | Basic structures and data |
definitions.h | Useful compiler derivatives and definitions |
DeprecatedPetsc.hpp | Deprecated PETSc functions |
Exceptions.hpp | Exceptions and error handlers |
Includes.hpp | |
MoFEM.hpp | |
PetscSmartObj.hpp | Petsc smart obj declarations |
Templates.hpp | Templates declarations |
Types.hpp | Types |
joss | |
► jupyter | |
► skel | |
► ukacm_autumn_school | |
► mixed_elasto_dynamics | |
param_file.petsc | |
► mixed_hyperelasticity | |
param_file.petsc | |
► mixed_linear_elastic | |
param_file.petsc | |
► mixed_poisson | |
param_file.petsc | |
► mixed_thermo_elastic | |
param_file.petsc | |
► multifield_plasticity | |
param_file.petsc | |
sdf.py | |
templates | |
jupyterhub_config.py | |
► meshes | |
accel01.jou | |
airfoil.jou | |
bcoverlap01.jou | |
body_force.jou | |
brick_slice.jou | |
brick_slice_thermal.jou | |
brick_with_hole.jou | |
chees.jou | |
chees_atom.jou | |
comb01.jou | |
cub_with_interface.jou | |
cub_with_two_interfaces.jou | |
cube_for_theraml_expansion.jou | |
cube_for_thermal_problem.jou | |
Cube_RVE.jou | |
disp01.jou | |
elasticity_atom_test_01X.jou | |
elasticity_atom_test_01X_pressure.jou | |
elasticity_atom_test_01Y.jou | |
elasticity_atom_test_01Z.jou | |
elasticity_atom_test_body_force.jou | |
elasticity_atom_test_sheer_force.jou | |
elasticty_atom_test_thermal_expansion.jou | |
fluid_pressure_cub_test.jou | |
force01.jou | |
heat_exchange.jou | |
heatflux01.jou | |
horizontal_crack.jou | |
inlet_outlet.jou | |
interf01.jou | |
loop_atom.jou | |
LShape.jou | |
mat_elastic.jou | |
mat_elastic_transiso.jou | |
mat_interf.jou | |
mesh_cut_test.jou | |
node_merge_test.jou | |
PerforatedPlate.jou | |
pipe.jou | |
plate_with_circle_on_top.jou | |
plate_with_hole.jou | |
pressure01.jou | |
prox_femur_no_marrow.jou | |
radwanska_benchmark2.jou | |
randwanska_benchmark.jou | |
rectangle.jou | |
rectangle_surface_mesh.jou | |
simple_thermal_problem.jou | |
T3_corner_notch.jou | |
T3_horiz.jou | |
T3_horiz_assym.jou | |
temper01.jou | |
templar.jou | |
Thermal_Exp1.jou | |
Tinterface.jou | |
torsion.jou | |
trans_isotropic_cube.jou | |
tri_axial_cube_atom.jou | |
velocity01.jou | |
► scripts | |
docker_build_core_lib_script.sh | |
docker_build_mofem_script.sh | |
docker_build_users_modules_script.sh | |
install_mofem_developer.sh | |
install_mofem_developer_spack_v0.12.sh | |
install_mofem_user.sh | |
install_mofem_user_spack_v0.12.sh | |
run_cron_script_continous.sh | |
► src | |
► approximation | |
► c | |
base_functions.h | |
fem_tools.h | Loose implementation of some useful functions |
h1_hdiv_hcurl_l2.h | Functions to approximate hierarchical spaces |
► c_impl | |
base_functions.c | |
fem_tools.c | Loose implementation of some useful functions |
h1.c | |
l2.c | |
► impl | |
All.cpp | |
BaseFunction.cpp | Implementation of multi-grid solver for p- adaptivity |
BernsteinBezier.cpp | Bernstein-Bezier polynomials for H1 space |
EdgePolynomialBase.cpp | Implementation of Ainsworth-Cole H1 base on edge |
EdgeQuadHexPolynomials.cpp | Implementation of hierarchical Edge, Quad, and Hex shape functions of type H1, Hcurl, Hdiv |
EntityRefine.cpp | |
EntPolynomialBaseCtx.cpp | Implementation of Ainsworth-Cole H1 base on tetrahedral |
FatPrismPolynomialBase.cpp | Implementation of Ainsworth-Cole H1 base on edge |
FlatPrismPolynomialBase.cpp | Implementation of Ainsworth-Cole H1 base on edge |
Hcurl.cpp | Implementation of H-curl base |
Hdiv.cpp | Implementation of H-curl base |
HexPolynomialBase.cpp | Implementation of hierarchical bases on tetrahedral |
JacobiPolynomial.cpp | |
LegendrePolynomial.cpp | Implementation of base for Legendre polynomials |
LobattoPolynomial.cpp | Implementation of multi-grid solver for p- adaptivity |
Projection10NodeCoordsOnField.cpp | Project displacements/coordinates from 10 node tetrahedra on hierarchical approximation base |
QuadPolynomialBase.cpp | Implementation of bases on a quad face |
TetPolynomialBase.cpp | Implementation of hierarchical bases on tetrahedral |
TriPolynomialBase.cpp | Implementation of bases on triangle |
BaseFunction.hpp | General implementation of base function |
BernsteinBezier.hpp | Bernstein-Bezier polynomials for H1 space |
EdgePolynomialBase.hpp | Implementation of base on tetrahedral for H1 bases |
EdgeQuadHexPolynomials.hpp | Implementation of base Demkowicz functions on quad and hex |
EntityRefine.hpp | |
EntPolynomialBaseCtx.hpp | Implementation of Ainsworth-Cole H1 base on tetrahedral |
FatPrismPolynomialBase.hpp | Implementation of Ainsworth-Cole H1 base on tetrahedral |
FlatPrismPolynomialBase.hpp | Implementation of Ainsworth-Cole H1 base on tetrahedral |
Hcurl.hpp | Implementation of H-curl base function |
Hdiv.hpp | Implementation of H-curl base function |
HexPolynomialBase.hpp | Implementation of Ainsworth-Coyle / Demkowicz or any other H1, Hcurl, Hdiv and L2 base on tetrahedral |
JacobiPolynomial.hpp | Implementation of Legendre polynomial |
LegendrePolynomial.hpp | Implementation of Legendre polynomial |
LobattoPolynomial.hpp | Implementation of Lobatto polynomial |
Projection10NodeCoordsOnField.hpp | |
QuadPolynomialBase.hpp | Implementation of H1 base on a quad face |
TetPolynomialBase.hpp | Implementation of Ainsworth-Coyle / Demkowicz or any other H1, Hcurl, Hdiv and L2 base on tetrahedral |
TriPolynomialBase.hpp | Implementation of H1, Hcurl base on triangle |
► boundary_conditions | |
► impl | |
EssentialDisplacementCubitBcData.cpp | Essential boundary conditions |
EssentialMPCsData.cpp | MPC boundary conditions |
EssentialTemperatureCubitBcData.cpp | Essential boundary conditions |
ScalingMethod.cpp | |
Essential.hpp | Setting essential boundary conditions |
EssentialDisplacementCubitBcData.hpp | Implementations specialisation for DisplacementCubitBcData |
EssentialHeatFluxCubitBcData.hpp | Specialization for essential b.c. with HeatFluxCubitBcData |
EssentialMPCsData.hpp | Specialisation for MPCsTypes |
EssentialTemperatureCubitBcData.hpp | Specialization for essential b.c. with TemperatureCubitBcData |
Natural.hpp | Setting natural boundary conditions |
NaturalForceMeshsets.hpp | Specialization for NaturalForceMeshsets |
NaturalMeshsetType.hpp | Specialisation for NaturalMeshsetType |
NaturalTemperatureMeshsets.hpp | |
ScalingMethod.hpp | |
► finite_elements | |
► impl | |
All.cpp | |
BaseDerivativesDataOperators.cpp | |
ConstrainMatrixCtx.cpp | Implementation of projection matrix |
ContactPrismElementForcesAndSourcesCore.cpp | Implementation of contact prism element |
DataOperators.cpp | |
DGProjection.cpp | |
EdgeElementForcesAndSourcesCore.cpp | Implementation of edge element |
EdgeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnParent.cpp | Implementation of edge element for parent |
EntitiesFieldData.cpp | Implementation for Data Structures in Forces and Sources |
FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCore.cpp | Implementation of face element |
FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnParent.cpp | Implementation of face element |
FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnSide.cpp | Implementation of face element |
FatPrismElementForcesAndSourcesCore.cpp | Implementation of fat prism element |
FlatPrismElementForcesAndSourcesCore.cpp | Implementation of flat prism element |
ForcesAndSourcesCore.cpp | Implementation of Elements on Entities for Forces and Sources |
FormsBrokenSpaceConstraintImpl.cpp | |
FormsIntegrators.cpp | Implementation of Elements on Entities for Forces and Sources |
HODataOperators.cpp | Set of operators for high-order geometry approximation |
MeshProjectionDataOperators.cpp | |
NormsOperators.cpp | User data operators for calculating norms and differences between fields |
Schur.cpp | Implementation of Schur Complement |
UserDataOperators.cpp | Generic user data operators for evaluate fields, and other common purposes |
VertexElementForcesAndSourcesCore.cpp | Implementation of vertex element |
VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCore.cpp | Implementation of volume element |
VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnContactPrismSide.cpp | Implementation of volume element on side |
VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnSide.cpp | Implementation of volume element on side |
BaseDerivativesDataOperators.hpp | Base derivatives data operators |
BiLinearFormsIntegrators.hpp | Bilinear forms integrators |
BiLinearFormsIntegratorsImpl.hpp | Bilinear forms integrators (implementation) |
ConstrainMatrixCtx.hpp | |
ContactPrismElementForcesAndSourcesCore.hpp | Implementation of the contact prism element |
DataOperators.hpp | |
DGProjection.hpp | |
EdgeElementForcesAndSourcesCore.hpp | Implementation of elements on entities |
EdgeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnParent.hpp | Implementation of edge element integrating parent |
EntitiesFieldData.hpp | Data structures for accessing information about finite element and its degrees of freedom |
FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCore.hpp | Implementation of face element |
FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnParent.hpp | Implementation of face element integrating parent |
FaceElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnSide.hpp | Implementation of face element |
FatPrismElementForcesAndSourcesCore.hpp | |
FlatPrismElementForcesAndSourcesCore.hpp | |
ForcesAndSourcesCore.hpp | Implementation of elements on entities |
FormsBrokenSpaceConstraintImpl.hpp | Integrator for broken space constraints |
FormsIntegrators.hpp | Forms integrators |
HODataOperators.hpp | Operators managing HO geometry |
LinearFormsIntegrators.hpp | Linear forms integrators |
LinearFormsIntegratorsImpl.hpp | Linear forms integrators (implementation) |
MeshProjectionDataOperators.hpp | Mesh projection operators |
NormsOperators.hpp | User data Operators for calculating norms |
Schur.hpp | Assemble Schur complement |
TriLinearFormsIntegrators.hpp | Trilinear forms integrators |
UserDataOperators.hpp | User data Operators |
VertexElementForcesAndSourcesCore.hpp | |
VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCore.hpp | Volume element |
VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnContactPrismSide.hpp | Volume element |
VolumeElementForcesAndSourcesCoreOnSide.hpp | Volume element |
► ftensor | |
► src | |
► FTensor | |
► Christof | |
Christof_constructor.hpp | |
Christof_number.hpp | |
Christof_numeral.hpp | |
Christof_pointer.hpp | |
Christof_value.hpp | |
► Ddg | |
Ddg_and_Ddg.hpp | |
Ddg_and_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Ddg_carat_Ddg.hpp | |
Ddg_carat_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Ddg_Expr.hpp | |
Ddg_Expr_equals.hpp | |
Ddg_minus_Ddg.hpp | |
Ddg_mod_Ddg.hpp | |
Ddg_mod_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Ddg_number.hpp | |
Ddg_numeral.hpp | |
Ddg_or_Ddg.hpp | |
Ddg_or_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Ddg_plus_Ddg.hpp | |
Ddg_pointer.hpp | |
Ddg_times_Ddg.hpp | |
Ddg_times_Dg.hpp | Ddg times Dg |
Ddg_times_generic.hpp | |
Ddg_times_Tensor1.hpp | |
Ddg_times_Tensor2.hpp | |
Ddg_times_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Ddg_times_Tensor4.hpp | |
Ddg_value.hpp | |
minus_Ddg.hpp | |
► Dg | |
Dg_and_Dg.hpp | |
Dg_and_Tensor1.hpp | |
Dg_and_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Dg_constructor.hpp | |
Dg_divide_generic.hpp | |
Dg_Expr.hpp | |
Dg_Expr_equals.hpp | |
Dg_function_operator.hpp | |
Dg_minus_Dg.hpp | |
Dg_number.hpp | |
Dg_numeral.hpp | |
Dg_or_Dg.hpp | |
Dg_plus_Dg.hpp | |
Dg_pointer.hpp | |
Dg_times_Dg.hpp | |
Dg_times_generic.hpp | |
Dg_times_Tensor1.hpp | |
Dg_times_Tensor2.hpp | |
Dg_times_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Dg_value.hpp | |
minus_Dg.hpp | |
► Riemann | |
Riemann_Expr.hpp | |
Riemann_minus_Riemann.hpp | |
Riemann_plus_Riemann.hpp | |
Riemann_times_Ddg.hpp | |
Riemann_times_Tensor1.hpp | |
Riemann_times_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Riemann_times_Tensor4.hpp | |
► Tensor0 | |
d_boundary_Tensor0.hpp | |
d_one_sided_Tensor0.hpp | |
dd_boundary_Tensor0.hpp | |
ddTensor0.hpp | |
diffusion_Tensor0.hpp | |
dTensor0.hpp | |
interpolate_Tensor0.hpp | |
► Tensor1 | |
d_one_sided_Tensor1.hpp | |
ddTensor1.hpp | |
diffusion_Tensor1.hpp | |
dTensor1.hpp | |
generic_minus_Tensor1.hpp | |
interpolate_Tensor1.hpp | |
minus_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor1_and_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor1_carat_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor1_constructor.hpp | |
Tensor1_divide_generic.hpp | |
Tensor1_Expr.hpp | |
Tensor1_Expr_equals.hpp | |
Tensor1_minus_generic.hpp | |
Tensor1_minus_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor1_or_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor1_plus_generic.hpp | |
Tensor1_plus_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor1_pointer.hpp | |
Tensor1_times_generic.hpp | |
Tensor1_times_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor1_value.hpp | |
► Tensor2 | |
conj_Tensor2.hpp | |
minus_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_and_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor2_carat_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_constructor.hpp | |
Tensor2_divide_generic.hpp | |
Tensor2_Expr.hpp | |
Tensor2_minus_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_number.hpp | |
Tensor2_numeral.hpp | |
Tensor2_or_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_plus_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_pointer.hpp | |
Tensor2_times_generic.hpp | |
Tensor2_times_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor2_times_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_transform.hpp | |
Tensor2_value.hpp | |
► Tensor2_antisymmetric | |
Tensor2_antisymmetric_constructor.hpp | |
Tensor2_antisymmetric_Expr.hpp | |
Tensor2_antisymmetric_value.hpp | |
► Tensor2_symmetric | |
d_boundary_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
d_one_sided_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
dd_boundary_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
ddTensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
diffusion_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
dTensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
generic_minus_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
interpolate_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
minus_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_and_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_carat_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_carat_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_constructor.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_divide_generic.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_Expr.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_Expr_equals.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_minus_generic.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_minus_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_minus_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_mod_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_plus_generic.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_plus_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_plus_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_pointer.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_times_generic.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_times_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_times_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_times_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric_value.hpp | |
► Tensor3 | |
Tensor3_constructor.hpp | |
Tensor3_contracted.hpp | |
Tensor3_Expr.hpp | |
Tensor3_minus_Tensor3.hpp | |
Tensor3_number.hpp | |
Tensor3_numeral.hpp | |
Tensor3_or_Tensor3.hpp | |
Tensor3_plus_Tensor3.hpp | |
Tensor3_pointer.hpp | |
Tensor3_times_Dg.hpp | |
Tensor3_times_generic.hpp | |
Tensor3_times_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor3_times_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor3_times_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor3_times_Tensor3.hpp | |
Tensor3_value.hpp | |
► Tensor3_antisymmetric | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_constructor.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_Expr.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_Expr_equals.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_mod_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_or_Tensor3_antisymmetric.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_plus_Tensor3_antisymmetric.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_pointer.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_times_generic.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_times_Tensor3.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric_value.hpp | |
► Tensor4 | |
Tensor4_constructor.hpp | |
Tensor4_contracted.hpp | |
Tensor4_Expr.hpp | |
Tensor4_minus_Tensor4.hpp | |
Tensor4_number.hpp | |
Tensor4_numeral.hpp | |
Tensor4_or_Tensor4.hpp | |
Tensor4_plus_Tensor4.hpp | |
Tensor4_pointer.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_Dg_double.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_generic.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_Tensor2_double.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_Tensor2_single.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_Tensor3_double.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_Tensor3_triple.hpp | |
Tensor4_times_Tensor4_double.hpp | Tensor4 times Tensor4 yields Tensor4 |
Tensor4_value.hpp | |
Christof.hpp | |
cross.hpp | |
Ddg.hpp | |
derivative_delta.hpp | |
Dg.hpp | |
enable_if.hpp | |
error_when_instantiated.hpp | |
Index.hpp | |
Kronecker_Delta.hpp | |
Layout.hpp | |
Levi_Civita.hpp | |
Number.hpp | |
Permutation2.hpp | |
Permutation3.hpp | |
Permutation4.hpp | |
permute.hpp | |
promote.hpp | |
Riemann.hpp | |
Tensor0.hpp | |
Tensor1.hpp | |
Tensor2.hpp | |
Tensor2_antisymmetric.hpp | |
Tensor2_symmetric.hpp | |
Tensor3.hpp | |
Tensor3_antisymmetric.hpp | |
Tensor4.hpp | |
► impl | |
MatrixFunction.cpp | |
FTensor.hpp | Tensors class implemented by Walter Landry |
MatrixFunction.hpp | |
MatrixFunctionTemplate.hpp | |
► tests | |
► conformance | |
► Kronecker_Delta | |
test_Kroecker_Delta_01.cpp | |
test_Kronecker_Delta.cpp | |
► Levi_Civita | |
test_Levi_Civita.cpp | |
test_Levi_Civita_01.cpp | |
test_Levi_Civita_02.cpp | |
test_Levi_Civita_03.cpp | |
test_Levi_Civita_04.cpp | |
► T2 | |
test_T2.cpp | |
test_T2_01.cpp | |
test_T2_02.cpp | |
test_T2_03.cpp | |
test_T2_04.cpp | |
test_T2_05.cpp | |
test_T2_06.cpp | |
test_T2_07.cpp | |
test_T2_08.cpp | |
test_T2_09.cpp | |
test_T2_10.cpp | |
test_T2_11.cpp | |
test_T2_12.cpp | |
test_T2_13.cpp | |
test_T2_14.cpp | |
test_T2_15.cpp | |
test_T2_16.cpp | |
test_T2_17.cpp | |
test_T2_18.cpp | |
test_T2_19.cpp | |
test_T2_20.cpp | |
test_T2_21.cpp | |
test_T2_22.cpp | |
test_T2_23.cpp | |
test_T2_24.cpp | |
test_T2_25.cpp | |
test_T2_26.cpp | |
test_T2_27.cpp | |
test_T2_28.cpp | |
test_T2_29.cpp | |
test_T2_30.cpp | |
test_T2_31.cpp | |
test_T2_32.cpp | |
test_T2_33.cpp | |
test_T2_34.cpp | |
test_T2_35.cpp | |
test_T2_36.cpp | |
test_T2_37.cpp | |
test_T2_38.cpp | |
test_T2_iostream.cpp | |
► T2s | |
test_T2s.cpp | |
test_T2s_01.cpp | |
test_T2s_02.cpp | |
test_T2s_03.cpp | |
test_T2s_04.cpp | |
test_T2s_05.cpp | |
test_T2s_06.cpp | |
test_T2s_07.cpp | |
test_T2s_08.cpp | |
test_T2s_09.cpp | |
test_T2s_10.cpp | |
test_T2s_11.cpp | |
test_T2s_12.cpp | |
test_T2s_13.cpp | |
test_T2s_14.cpp | |
test_T2s_15.cpp | |
test_T2s_16.cpp | |
test_T2s_17.cpp | |
test_T2s_18.cpp | |
test_T2s_19.cpp | |
test_T2s_20.cpp | |
test_T2s_21.cpp | |
test_T2s_22.cpp | |
test_T2s_23.cpp | |
test_T2s_24.cpp | |
test_T2s_25.cpp | |
test_T2s_26.cpp | |
test_T2s_27.cpp | |
test_T2s_28.cpp | |
test_T2s_29.cpp | |
test_T2s_30.cpp | |
test_T2s_31.cpp | |
test_T2s_32.cpp | |
test_T2s_33.cpp | |
test_T2s_34.cpp | |
test_T2s_35.cpp | |
test_T2s_36.cpp | |
test_T2s_37.cpp | |
test_T2s_38.cpp | |
test_T2s_39.cpp | |
test_T2s_40.cpp | |
test_T2s_41.cpp | |
test_T2s_42.cpp | |
test_T2s_43.cpp | |
test_T2s_44.cpp | |
test_T2s_45.cpp | |
test_T2s_46.cpp | |
test_T2s_47.cpp | |
test_T2s_iostream.cpp | |
► T3 | |
test_T3.cpp | |
test_T3_004.cpp | |
test_T3_01.cpp | |
test_T3_02.cpp | |
test_T3_03.cpp | |
test_T3_iostream.cpp | |
► T3as | |
test_T3as.cpp | |
test_T3as_01.cpp | |
test_T3as_02.cpp | |
test_T3as_03.cpp | |
test_T3as_04.cpp | |
test_T3as_05.cpp | |
test_T3as_06.cpp | |
test_T3as_07.cpp | |
test_T3as_08.cpp | |
test_T3as_09.cpp | |
test_T3as_10.cpp | |
test_T3as_11.cpp | |
test_T3as_12.cpp | |
test_T3as_13.cpp | |
test_T3as_14.cpp | |
► T3dg | |
test_T3dg.cpp | |
test_T3dg_01.cpp | |
test_T3dg_02.cpp | |
test_T3dg_03.cpp | |
test_T3dg_038.cpp | |
test_T3dg_04.cpp | |
test_T3dg_05.cpp | |
test_T3dg_06.cpp | |
test_T3dg_07.cpp | |
test_T3dg_08.cpp | |
test_T3dg_09.cpp | |
test_T3dg_10.cpp | |
test_T3dg_11.cpp | |
test_T3dg_12.cpp | |
test_T3dg_13.cpp | |
test_T3dg_14.cpp | |
test_T3dg_15.cpp | |
test_T3dg_16.cpp | |
test_T3dg_17.cpp | |
test_T3dg_18.cpp | |
test_T3dg_19.cpp | |
test_T3dg_20.cpp | |
test_T3dg_21.cpp | |
test_T3dg_22.cpp | |
test_T3dg_23.cpp | |
test_T3dg_24.cpp | |
test_T3dg_25.cpp | |
test_T3dg_26.cpp | |
test_T3dg_27.cpp | |
test_T3dg_28.cpp | |
test_T3dg_29.cpp | |
test_T3dg_30.cpp | |
test_T3dg_31.cpp | |
test_T3dg_32.cpp | |
test_T3dg_33.cpp | |
test_T3dg_34.cpp | |
test_T3dg_35.cpp | |
test_T3dg_36.cpp | |
test_T3dg_37.cpp | |
► T4 | |
test_T4.cpp | |
test_T4_007.cpp | |
test_T4_008.cpp | |
test_T4_01.cpp | |
test_T4_02.cpp | |
test_T4_03.cpp | |
test_T4_04.cpp | |
test_T4_05.cpp | |
test_T4_06.cpp | |
test_T4_iostream.cpp | |
► T4ddg | |
test_T4ddg.cpp | |
test_T4ddg_006.cpp | |
test_T4ddg_007.cpp | |
test_T4ddg_008_ddg_times_t4.cpp | |
test_T4ddg_01.cpp | |
test_T4ddg_02.cpp | |
test_T4ddg_03.cpp | |
test_T4ddg_04.cpp | |
test_T4ddg_05.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
main_for_gcc.cpp | |
test_for_zero.hpp | |
test_Kronecker_Delta.hpp | |
test_Levi_Civita.hpp | |
test_ostream.hpp | |
test_T0.cpp | |
test_T0.hpp | |
test_T1.cpp | |
test_T1.hpp | |
test_T2.hpp | |
test_T2as.cpp | |
test_T2as.hpp | |
test_T2s.hpp | |
test_T3.hpp | |
test_T3as.hpp | |
test_T3ch.cpp | |
test_T3ch.hpp | |
test_T3dg.hpp | |
test_T4.hpp | |
test_T4ddg.hpp | |
test_T4R.cpp | |
test_T4R.hpp | |
► speed | |
acoustic.cpp | |
example.cpp | |
examplefast.cpp | |
little.cpp | |
littlefast.cpp | |
Number_test.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x.hpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x1.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x2.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x3.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x4.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x5.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x6.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x7.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x8.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x9.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast.hpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast1.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast2.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast3.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast4.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast5.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast6.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast7.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast8.cpp | |
one_over_1_minus_x_fast9.cpp | |
simple.cpp | |
single.cpp | |
speed_test.cpp | |
ftensor_and_adolc.cpp | |
ftensor_and_adolc_tapeless.cpp | |
► interfaces | |
► impl | |
AllCoreInterfaces.cpp | |
AllInterfaces.cpp | |
BcManager.cpp | Manages boundary conditions |
BitRefManager.cpp | Managing BitRefLevels \mofem_bit_ref |
CommInterface.cpp | Functions for interprocessor communications \mofem_comm |
Core.cpp | Multi-index containers, data structures and other low-level functions |
CutMeshInterface.cpp | Cut mesh by surface |
DeleteCore.cpp | Core interface methods for managing deletions and insertion dofs |
DeprecatedCoreInterface.cpp | Implementation of deprecated functions |
ErrorHandler.cpp | |
FECore.cpp | Core interface methods for managing deletions and insertion dofs |
FieldBlas.cpp | Managing complexities for problem |
FieldCore.cpp | Core interface methods for managing fields |
FieldEvaluator.cpp | Field evaluator |
ISManager.cpp | IS creating |
LogManager.cpp | Log and register warnings |
LoopMethods.cpp | Methods for managing loops |
MatPartitioningApply_Parmetis_MoFEM.cpp | |
MatrixManager.cpp | |
MedInterface.cpp | Med file interface interface |
MeshRefinement.cpp | Mesh refinement interface |
MeshsetsManager.cpp | Interface to manage meshsets which carrying information about boundary conditions and material blocks |
NodeMerger.cpp | Interface for merging nodes |
OperatorsTester.cpp | |
PipelineManager.cpp | Implementation of basic interface |
PrismInterface.cpp | Insert prisms in the interface between two surfaces |
PrismsFromSurfaceInterface.cpp | Interface for creating prisms from surface elements |
ProblemsCore.cpp | Managing complexities for problem |
ProblemsManager.cpp | Managing complexities for problem |
SeriesRecorder.cpp | Record and save data series in time or load steps |
Simple.cpp | Implementation of simple interface |
TetGenInterface.cpp | TetGen interface for meshing/re-meshing and on the fly mesh creation |
Tools.cpp | Auxiliary tools |
UnknownInterface.cpp | Unknown interfce implementation |
VecManager.cpp | Implementation of VecManager |
BcManager.hpp | Manage boundary conditions set to the problem |
BitRefManager.hpp | Interface managing BitRefLevels |
CommInterface.hpp | Interface for communication functions |
Core.hpp | Core interface class for user interface |
CoreTemplates.hpp | Core interface class for user interface |
CutMeshInterface.hpp | Cut mesh interface |
DeprecatedCoreInterface.hpp | Deprecated interface functions |
FieldBlas.hpp | Field basic algebra |
FieldEvaluator.hpp | Field Evaluator |
Interface.hpp | MoFEM interface |
ISManager.hpp | Interface managing IS |
LogManager.hpp | Log and register warnings |
LoopMethods.hpp | MoFEM interface |
MatrixManager.hpp | Interface for creating matrices and managing matrices |
MedInterface.hpp | Med file interface interface |
MeshRefinement.hpp | Interface for mesh refinement |
MeshsetsManager.hpp | MeshsetsManager interface |
NodeMerger.hpp | NodeMerger interface |
OperatorsTester.hpp | Used to calculate derivatives and testing tangent matrix, i.e. hessian |
PipelineManager.hpp | Header file for basic interface |
PrismInterface.hpp | MoFEM interface |
PrismsFromSurfaceInterface.hpp | |
ProblemsManager.hpp | Interface managing problems |
SeriesRecorder.hpp | MoFEM interface |
Simple.hpp | Header file for simple interface |
TetGenInterface.hpp | TetGen interface |
Tools.hpp | Tools interface |
UnknownInterface.hpp | MoFEM interface |
VecManager.hpp | Interface managing vectors |
► multi_indices | |
► impl | |
All.cpp | |
BCData.cpp | Structures for boundary structures |
BCMultiIndices.cpp | Structures for managing boundary conditions |
DofsMultiIndices.cpp | Multi-index containers for DOFs |
FEMultiIndices.cpp | Multi-index containers for finite elements |
FieldEntsMultiIndices.cpp | Multi-index containers for entities |
FieldMultiIndices.cpp | Multi-index containers for fields |
MaterialBlocks.cpp | Structures for material blocks |
ProblemsMultiIndices.cpp | Multindex contains for problems |
RefElementMultiIndices.cpp | Multi-index containers for finite elements |
RefEntsMultiIndices.cpp | Multi-index containers for entities |
SeriesMultiIndices.cpp | Data structures for time series and load series storage, |
AdjacencyMultiIndices.hpp | Myltindex containes, data structures for mofem adjacencies and other low-level functions |
BCData.hpp | Data structure with Cubit native blocks/meshset with boundary conditions |
BCMultiIndices.hpp | Multi-index containers, data boundary data structures and other low-level functions |
DofsMultiIndices.hpp | Multi-Index contains, data structures for mofem dofs and other low-level functions |
FEMultiIndices.hpp | Multi-index contains, data structures for mofem finite elements and other low-level functions |
FieldEntsMultiIndices.hpp | Multi-index contains, for mofem entities data structures and other low-level functions |
FieldMultiIndices.hpp | Field data structure storing information about space, approximation base, coordinate systems, etc |
MaterialBlocks.hpp | Data structures for Meshset/Blocsk with material data |
ProblemsMultiIndices.hpp | Multi-index containers, data structures for problems and other low-level functions |
RefElementMultiIndices.hpp | Multi-index contains, data structures for mofem finite elements and other low-level functions |
RefEntsMultiIndices.hpp | Multi-index contains, for mofem entities data structures and other low-level functions |
SeriesMultiIndices.hpp | Multindex containers, for mofem fields data structures and other low-level functions |
TagMultiIndices.hpp | Tags for Multi-index containers |
► petsc | |
► impl | |
All.cpp | |
DMMoFEM.cpp | |
KspCtx.cpp | |
PCMGSetUpViaApproxOrders.cpp | Implementation of multi-grid solver for p- adaptivity |
PetscSmartObj.cpp | |
SnesCtx.cpp | |
TsCtx.cpp | |
AuxPETSc.hpp | Auxiliary MoFEM-PETSc structures |
DMCtxImpl.hpp | Implementation of DM context. You should not use it directly |
DMMoFEM.hpp | Discrete manager interface for MoFEM |
KspCtx.hpp | Context for PETSc KSP, i.e. nonlinear solver |
PCMGSetUpViaApproxOrders.hpp | Header of multi-grid solver for p- adaptivity |
SnesCtx.hpp | Context for PETSc SNES, i.e. nonlinear solver |
TsCtx.hpp | Context for PETSc Time Stepping |
► post_proc | |
► impl | |
PostProcBrokenMeshInMoabBase.cpp | |
PostProc.hpp | Post-process fields on refined mesh |
PostProcBrokenMeshInMoabBase.hpp | |
► third_party | |
► phg-quadrule | |
quad-permu.h | |
quad.c | |
quad.h | |
cholesky.hpp | Cholesky decomposition |
gm_rule.c | |
gm_rule.h | |
IntegrationRules.cpp | |
IntegrationRules.hpp | |
lapack_wrap.h | |
tetcircumcenter.c | |
tetrahedron_ncc_rule.c | |
tetrahedron_ncc_rule.h | |
tetrahedron_nco_rule.c | |
tetrahedron_nco_rule.h | |
triangle_felippa_rule.c | |
triangle_felippa_rule.h | |
triangle_ncc_rule.c | |
triangle_ncc_rule.h | |
triangle_nco_rule.c | |
triangle_nco_rule.h | |
tricircumcenter.c | |
► tools | |
► src | |
SaveVertexDofOnTag.hpp | |
Smoother.hpp | |
SurfaceSlidingConstrains.hpp | Implementing surface sliding constrains |
VolumeLengthQuality.hpp | Implementation of Volume-Length-Quality measure with barrier |
add_meshsets.cpp | Add meshsets |
convert.py | |
delete_ho_nodes.cpp | Delete higher order nodes |
extrude_prisms.cpp | Extrude prisms from surface elements block |
field_to_vertices.cpp | Field to vertices |
fix_file.cpp | Load and save file |
get_skin.cpp | |
make_mesh_png.py | |
mesh_cut.cpp | Test for mesh cut interface |
mesh_smoothing.cpp | Improve mesh quality using Volume-length quality measure with barrier |
meshset_to_vtk.cpp | |
mofem_part.cpp | |
read_med.cpp | |
read_vtk.cpp | Tool to read mesh files as vtk files assuming Boundary conditions are set with a field named "BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS" |
remove_mofem_meshsets.cpp | |
split_sideset.cpp | Split sidesets |
uniform_mesh_refinement.cpp | Uniformly refine mesh |
write_med.cpp | Write med files |
► tutorials | |
► adv-0 | |
doc | |
► meshes | |
necking_3D.jou | |
► src | |
PlasticNaturalBCs.hpp | |
PlasticOps.hpp | |
PlasticOpsGeneric.hpp | |
PlasticOpsLargeStrains.hpp | |
PlasticOpsMonitor.hpp | |
PlasticOpsSmallStrains.hpp | |
necking_3D.jou | |
param_file.petsc | |
plastic.cpp | |
sdf.py | |
► adv-1 | |
doc | |
► sdf_files | |
sdf.py | |
sdf_hertz_2d_axisymm_plane.py | |
sdf_hertz_2d_axisymm_sphere.py | |
sdf_hertz_2d_plane.py | |
sdf_hertz_3d.py | |
sdf_plane_2d.py | |
sdf_plane_3d.py | |
sdf_wavy_2d.py | |
sdf_ydirection.py | |
► src | |
ContactNaturalBC.hpp | |
ContactOps.hpp | |
PostProcContact.hpp | |
contact.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► adv-2 | |
doc | |
► mesh_files | |
conv_rad_3d.jou | |
► src | |
ThermalConvection.hpp | Implementation of thermal convection bc |
ThermalRadiation.hpp | Implementation of thermal radiation bc |
ThermoElasticOps.hpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
thermo_elastic.cpp | |
► adv-3 | |
doc | |
level_set.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► adv-4 | |
dynamic_first_order_con_law.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► adv-5 | |
doc | |
► src | |
SeepageOps.hpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
seepage.cpp | |
► clx-0 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
geometry.jou | |
helmholtz.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► cor-0to1 | |
► atom_tests | |
mix_transport.cpp | |
doc | |
► src | |
MaterialUnsaturatedFlow.hpp | Mix implementation of transport element |
MixTransportElement.hpp | Mix implementation of transport element |
UnsaturatedFlow.hpp | Mix implementation of transport element |
h_adaptive_transport.cpp | Example implementation of transport problem using mixed formulation |
l-shape.geo | |
l-shape.msh | |
paper.jou | |
run_paper.sh | |
unsaturated_transport.cpp | Implementation of unsaturated flow problem |
► cor-10 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
navier_stokes.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► cor-2to5 | |
doc | |
► src | |
AuxPoissonFunctions.hpp | |
PoissonOperators.hpp | |
analytical_nonlinear_poisson.cpp | |
analytical_poisson.cpp | |
analytical_poisson_field_split.cpp | |
► cor-6 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
simple_elasticity.cpp | |
► cor-7 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► src | |
ElasticityMixedFormulation.hpp | |
elasticity_mixed_formulation.cpp | |
LShape.jou | |
► cor-8 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► cor-9 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
mesh.jou | |
param_file.petsc | |
reaction_diffusion.cpp | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► fun-0 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
hello_world.cpp | |
► fun-1 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
integration.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► fun-2 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
plot_base.cpp | |
► max-0 | |
doc | |
► src | |
MagneticElement.hpp | Implementation of magnetic element |
magnetic_coil.jou | |
magnetostatic.cpp | |
► max-1 | |
doc | |
lorentz_force.cpp | |
► mix-0 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
mixed_poisson.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
standard_poisson.cpp | |
► mix-1 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
param_file.petsc | |
phase.cpp | |
► mix-2 | |
doc | |
incompressible_elasticity.cpp | Incompressible elasticity problem |
param_file.petsc | |
param_file_FS.petsc | |
param_file_LU.petsc | |
param_file_SCHUR.petsc | |
► msh-1 | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
Lshape.geo | |
square.geo | |
► msh-2 | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
cube.geo | |
► scl-0 | |
doc | |
approximaton.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► scl-1 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► src | |
poisson_2d_homogeneous.hpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
poisson_2d_homogeneous.cpp | |
► scl-10 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
cross.jou | |
initial_diffusion.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
photon_diffusion.cpp | |
► scl-11 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► src | |
PoissonDiscontinousGalerkin.hpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
poisson_2d_dis_galerkin.cpp | |
► scl-12 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► mesh_files | |
elec.jou | |
► src | |
electrostatics.hpp | |
electrostatics.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► scl-2 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► src | |
poisson_2d_nonhomogeneous.hpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
poisson_2d_nonhomogeneous.cpp | |
► scl-3 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► src | |
poisson_2d_lagrange_multiplier.hpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
poisson_2d_lagrange_multiplier.cpp | |
► scl-4 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► src | |
nonlinear_poisson_2d.hpp | |
nonlinear_poisson_2d.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► scl-5 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
mesh.jou | |
minimal_surface_equation.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► scl-6 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
heat_equation.cpp | |
mesh.jou | |
param_file.petsc | |
► scl-7 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
param_file.petsc | |
run.sh | |
wave_equation.cpp | |
wave_equation.jou | |
► scl-8 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
param_file.petsc | |
pluto.jou | |
radiation.cpp | |
► scl-9 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
heat_method.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► src | |
GenericElementInterface.hpp | Header file for GenericElementInterface element implementation |
MethodForForceScaling.hpp | |
TimeForceScale.hpp | |
► vec-0 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► src | |
CalculateTraction.hpp | Calculate traction for linear problem |
ElasticSpring.hpp | Implementation of elastic spring bc |
FluidLevel.hpp | Natural boundary condition applying pressure from fluid |
NaturalBoundaryBC.hpp | Implementation of natural boundary conditions |
NaturalDomainBC.hpp | Boundary conditions in domain, i.e. body forces |
elastic.cpp | Elastic example |
mesh.jou | |
param_file.petsc | |
► vec-1 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
eigen_elastic.cpp | |
mesh.jou | |
param_file.petsc | |
► vec-2 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► meshes | |
create_mesh_links.py | |
► src | |
HenckyOps.hpp | |
mesh.jou | |
nonlinear_elastic.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► vec-3 | |
doc | |
mesh.jou | |
nonlinear_dynamic_elastic.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► vec-4 | |
doc | |
approx_sphere.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
shallow_wave.cpp | |
► vec-5 | |
doc | |
► src | |
FreeSurfaceOps.hpp | |
free_surface.cpp | |
new_device.jou | |
param_file.petsc | |
surface.py | |
► vec-6 | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
param_file.petsc | |
plate.cpp | |
► users_modules | |
► adolc-plasticity | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► meshes | |
bar.jou | |
plate_with_hole.jou | |
plate_with_hole_2d.jou | |
strip_footing.jou | |
► src | |
► impl | |
ADOLCPlasticity.cpp | Operators and data structures for ADOL-C plasticity |
ClosetPointProjection.cpp | Implementation of nested integration algorithm for plasticity |
ADOLCPlasticity.hpp | |
ADOLCPlasticityMaterialModels.hpp | Matetial models for plasticity |
adolc_plasticity.cpp | |
cloasest_point_projection.cpp | |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
param_file.petsc | |
sdf.py | |
test.cmake | |
► basic_finite_elements | |
► atom_tests | |
body_force_atom_test.cpp | Atom test for (linear) body forces implementation |
convective_matrix.cpp | |
damper_jacobian_test.cpp | Atom test testing calculation of element residual vectors and tangent matrices |
field_approximation.cpp | |
fluid_pressure_element.cpp | Atom test for fluid pressure element |
LShape.jou | |
neumann_forces.cpp | |
nonlinear_elastic.cpp | Atom test for linear elastic dynamics |
nonlinear_elastic_test_jacobian.cpp | |
sphere.jou | |
testing_jacobian_of_hook_element.cpp | |
testing_jacobian_of_hook_scaled_with_density_element.cpp | |
testing_jacobian_of_navier_stokes_element.cpp | |
testing_jacobian_of_surface_pressure_element.cpp | |
thermal_elem.cpp | |
thermal_elem_unsteady.cpp | |
thermal_stress_elem.cpp | |
thermal_with_analytical_bc.cpp | |
► cohesive_interface | |
► src | |
CohesiveInterfaceElement.hpp | Implementation of linear interface element |
InterfaceGapArcLengthControl.hpp | Implementation of arc-lebgth control for cohesive elements |
arc_length_interface.cpp | Example of arc-length with interface element |
PeelTest.jou | |
PeelTestHalfCrack.jou | |
► elasticity | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
elasticity.cpp | |
gmesh_beam.geo | |
gmesh_beam.msh | |
LShape.jou | |
simple_rod_beam.jou | |
spring_LShape.jou | |
► nonlinear_elastic_materials | |
► src | |
ElasticMaterials.hpp | Elastic materials |
Hooke.hpp | Implementation of linear elastic material |
NeoHookean.hpp | Implementation of Neo-Hookean elastic material |
NonlinearElasticElementInterface.hpp | |
SmallTransverselyIsotropic.hpp | |
VolumeLengthQuality.hpp | Implementation of Volume-Length-Quality measure with barrier |
► nonlinear_elasticity | |
doc | |
► examples | |
► dam | |
dam.jou | |
► prismatic_bar | |
rod.jou | |
cylinder.jou | |
arc_length_nonlinear_elasticity.cpp | Nonlinear elasticity (arc-length control) |
dome_stability.jou | |
dome_thin_symm.jou | |
LShape.jou | |
nonlinear_dynamics.cpp | |
rod.jou | |
stability.cpp | |
► src | |
► impl | |
All.cpp | |
AnalyticalDirichlet.cpp | |
ArcLengthTools.cpp | |
ConstrainMatrixCtx.cpp | Implementation of projection matrix |
ConvectiveMassElement.cpp | Operators and data structures for mass and convective mass element |
DirichletBC.cpp | |
EdgeForce.cpp | |
FluidPressure.cpp | |
HookeElement.cpp | |
NavierStokesElement.cpp | |
NodeForce.cpp | |
NonLinearElasticElement.cpp | |
PostProcOnRefMesh.cpp | Postprocess fields on refined mesh made for 10 Node tets |
SimpleRodElement.cpp | |
SpringElement.cpp | |
SurfacePressure.cpp | |
SurfacePressureComplexForLazy.cpp | |
ThermalElement.cpp | |
AnalyticalDirichlet.hpp | |
ArcLengthTools.hpp | |
BasicBoundaryConditionsInterface.hpp | Header file for BasicBoundaryConditionsInterface element implementation |
BasicFiniteElements.hpp | |
BodyForce.hpp | |
ConstrainMatrixCtx.hpp | |
ConvectiveMassElement.hpp | Operators and data structures for mass and convective mass element |
DirichletBC.hpp | |
EdgeForce.hpp | |
FieldApproximation.hpp | |
FluidPressure.hpp | |
GenericElementInterface.hpp | Header file for GenericElementInterface element implementation |
HookeElement.hpp | |
KelvinVoigtDamper.hpp | Implementation dashpot, i.e. damper |
MethodForForceScaling.hpp | |
NavierStokesElement.hpp | |
NodalForce.hpp | |
NonLinearElasticElement.hpp | Operators and data structures for non-linear elastic analysis |
PostProcHookStresses.hpp | |
PostProcOnRefMesh.hpp | Post-process fields on refined mesh |
PostProcStresses.hpp | Post-processing stresses for non-linear analysis |
SaveVertexDofOnTag.hpp | |
SimpleRodElement.hpp | |
Smoother.hpp | |
SpringElement.hpp | |
SurfacePressure.hpp | |
SurfacePressureComplexForLazy.hpp | |
SurfaceSlidingConstrains.hpp | Implementing surface sliding constrains |
ThermalElement.hpp | Operators and data structures for thermal analysis |
ThermalStressElement.hpp | Implementation of thermal stresses element |
TimeForceScale.hpp | |
VolumeCalculation.hpp | Operator can be used with any volume element to calculate sum of volumes of all volumes in the set |
► thermal | |
thermal_steady.cpp | Example of steady thermal analysis |
thermal_unsteady.cpp | Example of thermal unsteady analyze |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
► bone_remodelling | |
► cmake | |
FindMetaIO.cmake | |
► CMakeFiles | |
► 3.4.3 | |
► CompilerIdC | |
CMakeCCompilerId.c | |
► CompilerIdCXX | |
CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp | |
CMakeCCompiler.cmake | |
CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake | |
CMakeSystem.cmake | |
► mass_calculation.dir | |
cmake_clean.cmake | |
DependInfo.cmake | |
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake | |
feature_tests.c | |
feature_tests.cxx | |
Makefile.cmake | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► examples | |
atom_test_adapt.jou | |
sphere.jou | |
► src | |
► impl | |
Remodeling.cpp | |
SphereSurfaceIntegration.cpp | |
DensityMaps.hpp | Operator can be used with any volume element to calculate sum of volumes of all volumes in the set |
Remodeling.hpp | |
SphereSurfaceIntegration.hpp | Quadrature points on sphere surface |
bone_adaptation.cpp | |
cmake_install.cmake | |
do_vtk.sh | |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
mass_calculation.cpp | |
mhd_merger.cpp | |
► cell_engineering | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► examples | |
mesh_for_prims.jou | |
► src | |
CellForces.hpp | |
DispMap.hpp | |
cell_forces.cpp | Calculate cell forces |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
map_disp.cpp | |
map_disp_prism.cpp | |
► cmake | |
CheckMoFEMVersion.cmake | |
CTestScript.cmake | |
CTestScript_rdb-srv1.cmake | |
PrecompileHeaders.cmake | |
Tutorials.cmake | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► eshelbian_plasticit | |
doc | |
► examples | |
► cook_cantilever | |
cook.jou | |
cube.jou | |
sdf_sphere.py | |
► src | |
► impl | |
CGGTonsorialBubbleBase.cpp | |
EshelbianADOL-C.cpp | |
EshelbianContact.cpp | |
EshelbianMonitor.cpp | Contains definition of EshelbianMonitor class |
EshelbianOperators.cpp | |
EshelbianPlasticity.cpp | Implementation of automatic differentiation |
Hencky.cpp | Implementation of Hencky material |
HMHHStVenantKirchhoff.cpp | Implementation StVenantKirchhoff |
HMHNeohookean.cpp | Implementation of NeoHookean material |
HMHPMooneyRivlinWriggersEq63.cpp | Implement of MooneyRivlinWriggersEq63 |
SetUpSchurImpl.cpp | |
TSElasticPostStep.cpp | |
CGGTonsorialBubbleBase.hpp | Implementation of tonsorial bubble base div(v) = 0 |
EshelbianAux.hpp | Auxilary functions for Eshelbian plasticity |
EshelbianContact.hpp | |
EshelbianPlasticity.hpp | Eshelbian plasticity interface |
TSEPAdapt.hpp | Step adaptation |
ep.cpp | |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
param_file.petsc | |
vtk_cgg_base.cpp | |
► fracture_mechanics | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► examples | |
► analytical_bc | |
script_to_run_convergence_tests.sh | |
► brick_slice_with_slot | |
brick_slice_with_slot.jou | |
param_file.petsc | |
► brick_with_half_keyway | |
brick_with_falf_keyway.jou | |
param_file.petsc | |
► circular_pate_cut_mesh | |
circular_plate_cutting_mesh.jou | |
► density_meshes | |
3tet_mesh4cut.jou | |
► mwls_tangent_internal | |
param_file.petsc | |
► three_point_bending_contact | |
param_file.petsc | |
2crack_surfaces.jou | |
brick_b2.jou | |
brick_slice_b2.jou | |
brick_slice_test.jou | |
long_brick.jou | |
mixed_modeI_III.jou | |
plate_with_single_crack.jou | |
► scripts | |
animated_plot.sh | |
paraview_deform_macro.py | |
plotting_data.sh | |
► src | |
► impl | |
CPMeshCut.cpp | |
CPSolvers.cpp | |
CrackFrontElement.cpp | |
CrackPropagation.cpp | |
MWLS.cpp | |
ComplexConstArea.hpp | |
ConstantArea.hpp | |
CPMeshCut.hpp | |
CPSolvers.hpp | Solvers for crack propagation |
CrackFrontElement.hpp | |
CrackPropagation.hpp | Main class for crack propagation |
GriffithForceElement.hpp | |
MWLS.hpp | |
AnalyticalFun.hpp | |
crack1_with_edge_force.jou | |
crack_mesh_cut.cpp | |
crack_propagation.cpp | |
create_mwls_stress_mesh.cpp | |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
memcheck_leak.cpp | |
mwls_at_gauss_point.cpp | |
param_file.petsc | |
► gels | |
► atom_tests | |
gel_constitutive_equation_test.cpp | Atom test verifying implementation of gel constitutive equations |
gel_jacobian_test.cpp | Atom test testing calculation of element residual vectors and tangent matrices |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► meshes | |
brick_of_gel.jou | |
creep_force.jou | |
elephant.jou | |
layered_gel_example.jou | |
sorption_cube.jou | |
wood_cell_example.jou | |
► src | |
Gels.hpp | Implementation of Gel finite element |
UserGelModel.hpp | Implementation of Gel finite element |
gel_analysis.cpp | Reads cubit file and solves problem with gel material |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
► homogenisation | |
► atom_tests | |
homogenisation_disp_atom_test.cpp | |
homogenisation_periodic_atom_test.cpp | |
homogenisation_trac_atom_test.cpp | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► examples | |
nitsche_test.jou | |
nitsche_test_get_data.sh | |
► meshes | |
Cube.jou | |
Cube_atom_test.jou | |
Cube_HOG.jou | |
Cube_moisture.jou | |
Cube_RVE_with_reinforcement.jou | |
Cube_With_Inclusion.jou | |
LShape.jou | |
RVE_CERL_2.jou | |
RVE_Scida.jou | |
Textile_RVE.jou | |
Textile_RVE_TransIso.jou | |
► src | |
BCs_RVELagrange_Disp.hpp | |
BCs_RVELagrange_Periodic.hpp | |
BCs_RVELagrange_Trac.hpp | |
BCs_RVELagrange_Trac_Rigid_Rot.hpp | |
BCs_RVELagrange_Trac_Rigid_Trans.hpp | |
BCs_RVEVolume.hpp | |
NitscheMethod.hpp | Basic implementation of Nitsche method |
NitschePeriodicMethod.hpp | Implementation of Nitsche's method for periodic constrains |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
rve_fibre_directions.cpp | |
rve_fibre_directions_interface.cpp | |
rve_mech_plas_interface_disp.cpp | |
rve_mech_plas_interface_periodic.cpp | |
rve_mech_plas_periodic.cpp | |
rve_mechanical.cpp | Calculates stiffness matrix for elastic RVE |
► minimal_surface_equation | |
► doc | |
AddDocumentation.cmake | |
► meshes | |
circle.jou | |
► src | |
MinimalSurfaceElement.hpp | Implementation of minimal surface element |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
minimal_surface_area.cpp | |
► modules_manager | |
► examples | |
bouncing_ball.jou | |
bouncing_mofem.jou | |
dam.jou | |
mortar_test_my_mesh.jou | |
rod.jou | |
run_cleat.sh | |
► src | |
MoFEMManager.hpp | |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
mofem_manager.cpp | |
► mortar_contact | |
► examples | |
► salome | |
param_file.petsc | |
► src | |
► impl | |
AllMortar.cpp | |
clipper.cpp | |
MortarContactInterface.cpp | |
MortarContactProblem.cpp | |
SimpleContact.cpp | |
clipper.hpp | |
ContactSearchKdTree.hpp | |
HookeInternalStressElement.hpp | |
MakeStructures.hpp | |
Mortar.hpp | |
MortarContactInterface.hpp | |
MortarContactProblem.hpp | |
MortarCtestFunctions.hpp | |
SimpleContact.hpp | Header file for simple contact element implementation |
hertz_surface.cpp | |
InstalledAddModule.cmake | |
mortar_contact.cpp | |
mortar_contact_thermal.cpp | |
simple_contact.cpp | |
simple_contact_thermal.cpp | |
test_jacobian_of_simple_contact_element.cpp | |
UMBuildLib.cmake | |
wavy_surface.cpp | |
► scripts | |
run_cron_script.sh | |
CTestConfig.cmake | |
ModulesList.cmake | |
BuildDockerStack.sh | |
CTestConfig.cmake | |